Chapter 301: Purgatory on Earth
After actually entering the mine, Huang Ge realized that it was a purgatory on earth. The miners knew that they were forcibly recruited from all over the place. Originally, strong people should be able to do this kind of hard work of digging and digging rocks. To do it, but there are many old people, children, and even sick people who are forced to do heavy work.

And beside each ore shaft stood a man holding an iron whip, and if he felt unsatisfactory, he would slap the miners hard with the whip.With that kind of strength, even a physically fit person can't bear a few whips, let alone these people who have been mentally weak due to poor rest and abuse for a long time.

Almost every step Huang Ge took could hear a scream from the side, or saw a person jump from a high place because he couldn't stand the whip and ended his life.

Huang Ge didn't know how much effort it took to keep himself calm and not to attack those people holding whips. Finally, the four of them changed lines and reached the center of the mine. One location, who knew that a group of people suddenly came in at the entrance next to it.

"Master, it's King Jin." Mo Ran recognized the identity of the visitor as soon as he entered the mine, and could not help reminding Lan Jue in a low voice.

"Keep calm and don't mess up, just keep going forward." Lan Jue glanced at the direction where King Jin was standing, and pressed down the hat on his head with his hand, as if he didn't see anything Continue to lead them to the furnace.

Mo Ran couldn't help feeling worried when he heard the words. They had to cross a stone bridge in front of King Jin and the man in Chinese clothes to go to the furnace. I just hoped that they wouldn't go that way.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, why are you here today?" As soon as King Jin entered the mine, a man in Chinese clothes quickly walked up to him with a flattering smile. Seeing King Jin subconsciously pinched his nose when he entered, The man in Chinese clothes immediately sent someone to deliver a sachet.

"I heard that the last batch of weapons is about to be finished. I will take a look when I have time today." King Jin took a few deep breaths after taking the sachet handed over by the man in Chinese clothes, and his face immediately changed. It's not as white as before.

"It is true that the building is almost finished, but Qi Chu sent someone to place a batch of orders. I dare not take it because the quantity is too large. I just want to send someone to show it to the prince." The man in Chinese clothes smiled and accompanied King Jin. Walking in the direction of the furnace, after replying to King Jin's words, he took out a stack of rice paper from his arms and handed it over respectfully.

Hearing this, the king of Jin just glanced at the rice paper in the man's hand, but didn't intend to accept it, "Tell them, if you want me to help them make these weapons, you just need to lend me [-] soldiers and horses." Can."

Hearing that the king of Jin wants soldiers and doesn't want money, the man in Chinese clothes was stunned for a moment, but then he showed a clear look.

My master is going to do some big things recently, and the most urgent thing right now is naturally soldiers and horses.

"My lord, I heard that His Royal Highness King Yue has come to Liuzhou..."

"You bastard, give back my daughter's life."

After the man in Chinese clothes put away the rice paper again, he thought about the news he had received in the past few days, and after a little hesitation, he was about to ask King Jin something, but before he finished speaking, a white-haired old man suddenly rushed out of the side Come on, the mining shovel in his hand has been sharpened, and if he rushed forward with his strength, if he hit it, he would die immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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