The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 289 The Prince Jin Mansion Burned to Ashes

Chapter 289 The Prince Jin Mansion Burned to Ashes
The fire in Prince Jin's Mansion burned for a whole day and night before it was extinguished. Almost all the huge houses were burned to ashes, only a few small courtyards in remote places survived.

On the first day when the fire broke out, the concubine Xiao of Jin fell ill because of being overly frightened and suffering from a lot of smoke. In private, they secretly stole the fire-protected treasures in Prince Jin's mansion to exchange for money. Two days later, by the time Concubine Qin and Concubine Liu worked together to stabilize the situation, about half of the servants in the mansion had already run away.

Two days were enough time for King Jin and Lan Jue to rush back from the suburban county. Seeing the house that he spent many years building turned into a pile of ashes, King Jin was so angry that he almost vomited blood.But what annoyed him even more was that his younger brother's future concubine was buried in the sea of ​​fire together with her maids and guards. Thinking of Lan Jue's current power in Yunyue Kingdom, King Jin hardly dared to look him in the eyes.

"Old Jiu, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter..." Seeing that Lan Jue was standing in front of the ashes in the yard where Huang Ge lived before, the King of Jin did not say a word for a long time, and after standing beside him for a long time, he finally encouraged him. Gathered up the courage to bite the bullet and open the mouth.

"Brother Huang's kindness is appreciated by me, but I am quite curious. Why did such a good person suddenly become so angry?" Before King Jin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lan Jue's expressionless face, and at the same time turned to He asked with a cold look over his head.

King Jin was stunned by Lan Jue's sudden question, he parted his lips but didn't know how to explain it.

When Jin Wang Mansion was first built, in order to prevent the spread of large-scale water leakage, he deliberately split a stream every one or two courtyards. In addition, the guards in the courtyard are strict on weekdays, so even if someone intentionally set fire to it, it would not caused such a serious situation.

In addition, because the King of Jin has been planning major events these years, the people who can enter the Prince Jin's mansion are all his cronies, so how could someone deliberately set fire to it.After thinking about it, this sudden fire must have been caused by the mansion's own people, and the person who dared to carry his orders like this can't think of another person except King Xiao Jin.

This idiot...

"I am also puzzled by this matter. I will send someone to gather all the people in the mansion together, and I will definitely ask Zi Chou Yinmao, so that my brothers and sisters can seek justice." Although King Jin guessed the matter probably It was Xiao Shi who did it, but he couldn't hand over Xiao Shi right now, no matter what he said, he had to wait until he asked Xiao Shi why he did this before he could give up this pawn.

"Okay, then the king will just wait for the answer from the emperor." Lan Jue glanced at King Jin with a gloomy expression, even using the title of the king showed that the anger in his heart could not be concealed.

Upon hearing this, King Jin immediately smiled and comforted him, and it took him a long while to temporarily persuade Lan Jue to go back and rest.

"My lord, the door of the dark room was burned down, and it will take some time to repair it." As soon as Lan Jue left, the hidden guards of Jin Wang's mansion hurried out from the dark place. Being affected, the anger in King Jin's heart deepened.

"Let them fix the door as soon as possible. These few days are the critical time. If there is a slight mistake, I will only ask you."

King Jin angrily said a word and then walked away. The guard who stayed at the spot raised his eyes and glanced at King Jin's leaving back, and the corners of his mouth raised silently.

(End of this chapter)

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