Chapter 305 Find a way out
The sudden yelling made all the people present stunned. After following the sound, they realized that King Jin was held hostage by a patrol guard with a knife at some time.And the man in Chinese clothes who had been waiting beside him before was rolling and whining on the ground holding his stomach at this moment, a pool of blood was looming under him, and he didn't know if he had hurt his vitals.

Because when Ah Xun changed Huangge's appearance, she also dealt with her voice, and now Huangge's voice is not a woman's voice, but an adult man's voice.King Jin saw that she and Ah Xun, who was standing next to her, looked a little familiar, and then remembered that they seemed to have come together with Lan Jue and Mo Ran just now, and they were the ones who handled the old man's body with their own hands.

"I didn't expect you to bring people in..." King Jin laughed at himself. He didn't know whether he was regretting his underestimation of Lan Jue or he was too careless. How could the two of them not know at all.

"Get out of the way." Huang Ge didn't intend to talk nonsense with King Jin, put a dagger on King Jin's neck and dragged him, threatening the guards who were surrounding Lan Jue and Mo Ran to retreat step by step until they got close The two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is a dark river under the mine on the left." Mo Ran, who pushed King Jin to the side, controlled Hou Huangge and whispered to Lan Jue.

Fortunately, the man in fine clothes asked her and Ah Xun to dispose of the old man's body just now, which made them accidentally discover that there is actually a dark river in the mine.Judging by the surging waves of the dark river, it should be flowing water flowing outside.If they could jump off and swim out along the dark river, the chances of escape would be much greater than holding King Jin to go out through the secret passage they came in.

"Lead the way." Lan Jue glanced lightly at the hundreds of guards around, and accepted Huang Ge's proposal without hesitation.

Their current location is still a long way from the exit. The terrain in this mine is very complicated, and the possibility of secretly burying the mechanism cannot be ruled out.If it fell into the trap in this mine, it would be hopeless to get out.

Huang Ge heard the words and immediately led Lan Jue and others towards the direction of the dark river. Although the guards surrounded by everyone were pressing every step of the way, King Jin did not dare to get too close in their hands. They can only stare at them eagerly, waiting for a favorable opportunity to cull them in one fell swoop.

"Old Jiu, no one has ever jumped into that dark river before, and I don't know where it leads. Instead of risking jumping down to seek a way out, why don't you all submit to me, and let us brothers create a prosperous world together? Okay?" When the four of them held King Jin and walked towards the direction of the dark river, King Jin didn't have the consciousness of being a hostage at all, and instead of being nervous, he persuaded Lan Jue with a smile on his face.

Lan Jue's eyes sank when he heard the words Shengshi Tianxia, ​​and unexpectedly punched King Jin's belly hard.

In recent years, if he hadn't been behind the scenes to fuel the flames, there would have been no riots in several states and counties of Yunyue Kingdom, and the people there would have lived and worked in peace and contentment.However, the country that had previously signed a peaceful coexistence agreement with Yunyue Kingdom has become uneasy again in the past two years.Lan Jue hadn't been able to find out the reason before, but after hearing the conversation between King Jin and the man in the fancy dress today, Lan Jue immediately understood.

(End of this chapter)

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