Chapter 299

"Master, there's still..." When Ah Xun looked puzzled, Mo Ran had already quickly looked at the nearby ruins. It's okay if you don't look at it, and there are bones buried almost where Mo Ran pulled out. .

Not only Ah Xun was stunned to suddenly find so many bones, but even Huang Ge frowned.

It's no wonder that when passing by this yard on weekdays, I always feel like there is a cold wind blowing down my neck. It turns out that because there are too many buried bones, the feng shui here has changed, so it has become a shaded place.

However, burying someone at home is an extremely ominous act. Unless there is a special reason, unless the family wants to lose their luck or the family will be destroyed, they will definitely not do such a move.

What's more, Jin Wang's mansion is not an ordinary family, and it is even more puzzling to find so many bones in the mansion.

"Is there a way for the prince to find out what's different about these bones?" Huang Ge tilted his head and thought for a while, then immediately asked Lan Jue.

When Lan Jue heard the words, he immediately gave Mo Ran a look. Seeing this, Mo Ran immediately bent over to examine the bones carefully. After a long while, Mo Ran spoke back.

"These bones are almost all women. Many bones have been broken before they were alive, and they should have been subjected to a lot of inhuman abuse."

The bones of a woman?
Hearing Mo Ran's answer, Huang Ge couldn't help being stunned, but after thinking about the role of these women in Jin Wang's mansion, he seemed to understand a little bit.

Mrs. Yun once said that the seventh lady's house itself is a place for trading, so there are probably many women who are sent here for entertainment.In the eyes of those people, these women who were sent to the door were not human beings at all, but objects, and it had nothing to do with them whether they were toying with life or death.

Although these things are not something that Huang Ge can interfere with, but thinking of countless flower-like women dying here, Huang Ge still can't help but feel angry from the bottom of his heart.

"Send someone to check carefully later, there is not much time left tonight, don't make big mistakes because of small mistakes." Lan Jue saw that Huang Ge's face was not very good-looking, and made a gesture towards Mo Ran silently, and Mo Ran nodded knowingly Quickly cover the uncovered bones with soil again, trying not to be discovered that these things have been moved.

Huang Ge knew that now was not the time to act emotionally, so after Mo Ran covered the bones, she followed Lan Jue into the secret path.

This secret path seems to have been repaired for some years, and many places inside have begun to have old cracks. There are night pearls embedded in the walls at intervals. attention.

After walking along the secret road for a while, there was a faint sound of bang bang bang coming from the front. Listening carefully, it seemed like the sound of a big hammer hitting something.

Huang Ge and Lan Jue exchanged glances, they both knew that the end of this secret road might be a huge mining field, and there might be a place for casting weapons inside.

Seeing that the light in front was getting brighter and brighter, Lan Jue silently pulled Huang Ge behind her. This silent protective action fell into Huang Ge's eyes and couldn't help but cause a slight ripple in the depths of her heart.

There are two huge pillars on both sides of the end of the secret passage, which just gave the four people a place to hide.Lan Jue led Huang Ge and Mo Ran led Ah Xun to stand behind the two pillars, carefully poking their heads out to look at the situation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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