Chapter 295 Your benefactor is her (1)

"The prince in Suxi has already made arrangements. Tonight, you will follow me to the Prince Jin's mansion to explore the secret passage." Huang Ge knelt and sat in front of a small table next to it. There are several lotus flowers and lotus leaves that have just been picked next to the jade bottle. When I was talking to Ah Xun, I happened to pick up a half-blooming lotus, cut off the end and put it in the jade bottle.

"I'm afraid it's not right. Although Jinwang's mansion has been burned to the brim, there are many people from Jinwang's mansion guarding it openly and secretly in the past few days. Why don't you wait a few more days for Jinwang to relax and be vigilant against us?" Go again." Hearing that Huang Ge wanted to explore the secret passage in the seventh lady's house tonight, Ah Xun immediately shook his head and persuaded him very seriously.

Ever since the fire in Prince Jin's Mansion started, they had hermit guards guarding the outside of Prince Jin's Mansion, and any troubles there would be transmitted to Liuzhou's other courtyard.

"Don't worry, there are other things to attract their attention tonight, we'll be there on time at midnight." Huangge heard this but showed a mysterious smile, and Ah Xun's heart skipped a beat For some reason, every time his mistress showed such a smile, Ah Xun felt that someone was going to be unlucky.

The setting sun in the distance is like blood, and the flowers in the pond are blooming like a dream. Looking at the waterside pavilion where Huang Ge and Ah Xun are located across the water and sky, the arched and carved hollow windows perfectly surround the figures of the two, just like in a painting. scene.

Standing on the promenade with Lan Jue, Madam Yun couldn't help feeling envious in her heart as she watched the picturesque scenery quietly. She also lived in Liuzhou Bieyuan these days. Drowning is almost everywhere, but Huangge's attitude towards Lan Jue is different from that of all the women in Prince Jin's mansion towards King Jin. She will never try to please Lan Jue like them, nor will she let go of her dignity to get any reward.

Everything she did in front of Lan Jue was done according to her heart, and every word she said was unscrupulous. She even picked a lotus flower that Lan Jue had carefully cultivated for many years today, but Lan Jue didn't give birth to it. Any sign of anger, but instead stood in the dark and looked at her pruning and flower arrangement with great interest and smile.

If King Jin treated women half as hard as Lan Jue, Prince Jin's mansion wouldn't be what it is now.

"I heard that you are a peasant girl?" Just as Mrs. Yun was thinking about it, Lan Jue who was beside her suddenly spoke.

Mrs. Yun didn't expect that Lan Jue would ask about her background when she opened her mouth. If it was someone else who was suddenly asked like this, and she came from a poor family, she would be so cowardly that she would deliberately lie to cover it up. The madam was only in a daze for a moment, and then she lowered her eyes and answered in a neither humble nor overbearing way.


Such a calm attitude made Lan Jue couldn't help but look at Mrs. Yun more. He believed that Huang Ge would not keep a person from Jin Palace by his side for no reason. Now, judging from Mrs. Yun's behavior, he can guess a little reason.

"Azhi asked this king for a favor for you. No matter what happens to the Jin Palace in the future, I will protect you and send you back to the farm." Lan Jue's eyes only stayed on Mrs. Yun for a moment, then looked back Elsewhere, at the same time, he said something to Mrs. Yun in a low voice.

Mrs. Yun was taken aback when these words fell into Mrs. Yun's ears, and then she suddenly raised her eyes to look at Lan Jue, with disbelief written all over her pretty face.

"Princess Yue really pleaded for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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