Chapter 288
Huang Ge immediately gave Ah Xun a thumbs up when she heard the words, this girl is indeed a material for doing bad things.

It didn't matter if he deliberately led the fire over, but he even put medicine that would burn in case of fire in the house, and now the Prince Jin's mansion will be even more lively.

"Originally, the servants were preparing to light a few fires quietly, but who knew that the wind direction suddenly changed. This is because even the Lord of Heaven is helping us." The smile on Ah Xun's face deepened after receiving Huang Ge's praise , Immediately told Huang Ge about the situation in Prince Jin's Mansion with joy.

Huangge heard the words and couldn't help sighing secretly, this is the so-called cheapness of people.

"When the maid left, she saw that Jin Wangfei seemed to have passed out on the turret, but there was only one maid serving her beside her. At that time, all the people in the mansion were busy fighting the fire, so they couldn't care about them and couldn't hear the maid's voice. I'm afraid Jin Wangfei will have to be smoked in the turret." Ah Xun suddenly changed the subject of the conversation, and then vividly described Xiao's experience and Huangge, his eyes were full of gloating .

"This is a living self-inflicted crime that cannot be lived. The man who was not harmed even burned the Prince Jin's mansion. I don't know how His Highness Prince Jin reacted when he heard the news." Huang Ge heard Xiao's suffering. This kind of cruel treatment couldn't help but chuckled, this woman is simply full of bad water, if she is not allowed to suffer, it is simply unreasonable.

"His Royal Highness Jin is afraid that he will go crazy. I heard that His Highness Jin Wang spent a lot of effort in repairing this Jin Wang's mansion. Now that it has been burned by a fire like this, there is not much left. Maybe he will become angry. What's it like?" Ah Xun now hates the people of Prince Jin's Mansion, and when he thinks of them losing a Prince Jin's Mansion, he becomes very happy.

Huang Ge smiled and pinched Ah Xun's cheeks, this girl's jealous temperament is quite lovable.It's a pity that Lan Jue's evil star gave it to her, otherwise she would really want to take Ah Xun with her when she leaves here someday.

"Where are Mo Ran and Mrs. Yun?" Seeing that Mo Ran and Mrs. Yun did not come with Ah Xun, Huang Ge couldn't help asking curiously.

According to Mo Ran's vigilance, even if someone deliberately set fire to kill them, they should not succeed, but Huang Ge, who has not seen them for a long time, is still a little worried.

"That old fox Mo Ran took Mrs. Yun to hide away quietly, and I'm afraid he has already arrived at another courtyard on the outskirts of the city." Ah Xun immediately pursed his mouth when he heard the words, and said angrily.

Fortunately, she was still full of worries and went into Prince Jin's mansion to look for Mo Ran. Unexpectedly, that unscrupulous guy had already taken Mrs. Yun away, leaving only a hidden guard who ordered Xiao to drug them and set them on fire. I told her about it.

"Mo Ran did a good job, so the people in Jin Palace will think that we are all buried in the sea of ​​fire." Hearing that Ah Xun mentioned that before Mo Ran left, he arranged for some dead ghosts to replace them, Huang Ge couldn't help clapping his hands and praised .

Sure enough, he is Lan Jue's confidant, and it's not an easy job to play skating.Originally, Huang Ge wanted to send Ah Xun to do it, but Mo Ran had already done it ahead of time.

For them, it is not convenient to act in secret with their identities on the surface, not to mention that if the people in the Jin Palace think they are dead, they will relax their guard, and it will be more convenient for them to investigate some things.

 Do you like Ah Xun who loves to do bad things?Hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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