Chapter 307
"My lord..." Mo Ran didn't want Lan Jue to compromise to King Jin because of him, but just as he was about to speak, the wrist held by Lan Jue suddenly tightened.Mo Ran, who has been with Lan Jue for many years, naturally knows that this is Lan Jue's signal to him not to speak too much, and he doesn't dare to disobey Lan Jue's order, so he swallows all the words that follow.

King Jin didn't expect that Lan Jue could throw out such a life-saving talisman at such a critical moment. If he didn't agree to get rid of him directly, he would immediately get rid of a serious problem.But this matter was one of his few weaknesses, so he had to agree.

"Put them in the dungeon temporarily."

After glaring at Lan Jue fiercely, the king of Jin gave instructions to the guards beside him. Although the people around were a little puzzled or even regretful about King Jin's move, they didn't dare to have any doubts about his master's order. Can obey orders.

Before Lan Jue was escorted away, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at the turbulent dark river below. Huang Ge and Ah Xun were no longer in it, and he didn't know if they could escape.

At the corner of a secret passage outside the mine, King Jin, who had just rushed away in anger, was standing here at the moment and gave orders to the person in front of him with a calm face.

"Send someone to search carefully along the dark river, and I will definitely capture those two people regardless of life or death."

Because of Lan Jue's presence just now, if he sent someone to chase after Huang Ge and Ah Xun, I'm afraid Lan Jue would do something to threaten him again.He could only temporarily let Lan Jue put down his guard, and then secretly send someone to hunt them down.

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely bring these two back." The man nodded heavily when he heard the words. As one of the most powerful dead men in the Jin Palace, tracking and capturing them is just a piece of cake for them It's just a small matter.

In Anhe Nei, Huang Ge and Ah Xun experienced the danger of being almost sucked into the vortex of the dark place several times, and finally saw a bright light flickering in front of them.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be an exit ahead."

"Be careful." Huangge didn't feel much joy because she saw the exit, on the contrary, she became more and more vigilant.

No matter how you look at it, the king of Jin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In addition, Liuzhou is already his territory, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like someone who will let them go so easily.

The two floated forward for a while along the water, and the scene in front of them gradually came into their eyes.The end of this dark river turned out to be the exit of a cave, and the place connected to the outside was a cliff and half a shoal, as long as you got out of the cave, you could go ashore.

"Your Majesty, is it possible that King Jin's people haven't caught up with us yet?" Ah Xun saw that there was nothing unusual at the exit of the dark river, so he couldn't help asking Huang Ge in a low voice.

Huang Ge shook her head slightly, indeed she did not rule out this possibility, but it would not hurt to be careful.

The two floated and sank near the exit for a while, and when they saw that there was really nothing different outside, they began to swim out.But when approaching the shoal, Huang Ge suddenly changed color, grabbed Ah Xun who was beside him and sank towards the water.

Ah Xun was confused by Huang Ge's sudden action, and was about to cast a questioning look at Huang Ge, but saw many sharp arrows falling from the water, and his heart trembled in fright.

If it hadn't been for Huangge pulling her to sink underwater in time just now, they would have no room to dodge when those sharp arrows fell, and they would have become a corpse at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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