Chapter 278
Naturally, Huang Ge didn't know what was going on in Ah Xun's mind, she was tired after tossing about for a day, and fell asleep on the soft bed after Ah Xun left.When Huangge woke up, it was already sunset, Huangge sat up and rubbed his sore arms, and was about to call Ah Xun in, but he saw a person sitting next to Ruantao from the corner of his eye.

"My lord?"

"Did you get enough sleep?" Lan Jue, who was reading a book, immediately put down the book in his hand when she saw Huang Ge woke up and turned to look at her.

At this moment when the sun was setting, the golden afterglow came in through the carved wooden window and fell on Lan Jue's body, reflecting his side face, Huang Ge was in a trance for a moment.

"Why? Have you taken a fancy to this king's beauty?" Seeing Huang Ge staring blankly at her and not speaking, Lan Jue suddenly moved to tease her.

Huangge, "..."

A big man who looks more beautiful than a woman doesn't know what to be proud of.

"When did the lord come back?" Based on the principle of being too lazy to argue with Lan Jue, Huang Ge chose to ignore Lan Jue's question and asked him instead. Seeing that the book in his hand has been turned over halfway, could it be that he has already read the book? It's been a long time since I came back.

"I came back after receiving the news from Ah Xun." Speaking of the business, Lan Jue also restrained his expression, returned the book in his hand to the bookshelf, and sat beside Huang Ge.

"Leave the secret road to Mo Ran to investigate. Your foot injury should be able to land in two days. Then you and Ah Xun will go to Lanruo Temple."

"My lord is really caring, he can even calculate how long it takes for my foot injury to heal." Huang Ge was smiling on the surface when she heard this, and she had already scolded Lan Jue countless times in her heart.

Does this girl have any conscience? She started to enslave her just after her foot injury recovered.

"My lord sees that you are full of air today. Thinking of your foot injury, you should be fine. Rather than staying in the yard, you might as well go out for a walk." Lan Jue gave Huang Ge a sideways glance, and what he said was blushing and heartbeating, I don't feel that there is anything wrong with my arrangement.

Huangge, "..."

Didn't Lan Jue tell her a few days ago that she was not allowed to go out for a walk until her foot injury was completely healed? A few days ago, she was so obedient and didn't see Lan Jue praise her, so she went out for a walk today He took it down immediately, what a stingy man.

"Just go." Although Huang Ge was dissatisfied, she still accepted her fate. It just so happened that Ah Xun's presence in Su Ruxue's side has been quite good in the past few days, and it's time to collect a wave of favorability. .

"My lord, can I ask you for a favor?" Seeing that Lan Jue was about to stand up, Huang Ge suddenly thought of what happened to Mrs. Yun, and immediately reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes and said softly.

"Huh?" It was rare to see Huang Ge's obedient and docile appearance, and Lan Jue suddenly became interested to hear what kind of favor she wanted to ask for.

"If Jin Wang's mansion is in trouble, can Mrs. Yun be pardoned?"

I thought Huang Ge would ask for some rare items, but who knew that she pleaded for Mrs. Yun when she opened her mouth, Lan Jue couldn't help looking at her with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Among the many women in Prince Jin's Mansion, she is the only one who has never competed for favor, and has no greed or ambition. What she yearns for is the freedom of the farmhouse. Since she has done nothing wrong, she should not be punished." Huang Ge pursed her lips. , after being watched by Lan Jue for a long time, he opened his mouth to explain.

Although Mrs. I don't know Mrs. Yun is one of the innocent women in Prince Jin's mansion, but she is not a Buddhist Bodhisattva who saves all living beings. If Jin's mansion is really convicted of some heinous crime, it will be very difficult to save another person.

(End of this chapter)

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