Chapter 290 Self-defeating (1)

When King Jin came to Xiao's temporary room, Shaoyao was taking her up and serving her medicine. A few days ago, she almost lost half of her life because of the smoke, and now she recovered a little after lying on the bed for a day and a night. Be energetic.

"My lord..." Xiao, who was drinking the medicine, was startled when she saw King Jin coming in angrily. She was about to cheer up and say something to him, but King Jin reached out and knocked her Shaoyao hand over. Medicine bowl on top.

"My lord, what are you doing? This is your mother's life-saving medicine..." Seeing that King Jin knocked over Xiao's medicine bowl, Shao Yao was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and tremblingly said.

"Stupid woman, did you order someone to set the fire in this mansion?" Before Shao Yao could finish speaking, King Jin kicked her to the ground, and immediately stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Shi's neck and asked sharply.

The strength in King Jin's hands was naturally heavy in his anger, Xiao's life was only half-lived, how could he stand up to King Jin's toss, but after a while, he began to roll his eyes and see that he was about to die.

"My lord, my majesty has suffered from the heavy smoke, but I can't bear such a heavy hand like yours." Seeing that Xiao Shi was about to be strangled to death by King Jin, Shao Yao rushed to her body regardless of the pain from being kicked by King Jin. He went up and begged for Xiao's mercy.

King Jin realized that Xiao Shi was about to be strangled to death by Jing Shaoyao. Although he was very dissatisfied with Xiao Shi's behavior this time, he would not kill her at this time.

After releasing Xiao Shi's neck, King Jin didn't take advantage of her, and dragged her from the bed to the ground.

"Say, what's going on?" King Jin gave Xiao Shi a cold look and then sat down on the chair next to him. Seeing that Xiao Shi didn't even have the strength to sit up from the ground, Shaoyao lifted her from the ground while shedding tears. He got up and sat on the ground.

"Ahem... the prince doesn't know something, Princess Yue has already doubted us, this person can't stay any longer." Xiao Shi was lifted up by Shao Yao and sat down, coughed a few times before he recovered, and raised his eyes Xiao Shi couldn't help but shuddered at the icy eyes of King Shangjin, and took several deep breaths before gathering enough courage to speak out her original plan.

Originally, this method was not proposed by Concubine Qin, Xiao Shi also felt that it was inappropriate at the time, but she couldn't stand Concubine Qin's advice, and then agreed.Coupled with the fact that Mrs. Yun has been living in Huangge's courtyard, this matter seems to be uncomfortable to Xiao's throat, so she took such a cruel hand.

According to her plan, more than a dozen courtyards were broken at most. Who knew that the fire changed the direction of the wind in the middle of the fire, and the fire became bigger and bigger for some reason, which brought disaster to the entire Jin Palace.

"Idiot, what is a concubine of Yue? You don't even think about who she is, do you think you can rest easy if you get rid of her? Now that I am dead, Lao Jiu must be more suspicious of me, and I can Take this opportunity to crown me with the crime of murdering the princess. This time not only the entire house of the king was destroyed, but even the king himself and even the entire Prince Jin mansion were completely destroyed by you." King Jin finished listening. Xiao's narration suddenly became furious, and he raised his hand and slapped Xiao's face fiercely. If it wasn't for the sake of Xiao's last breath, King Jin wished to make up for it now.

Xiao's eyes were filled with stares from King Jin's slap, but no amount of pain could compare to what King Jin said hit her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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