The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 300 The Mine Behind the Secret Path

Chapter 300 The Mine Behind the Secret Path
It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, Huang Ge, who has seen the big world, grows his mouth when he sees it.

It turns out that the end of this secret passage is indeed a mining field, but this mining field is extremely large. Not only has more than half of the upper part been hollowed out, there is almost an illusion that the top cannot be seen, and even the bottom has been dug out. The big deep pit, if they hadn't been afraid that they would be discovered by people if they jumped out hastily, they would have hidden behind this pillar first, and they might have just jumped out and fell into the deep and big mine below without paying attention.

However, for such a large mine, how much manpower and material resources will be invested in mining for many years to make it like this.Even if King Jin can win over many people in private, he has only been in Liuzhou for more than ten years. Can people dig such a large mine by relying on his own strength?
This doubt not only lingered in Huang Ge's mind, but Lan Jue's slightly frowned brows also showed his inner doubt at the moment.

"Master, look, the corner in front is a casting furnace?" Just as Huang Ge and Lan Jue were thinking about it, Mo Ran suddenly whispered.

After saying this, Huang Ge and Lan Jue noticed that there was a faint fire flickering at the corner directly in front of them, and there was also a faint thing that looked like a furnace standing there on the protruding stone. , it's just that there is no fire at the moment.

There are both mines and furnaces, so it is very likely that this is the place where King Jin privately forges weapons.As long as they find the forged weapons here, King Jin's crime of treason will not escape.

However, because the mine is too big, and the place where the furnace is placed is extremely far away from where they are, and there are at least thousands of people in the mine, it is not easy to go to the furnace. People's attention has become a problem they need to solve now.

"Ah Xun, how is your disguise technique?" Huang Ge observed the patrolling guards in the mine for a long time. Their shifts were very regular, almost every half a cup of tea, and their team happened to be four. personal.

And the changing of the guard for one of the teams is only a few steps away from them. If they can sneak in, they can walk to the location of the melting furnace invisibly.

"Ah Xun only learned Master's Liugong Kungfu, but ordinary faces can still be imitated." Ah Xun replied very modestly, but Huang Ge knew that the people around Lan Jue were capable people, Ah Xun claimed to be At least [-]% of the strength should be above [-]%.Those guards all wore hats, and as long as they looked similar, they could get away with it.

"My lord, I wonder if this method is feasible?" Huangge still asked Lan Jue after discovering Ah Xun's ability. After all, compared to Lan Jue's methods in these aspects, she is still a little tender and needs to learn more from him. .

"Do as the concubine says." Although Huang Ge didn't say what she was going to do, Lan Jue had already guessed what she wanted to do from her question to Ah Xun.Although this method is a bit risky, it is the best way at the moment.

The four of them did what they said, and when the next shift of guards came over, they kidnapped the four of them silently, but in a short while, the four of them had already changed into their clothes and had their faces treated by Ah Xun. Carry out inspections according to the previous route.

The miners in the mine seemed to be terrified of being oppressed, and they didn't dare to squint at the things around them when they were doing things, so the four of them entered the depths of the mine very smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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