Chapter 298

Falling into a warm embrace unexpectedly, Huang Ge couldn't help being a little dazed, but soon realized that it was Lan Jue who pulled her up from the ground.However, because Lan Jue's movements were too sudden, Huang Ge hugged Lan Jue almost with hands and feet after being pulled up out of nature.

This posture... No matter how you look at it, it's a bit ambiguous!
Lan Jue didn't expect Huang Ge to have such a reaction, the two of them stared at each other for a while, and the atmosphere around them suddenly became extraordinarily quiet.

And Ah Xun, who was next to him, decisively chose to play dead at this moment, and silently turned his head to one side.

However, there are always uninvited guests who come out to destroy this kind of atmosphere, and Mo Ran, who doesn't know why, jumps out from nowhere, and speaks without seeing the situation clearly.

"My lord, it's almost time..."

In the middle of the speech, Mo Ran realized that the atmosphere around him seemed to be a little bit wrong, and Ah Xun threw a gloating smile at himself, and immediately swallowed the following words with a sense of humor.

Jing Moran's disturbing song also quickly regained consciousness and jumped off Lan Jue, pretending to look up at the sky, as if nothing had happened just now.

Ah Xun, "..."

Moran, "..."

Is this when the two of them are blind?
"Let's go." Compared to Ah Xun and Mo Ran's reactions, Lan Jue was much calmer. After looking at Huang Ge blankly, he turned around and walked towards the Jin Palace.

Seeing this, Huang Ge decided to follow quickly, leaving only Ah Xun and Mo Ran staring at each other.

The minds of the masters are really hard to guess!

Because they had already figured out the positions of the hidden guards of Prince Jin's Mansion, the four of them easily avoided their sight and entered the ruins of Prince Jin's Mansion.This place is no more secretive than the dark alley just now, and the noise can be covered up. Several people walked carefully among the ruins, almost silently along the way.

The Seventh Madam's house was almost burnt down by the fire, but several places in the ruins had been deliberately cleared up. It was obvious that King Jin's people had indeed entered and exited here.

Mo Ran had already found the entrance to that dark room. After the four of them arrived here, Mo Ran made a gesture to turn the switch, but Huang Ge next to her made a motion to stop temporarily.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Ah Xun couldn't help asking curiously when he saw Huang Ge suddenly stop in his tracks.

"Is there something buried under the soil over there?" Huang Ge pointed to a piece of soil that had been turned over not far away, and asked with some uncertainty.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked in the direction Huangge was pointing at, only to see some white traces faintly exposed under the refurbished soil surrounded by black ashes.

"Mo Ran, go and have a look." Lan Jue immediately ordered Mo Ran upon seeing this.

Mo Ran got the order and immediately strode over, turned over the soil with the dagger he carried, and his expression changed drastically.

"Master, there are many human bones buried here."

The expressions of the other three people changed when they heard Mo Ran's words, especially Huang Ge seemed to think of something, and rushed forward almost in a stride.

"It's really a human bone..."

After seeing clearly the bones turned out by Mo Ran at a close distance, Huang Ge's body shook and he almost blurted out.

"How can there be human bones buried here?" Ah Xun looked at the turned out human bones with a puzzled expression. This is the yard where Mrs. Seven lived before her death. People are buried in the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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