The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 306 The first line of life and death

Chapter 306

I'm afraid that those countries secretly bought a lot of weapons from King Jin, and their soldiers' equipment has naturally been improved, so they will have the strength to come out and compete with Yunyue Kingdom for the land of the city.

It took him many years to stabilize the prosperity of the people of Yunyue Kingdom, but now it was once again destroyed by King Jin.And at this moment, he actually dared to say that he would create a prosperous world together with him. This sentence sounds really ironic.

King Jin suddenly took the Lan Jue and punched him so painfully that his whole body bowed down like a bent shrimp. Seeing this, Mo Ran naturally moved the dagger on King Jin's neck to the side. King Jin took advantage of the loophole, and when he bent down, he kicked Mo Ran's left knee fiercely. Mo Ran couldn't stand upright and immediately knelt down on one knee, but the force pulling King Jin also loosened. Quite a lot, although it was only for a moment, it was enough for King Jin to break free from his hands.

"Kill them for me." As soon as King Jin got out of Mo Ran's shackles, he immediately gave the death order to the surrounding guards again with a ferocious face, and the surrounding guards who were already staring at the four people immediately besieged the four of them.

Without King Jin as a shield, the situation of the four fell into a crisis at once. Fortunately, it was not far from the cliff where they could jump off the dark river. After a bloody battle, the four finally reached the distance where they could jump out.

"Give me a crossbow to kill them." Lan Jue was about to pull Huang Ge to jump down, but after hearing the order from King Jin, Lan Jue suddenly stopped and at the same time quietly stuffed a token into Huang Ge's chest. hands.

"Take Ah Xun and go together."

"You're crazy, if you stay, King Jin will kill you." Huang Ge looked at Lan Jue in shock, and he actually gave her the chance to escape.

"As long as you don't die, he won't dare to kill me. They have powerful crossbows. Once we enter the water, we will become fish for their slaughter. After you take Ah Xun out, go to Yunshan to find the garrison there. You have my king's token Now they will follow your instructions, I will wait for you to come back and save me." Lan Jue pushed Huang Ge aside with firm eyes, and at the same time whispered something to her very quickly, after what he said At the same time as it was over, Huang Ge was also pushed off the cliff.

Almost at the same moment, Mo Ran who was next to him also pulled Ah Xun and threw it into the dark river below. Immediately, the two of them swung their knives from left to right, and chopped most of the crossbows that were shooting towards them to the ground.

"Hmm..." Because there were so many powerful crossbows, Mo Ran had already been hit by several arrows in a short time. Hearing his muffled humming, Lan Jue couldn't help but face darken, and then suddenly shouted to King Jin.

"Brother Wuhuang, if you kill me, you will never know the real cause of your mother and concubine's death."

Hearing Lan Jue's words, King Jin's pupils shrank first, and then he raised his hand to signal the crossbowmen to stop temporarily.

"Do you know the real cause of my concubine's death?"

This secret has been hidden in King Jin's heart for more than twenty years. Over the years, this matter has been a thorn in his heart, and it hurts him all the time.But he sent a lot of people to investigate the matter, but all of them returned in vain. Now Lan Jue suddenly mentioned this matter, which naturally aroused King Jin's interest.

"If he doesn't die, I'll tell you." Lan Jue stretched out his hand to support Mo Ran, who had started to crumble due to excessive blood loss, raised his eyes to meet King Jin's dubious eyes, and said very simply.

(End of this chapter)

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