Chapter 296 Your benefactor is her (2)

She doesn't have a deep friendship with Huangge, the only intersection is some news that Huangge needs her to know, and she also told Huangge these news, but her purpose is not to help herself in exchange for freedom, but She wanted to use Huangge's hand to make those who had harmed her pay the price they deserved.

Huangge has always been kind to her, and it would be a very cost-effective deal for her to get those people retribution. If it really counts, she still owes Huangge love.But who knows that not only did Huang Ge not ask her to repay the favor, but quietly asked Lan Jue for this favor, how could Mrs. Yun's heart not be shaken.


Lan Jue nodded slightly, as if he didn't see Mrs. Yun's shocked appearance, only the woman not far away who was seriously pruning and arranging flowers.

It was confirmed that Mrs. Yun's heart had been turned upside down since Yun Huan came out, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Being bound in Prince Jin's Mansion these years, she had long since given up the extravagant hope of being able to leave the mansion and return to the countryside, but now this hope suddenly appeared in front of her, should she hold on tight?

Although my heart became extremely excited because of Lan Jue's words, but after thinking about it, why did Lan Jue find her out alone because of this matter, and even told her the news personally behind Huang Ge's back?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yun's stomach was full of excitement, as if she had been drenched in a basin of cold water, and she suddenly became extra sober and restless again.

Although Lan Jue was not as cold and ruthless as King Jin, for some reason, Mrs. Yun felt faintly afraid every time she saw him.Especially at this moment, she couldn't figure out Lan Jue's intentions, which made her tremble even more. After gritting her teeth slightly, she bit the bullet and asked Lan Jue.

"My lord, women are ignorant, what can I do to help you?"

"Your benefactor is not the king."

Faced with Mrs. Yun's question, Lan Jue's answer seemed to be quite irrelevant, but Mrs. Yun is a smart person, and she figured out the reason after a slight thought.

It turned out that Lan Jue wanted her to accept Huangge's affection and also wanted her to remember this kindness.

If this matter was handled by someone else, Mrs. Yun might feel that the couple is a bit hypocritical. Obviously, Huang Ge begged for this favor for her voluntarily, and has nothing to do with Mrs. Yun. Now Lan Jue uses this to make her take the initiative Chengqing, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't make sense.

However, both of them are aboveboard people, and Huang Ge treats Mrs. Yun very well, so Lan Jue's behavior naturally cannot be thought of in this way.Mrs. Yun secretly considered several possibilities, and finally guessed that this was just another way for Lan Jue to pamper Huangge.

Huang Ge didn't intend to tell Mrs. Yun this time, but Lan Jue was not willing to give Huang Ge a kindness to others for no reason.He dotes on her, so he wants her good to be known by those who should know.

"The woman understands the meaning of the prince. I don't know if the woman is qualified to follow Princess Yue in the future?" Mrs. Yun thought about it for a long time before she figured out the reasons and some interests. Xiang Lanjue After expressing that he knew Huang Ge's intention, he raised another question.

"You want to follow her?" Lan Jue came to Mrs. Yun today for these words, and now that Mrs. Yun finally understood and opened her mouth, Lan Jue couldn't help but glance at her again.

"When I was a child, I used to go hunting with my father in the mountains. I saw many medicinal herbs. If the prince doesn't dislike it, the servant girl is willing to follow the princess to help understand the medicinal materials."

 I haven't been in good health for the past two days, so I will update 2 chapters today, and I will make up more of what I owe tomorrow. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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