The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 279 Private meeting with Su Ruxue

Chapter 279 Private meeting with Su Ruxue (1)

"it is good."

Huang Ge thought it would take a lot of effort to convince Lan Jue to nod, who knew that she only gave the first explanation and Lan Jue readily agreed.Happiness came so suddenly that Huang Ge couldn't believe it, so he stared at Lan Jue and asked again uncertainly.


"When did this king lie to you?" Lan Jue glared at Huang Ge angrily. In her heart, why is he so unreliable?

"No, no, lord, you have the most credibility." Huang Ge was a little guilty when Lan Jue saw it, and immediately showed a very dog-legged smile, and said very sincerely.

Lan Jue was no stranger to Huang Ge's ability to tell nonsense with her eyes open, so she glanced sideways at her and walked out.

"This king will go to neighboring counties with King Jin in the next few days. Mo Ran and A Xun will stay to protect you, and do everything after reflection and don't act recklessly." Lan Jue, who had already walked to the door, seemed to remember something, Suddenly he stopped and turned his head to warn Huang Ge.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not cause trouble." Hearing that Lan Jue was going to leave for a few days, Huang Ge was overjoyed. Even the sun would be a little brighter without this man.

"That's why you want me to leave?" Lan Jue turned dark when he saw that the smile on Huang Ge's face became brighter when he heard that he was going to leave for a few days.

"Where is it? Your lord must have misread it. I wish you would watch over me every day, but in this way you will not be able to distract King Jin. Then this trip to Liuzhou will be in vain. Noticing the displeasure on Lan Jue's face, Huangge shook his head vigorously, firmly denying his true feelings.

"It's better not." Lan Jue naturally didn't believe that Huang Ge's words came from the bottom of his heart, he gave her an angry look, then turned and left.

Huang Ge pouted and watched Lan Jue's figure disappear at the door of the room, with an angry expression on his face.

When the one-year agreement ends, she must give him a good beating.

After experiencing the incident with Mrs. Thirteen, the recent two days in Prince Jin's mansion have been particularly peaceful.Coupled with the fact that King Jin is not in the mansion, the wives of the courtyards are even more peaceful.

Only Princess Xiao of Jin was thinking about Mrs. Yun's living here in Huangge, and sent people over several times to urge Mrs. Yun to live in Hongxiu Pavilion as soon as possible.Huangge managed to get Mrs. Yun in with great difficulty, and how could she let her out so easily, she said to the outside world that Lan Jue was not here, she was afraid of falling asleep at night, and wanted to stay with Mrs. Yun to sleep with her.The people who came and went to Xiao's came and went a lot against Ah Xun, but they were able to enter even the gate of the courtyard. Although Xiao's got the news, he was annoyed but helpless.

However, the Liangzi relationship between Xiao Shi and Huang Ge was truly forged.

Three days later, Huang Ge's left foot was almost healed. After breakfast in the morning, Huang Ge left Mo Ran to guard in the yard, and then quietly left Jinwang Mansion with Ah Xun for Lanruo Temple.

It just so happened that no one came from Su Ruxue's place today, leaving enough time for Huang Ge and Su Ruxue to spend time together.

"I haven't eaten the salted duck in Yonghe Building for more than ten years. The taste is still exactly the same as before, but the cook hasn't changed yet?" Huang Ge and Ah Xun stopped by the most famous restaurant in Liuzhou to buy it. A lot of food was brought over. Su Ruxue hadn't eaten these things for a long time, and couldn't stop when she moved her chopsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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