The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 277 Invite Lan Jue Zhang to Come

Chapter 277 Please come back Lan Jue
After hearing Huangge's answer, Mrs. Yun wanted to ask some more questions, but Ah Xun spoke before she could.

"Mrs. Yun, my mother's willingness to save you is due to your temperament of knowing how to advance and retreat, so don't cross the line."

After Ah Xun's reminder, Mrs. Yun shuddered all over, and swallowed all the words that had just reached the tip of her tongue.How could she forget her identity, almost crossed the line just because Huang Ge treated her a little more kindly.

What Ah Xun said is absolutely right, there are some things she can ask, but there are some things she shouldn't ask and she shouldn't know.

"Ah Xun usually speaks a little bluntly but without malice. Madam should be tired today, go to rest earlier." Huang Ge is extremely satisfied with Ah Xun's timely reminder to Mrs. Yun, but for the sake of According to Madam Fuyun's emotions, Huang Ge still smiled and comforted her.

"I would like to follow your mother's instruction, Yun Qing will go down first." Mrs. Yun immediately got up and bowed to Huang Ge when she heard the words, and immediately went to another guest room led by Ah Xun.After Mrs. Yun settled down, Ah Xun quickly turned back, seeing Huang Gezhen looking out the window thoughtfully with his chin propped on one hand, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Your Majesty, can Madam Yun really trust you?"

"Who else in this world can trust me except myself?" Huang Ge restrained her wandering thoughts immediately when she heard the words, looked up at Ah Xun's eyes stained with anxiety, couldn't help but smile slightly, and pinched her cheek.

"You can't say that, at least the empress can trust Ah Xun, and the prince is also worthy of your trust." Ah Xun immediately pursed his mouth and said quite dissatisfied.

Is Lan Jue worthy of her trust?

Huang Ge couldn't help rubbing her chin to think deeply when she heard the words. It was only because of a one-year agreement between them that Lan Jue took care of her in every possible way recently, but what happened after this year passed? can not imagine.

Besides, how can someone who was born in the royal family trust others easily? Even she understands this truth, let alone Lan Jue.

"Isn't there still a prince? Even if Mrs. Yun is not trustworthy, there is no loss to us. Why do you want to embarrass yourself like this. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to think about how to explore the secret passage in Mrs. Seven's house, maybe What your master wants is in there." Huang Ge smiled and pinched Ah Xun's face, now her mind is full of doubts about where the secret road in the Seventh Madam's house leads.

As soon as Ah Xun heard Huangge's last words, she was shocked. Her master came to Liuzhou this time to find out whether King Jin had any intention of rebelling. If the place leading to the secret road is really a mine, then there is It's a good show.

"My lady, your foot injury hasn't healed yet. I'm afraid I have to discuss this matter with the prince before making a decision." Ah Xun's eyes fell on Huang Ge's left foot. Breaking through this kind of secret passage is still far from possible.

"Let him come back tonight, just say that my foot hurts again and I can't sleep." Huangge thought for a while and agreed to Ah Xun's proposal. The place of secret way is no better than Lanruo Temple. You can't rush into it rashly.Otherwise, not only did they not find what they wanted, but they would scare the snake away, and all previous efforts would be wasted.

"Okay, servant girl, I'll send someone to spread the word." When she heard that her master was going to stay overnight with Ah Xun, she was overjoyed. She remembered Mo Ran's words, and whenever she had a chance, she would definitely match up with her two masters.

(End of this chapter)

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