The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 314 Intentionally making things difficult

Chapter 314 Intentionally making things difficult (1)

Sensing the disgusted gaze from the person on the main seat, Huang Ge felt extraordinarily innocent.

Is it her fault for being ugly?

However, although the general had doubts in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, but asked Huang Ge seriously.

"I heard that the girl has the prince's tiger order in her hand, can you show it to me?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes in the camp focused on Huang Ge. How important is that tiger order? Could it be that His Royal Highness King Yue really handed it over to such a weak woman?

"My lord, have you forgotten that apart from today's emperor and the commander in chief, if there is no imperial decree or entrustment from the commander, no one else can touch it and can only observe it closely." The person who everyone thought Huang Ge would hand over the tiger order to the master When the general was in charge, Huang Ge smiled and said unhurriedly.

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a slap was silently slapped on the chief general, and even the faces of the other generals in the camp felt a little hot.

What Huang Ge said just now was the decree of Yunyue Kingdom. It is because the tiger order is too important. As long as it is touched by others, it may be dropped or tampered with. What will happen then? Mistakes are big things.

Generals like them should keep such a simple truth in mind, but today they made a joke in front of two little girls who they looked down on at all.

Huangge looked at the embarrassment on everyone's faces calmly. These people clearly didn't pay attention to her and Ah Xun, and they ignored the rules because they thought they were women and had no knowledge. Even though it was embarrassing to slap her face, she deserved it.

"My general was just joking with the girl, why should the girl take it seriously." It seemed that the atmosphere in the camp was a bit awkward, and one of the lieutenants suddenly opened his mouth to give the chief general a step down.

As soon as the words came out, all the generals sitting in the venue nodded in agreement, and at the same time, everyone looked at Huang Ge with a hint of warning in their eyes.Originally, there were so many people who had been on the battlefield for a long time sitting in this camp, and the aura honed on their bodies was already compelling. In addition, they deliberately wanted to put pressure on Huang Ge and suppressed their smiles. There is still some distance between them and they can still feel a huge sense of oppression.

Ah Xun has been with Lan Jue since he was a child, how could he have been so angry, and it was given by Lan Jue's subordinates.But Huangge kept pressing her hand to signal her not to be impulsive, and the circles of her eyes were red with anger in an instant.

Compared with Ah Xun's angry Huang Ge, it seems much calmer, isn't it just bullying others, and it's not like they are the only ones who know how to do it.

"It turns out that the Lord General said everything he said casually. It seems that my prince may have misunderstood you. I will talk to him carefully after I rescue the prince later, so that the prince will also change his misconceptions about you. Know."

I thought that Huang Ge would be subdued after being warned by them, but who knew that her tone was indeed much more gentle than before, but the words that she said fell on everyone's hearts like a thunderbolt.

There is no reason for a casual joke in a military camp. As a commander, you must pay special attention to your words and deeds, otherwise it may cause misunderstandings for the soldiers below, and it is very likely that it will not obey the military orders every day.

What's more, Huang Ge came here today with a tiger order, how can there be a joke in such a situation?
(End of this chapter)

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