Chapter 262 Self-inflicted (2)

After Huangge said this, King Jin noticed that Mrs. Yun was also there, but thinking of the news that had just passed to him from the mansion, King Jin's expression sank when he saw Mrs. Yun.

"What does a jealous woman care about her, come and drive Mrs. Yun out of the palace immediately."

When she heard that King Jin was about to expel her from the palace, Mrs. Yun panicked and knelt down subconsciously.

"My lord, I really didn't push Mrs. Thirteen..."

"At that time, only you and Shisan were present. You didn't push her, did she throw it herself? Jealousy!" King Jin was furious when he heard this, stepped forward and kicked Mrs. Yun to the ground and said sharply.

Mrs. Yun had just walked through the gate of hell and hadn't fully recovered her vitality. Now that she was kicked severely on the shoulder by King Jin, her small face was as pale as paper.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, there is indeed something strange about Mrs. Thirteen's miscarriage. It's not too late to go in and inquire about the situation at that time before making a decision." Seeing that Mrs. Yun was almost half-lifed now, Huang Ge was afraid that King Jin would be furious. He killed her straight away, and immediately persuaded her.

"The person who just came to report said that Mrs. Thirteen is in danger of her life. Brother Wuhuang should go and see her first. As for this lady, if she is really a jealous person, it will not be too late to punish him later." Huang Ge As soon as the words finished, Lan Jue, who was next to him, also spoke to help. Hearing this, King Jin felt that what the two said was quite reasonable, so he gave Mrs. Yun a hard look, and then stepped into Mrs. Thirteen's courtyard.

Afterwards, Lan Jue didn't say much to Huang Ge, but just glanced at her lightly, although the eyes were neither happy nor angry, but for some reason Huang Ge felt a little guilty when he looked at her.

Well, she admits that joining the fun today does feel like avenging public affairs.

But who let the thirteenth lady provoke her, whoever doesn't provoke her, blame her.

When King Jin and his party entered Mrs. Thirteen's room, she just woke up not long after. When she heard that her child was gone, she cried and made fuss. Xiao Shi and the two side concubines were patiently persuading her.But Mrs. Thirteen couldn't listen at all, she not only threw pillows and pillows all over the floor and smashed medicine bowls all over the floor, but also slapped Side Concubine Liu and another side concubine a few times.

Xiao Shi, who was persuading her with a headache, suddenly saw that King Jin had returned, she was secretly relieved, and immediately abandoned the thirteenth wife and turned to bow to King Jin to salute.

"I have met the prince personally, His Royal Highness the King of Yue."

"What's going on?" Jin Wang couldn't help frowning and asked when he saw something fell on the blanket in front of the bed.

Xiao Shi heard the words before she had time to explain, the Thirteenth Madam cried and shouted to King Jin first.

"My lord, you have to make the decision for me. That bitch Yunqing actually murdered me and your child. Not only did sister Wangfei not punish her, she also advised me not to pursue her for the time being and to care about this matter. This is clearly protecting that bitch."

Mrs. Thirteen's words not only revealed Mrs. Yun's guilt, but also sued Princess Jin. This plan of killing two birds with one stone is quite appropriate.

"This jealous woman has acted so viciously. Why do you keep her in the mansion, my concubine?" Seeing Mrs. Thirteen's flower-like face turned extremely pale at this moment, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying, King Jin felt distressed. Mrs. Yun's hatred and dissatisfaction with Princess Jin also deepened a lot.

"My lord, this bitch Yun Qing killed our child, how can you just drive her out of the mansion?" The thirteenth lady was not happy when she heard that King Jin just wanted Princess Jin to drive Mrs. Yun out of the mansion up.

(End of this chapter)

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