Chapter 302 The Old Man's Death
Although the old man's jumping out surprised everyone present, but the people around King Jin are all masters, how can an old man be able to assassinate at will.Seeing that the old man had rushed to a place only a few steps away from King Jin, the mining shovel in his hand almost touched King Jin's face, but he was overturned to the ground by the guards next to him, but in the blink of an eye Kung fu has brought him under control.

"You old man, dare to assassinate King Jin and throw him down for me." The man in Chinese clothes was startled by the old man's behavior. Fortunately, King Jin is fine, otherwise he would also be implicated.Thinking of this, the anger in his heart was hard to suppress, and before King Jin could say anything, the man in the fancy dress jumped forward and slapped the old man hard.

The old man couldn't bear the two slaps from the man in Chinese clothes with all his strength, blood spurted all over the floor from the slapped mouth, but the old man was also an extremely stubborn person, he even snorted.

"Wait..." Just as King Jin's guards were about to throw the old man into the nearby mine pit according to the man's command, King Jin suddenly stopped their movements.

"Who are you? How did this king offend you?"

"Bah, you bastard with a human face and a beast's heart. When you accidentally fell off a cliff while hunting in the countryside and was seriously injured, it was my daughter who kindly saved your life. I didn't expect that you, a bastard, would not dare to tarnish her innocence and kill her alive. I was forced to death. Today I am incompetent and have no way to avenge her, but old man, even if I turn into a ghost, I will come back and ask for your life." The old man spit blood at King Jin immediately when he heard the words, and the following words were almost He gritted his teeth and shouted.

Seeing that the old man was insulting King Jin with his mouth open and closed, the man in Chinese clothes was furious, and he was about to hit the old man a few more times, but he was stopped by King Jin who was standing next to him just as he raised his wrist.

"I remember now, are you the father of that drug girl?"

"Fuck, you don't deserve to mention my daughter, you bastard." The old man spat blood at King Jin again, and as soon as he mentioned his daughter, he couldn't help but recall how she looked when she died tragically, and he was filled with grief and indignation. I can't wait to eat King Jin's flesh and drink his blood.

"Since you miss her so much, then this king will send you to see her, which can be regarded as repaying her life-saving grace to this king." King Jin laughed instead of anger when he heard the old man's insults, and when the words fell, he smiled. He reached out and pulled out the long knife at the waist of the guard next to him, and mercilessly inserted it into the old man's chest.

Under the staring eyes of the old man, King Jin twisted his wrist with a smile, and immediately the old man's heart was ripped out by him.

This scene happened to be watched by Huang Ge and others who passed by their side, and the blood splashed out by King Jin when he drew his sword also splashed on the lapel of Huang Ge's chest.

Huang Ge, who was already stimulated by the horrors of the purgatory on earth in this mine, could hardly bear it, saw this scene with his own eyes, and even wanted to rush forward and kill King Jin.

This dog who is not as good as a beast, as long as he lives for a day, he doesn't know how many innocent lives have died because of him.

As if Lan Jue had already guessed that Huang Ge would not be able to hold back, he quickly grabbed her wrist when Huang Ge was about to make a move, and at the same time gave her a calm look.

"What are you doing there in a daze, and you haven't dragged the corpse away." Just as Huang Ge and Lan Jue stared wide-eyed, the voice of the man in the fancy dress suddenly came from the side.Huang Ge heard the sound and looked around, but saw the man in fine clothes pointing at herself and Ah Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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