Chapter 308 Encountered an ambush
Although Huang Ge and Ah Xun's water skills are not bad, but the arrow feathers on them have not stopped for a long time, and the two of them can't hold their breath after a long time.

Ah Xun looked at Huang Ge and asked them what to do next, even if they floated up to the surface and fought to the death, it was better than continuing to dive in the water and wait for death.

It has never been Huang Ge's character to sit and wait for death, and it is even more out of her style to beg for death.

Just now, when he was pulling Ah Xun in the water to avoid the arrow feathers constantly shooting down from the water surface, he had already seen the underwater terrain thoroughly. Although the arrow feathers above him had not stopped, they had become much thinner.Taking advantage of this gap, Huang Ge immediately dragged Ah Xun to a nearby underwater stone forest. Although the stone forest was densely packed, there was a way to go there, and there was surging water there. Huang Ge took a gamble Mentality pulled Ah Xun to swim there, and sure enough, he found a road leading to the shoal on the other side.

The people who ambushed Huang Ge and Ah Xun on the edge of the shoal hadn't seen red in the water for a long time, and they didn't see anyone surfacing. The leader couldn't help but raised his hand to stop their arrow shooting.

"You guys go down and have a look."

The men in black standing next to him immediately jumped into the river when they heard the words, but when they came back from the water after a long while, the expressions on their faces were a bit solemn.

"Return to my lord, there is no one under the water."

Hearing the rewards of those people, the headed man in black couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. Just now he clearly saw the figures of Huang Ge and Ah Xun in the water, and they didn't notice anyone coming out of the water when they shot arrows into the water. They surfaced, but they didn't find any trace of the two of them under the water. Could it be that they swam back again?
Thinking of this possibility, the man in black immediately ordered his men to go into the water and swim in the direction of the mine, while the rest of them began to search around.For some reason, the leader of the man in black always felt a little uneasy. Everyone had already arrived under his nose, but how could they disappear inexplicably? There must be something that he missed.

On a hill behind the shoal, Huang Ge and Ah Xun, who came ashore from the other side of the shoal, were panting and hiding behind a big tree to catch their breath.

Looking at the men in black who had already started searching around the shoal below, and some of them had even reached the place where they had just landed, Ah Xun couldn't help but feel a sense of joy for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Huang Ge just found that way and took her to swim out, and also fortunately they left there before those people searched at an extremely fast speed, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"My lady, where are we going first?"

Because their current location is some distance away from the shoal below, those people will not search here or go there for a while, so they are considered safe for the time being.

But Lan Jue and Mo Ran fell into King Jin's hands, and they had to try to rescue them both.

Hearing this, Huang Ge didn't answer Ah Xun's question right away, looking down at the jade pendant that was thrust into her hand when Lan Jue pushed it off the cliff, she felt a sudden struggle in her heart.

As the general of Jiuli Kingdom, such tokens are no strangers to her.

The general's tiger order can not only mobilize any garrison in any place, but also serve as a pass order for any state and county in a country. Now this token is in her hands. As long as she wants to leave, she can go back to Jiujiang without hindrance. Li country.

(End of this chapter)

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