Chapter 264 Self-inflicted (4)

"Really? Mrs. Thirteen is confused. I have nothing to say to you. At that time, there were more than ten servants around me. Why did you rush over at that time? You might as well ask a few people to come over and ask. What did they say?" Facing Madam Thirteen's retaliation, Huang Ge didn't show any emotional fluctuations on her face, but instead raised the corners of her mouth in a kind reminder.

When everyone heard Huangge's words, they looked at Madam Thirteen with even more gloating eyes. The only person serving Huangge was Ah Xun, but when Huangge and Madam Thirteen were together, there were more than ten servants serving them. Of course, the dozen or so people were all brought by Mrs. Thirteen.

No matter how favored the thirteenth wife is, she is still a concubine. A concubine usually travels more ostentatiously than the main concubine. If this matter is placed in the family affairs of Jin Wangfu on weekdays, the king of Jin will naturally turn a blind eye because he loves the thirteenth wife. Turn a blind eye, and Xiao Shi never cares about Mrs. Thirteen.

But it happened today that it was different, not all the people present were from the Jin Palace, there were also Lan Jue and Huang Ge present.No matter how these words fell into King Jin's ears, it was as if an invisible slap fell on his face, which immediately made him feel a burning pain on his face.

"My lord, look at His Royal Highness Prince Jin, a wife is accompanied by more than a dozen servants to serve her when she travels. I am the only one who serves our princess..." As if thinking that King Jin's face was not difficult enough, Ah Xunbian Leaving a flat mouth, pretending to be dissatisfied and complaining.

The burning feeling on King Jin's face suddenly became heavier when he heard the words, but at this time, he could only hold on to his smile and find a way for himself to smooth things over.

"Thirteen is pregnant, and there have been more people serving me recently. My younger siblings also know that Thirteen is spoiled by me, and they usually act a little too much. If you offend your younger siblings, it's for the sake of my king not to be with her." care about."

"His Royal Highness Jin Wang was joking. I was just joking with Mrs. Shisan just now, and I didn't mean to care about it. However, the matter between Mrs. Thirteen and me can be left alone, but the matter between her and Mrs. Yun is related to a human life. It's better to be clearer." Huangge smiled immediately upon hearing this, and very cooperatively gave King Jin a step down.However, when the topic changed, it returned to Mrs. Thirteen's tire failure. The posture was clearly to seek justice for Mrs. Yun.

Seeing this, many wives who were watching couldn't help but be secretly shocked. When did Mrs. Yun, the most inconspicuous lady in this mansion, climb up the high branch of Princess Yue.Not only were the many wives surprised, even Xiao Shi was also a little surprised, and there was a bit of inquiry in the eyes that looked at Huangge.

"It's this bitch who killed my child on purpose, what else can I say?" Mrs. Thirteen immediately started crying again, insisting that it was Mrs. Yun who lost her child to her.

"Then why was Mrs. Yun assassinated when she was detained in the firewood room? Could it be that a lady in the mansion was close to Mrs. Thirteen, seeing that you lost a child and wanted to kill Mrs. Yun to help you relieve your hatred?" Zuo looked at Mrs. Thirteen in surprise, and took advantage of the opportunity to tell the story of Mrs. Yun who was almost strangled to death in the firewood room.

When everyone in the house heard that Mrs. Yun was almost killed in the firewood room, their expressions changed immediately, especially Mrs. Xiao.In order to protect Mrs. Yun, she even specially sent someone to guard it, but she didn't expect that someone would dare to do anything under her nose.

(End of this chapter)

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