Chapter 265 Self-inflicted (5)

Huang Ge intentionally said this matter just to defraud the Thirteenth Madam, who would have thought that this mention of Huang Ge really captured a fleeting panic from her face.

"Someone wants to kill her?" Jin Wang was also quite surprised by the news that Huang Ge said. Although there are many women in Jin Wang's mansion, and there are always people fighting openly and secretly, but there has never been such a murderous incident behind the scenes. .

"Mother Xiao was also there at the time. If it wasn't for the lady who we went in, Mrs. Yun would have already gone." Under the startled eyes of everyone, Huang Ge nodded slightly, and then pointed to the woman who came with them. He bowed to King Jin before, and immediately knelt on the ground and told the story of what happened in the firewood room in detail.

Although the people present had never seen the situation at that time with their own eyes, they all secretly gasped when they heard that Mrs. Yun almost died completely, and many of them subconsciously turned their attention to Mrs. Thirteen.

"What are you looking at me for? I almost died just now, could it be that I did it?" Mrs. Thirteen was uncomfortable being watched by everyone, and she couldn't help but shouted hoarsely at everyone in order to hide the panic in her heart.

After hearing the words, everyone felt that Mrs. Thirteen's words were reasonable. Mrs. Thirteen did almost lose her life because of the loss of her child just now. If it weren't for the joint efforts of several doctors to treat her, she might still be in danger of her life.

"Since Mrs. Yun is suspected of intentionally pushing Mrs. Thirteen down, she is also suspected of directing and acting a suicide to exonerate herself." Just as everyone was thinking about Mrs. Thirteen's words, Xiao suddenly spoke.

Seeing that Mrs. Xiao actually opened his mouth to help the thirteenth wife, Huang Ge couldn't help but a touch of surprise flashed in his heart.

Immediately after Mrs. Thirteen's miscarriage, Mrs. Xiao ordered someone to lock Mrs. Yun into the firewood room. This move was clearly to keep Mrs. Yun temporarily. Since she had already thought about keeping Mrs. Yun, why did she change the direction of the wind at this moment.

The change in Xiao's attitude not only surprised Huang Ge, but Madam Yun also couldn't believe the way she looked at Xiao.She had been thinking about Xiao Shi's life-saving grace before, and after thinking about it, she agreed to Xiao Shi's previous proposal to help her with that matter.But now Mrs. Xiao actually helped Mrs. Thirteen to deal with her, and Mrs. Yun's heart was filled with grief when she was shocked.

Sure enough, in the Jin Palace, their lives are as cheap as weeds.

"This bastard is clearly trying her best to exonerate herself. I have pity on my child. She left before seeing the world..." Mrs. Thirteen was also surprised that Mrs. Xiao would speak up for her, but she didn't Instead of thinking deeply, he seized this opportunity and continued to bite Mrs. Yun to death.

Feeling the ups and downs of Mrs. Yun's thoughts, Huang Ge quietly held her wrist and said with a smile while silently comforting her.

"What the princess said is very true. I doubted it at first, but you should know what's going on after knocking on an object. Ah Xun, present the thing."

Hearing this, Ah Xun immediately turned around and left the room, and when he came in from the door after a while, there was already a white silk in his hand.

"This is it?" King Jin glanced at the white silk with a confused look on his face.

"This is the white silk that nearly killed Mrs. Yun just now. When I came here, I thought about it carefully and thought it might be useful, so I asked Ah to find a servant girl in the mansion and go to the firewood room to get it."

(End of this chapter)

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