The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 315 Intentionally making things difficult

Chapter 315 Intentionally making things difficult (2)

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was getting more and more dignified, suddenly a bearded lieutenant stood up, pointed at Huang Ge and Ah Xun beside her and said very bluntly.

"Little girl, we didn't mean to embarrass you. Although you have the prince's tiger order in your hand, you and the little girl next to you are so weak, it doesn't look like they came from the Yue Palace."

The deputy general's words almost expressed the aspirations of everyone present. Although everyone did not all nod in praise, the expressions on their faces already said everything.

Ah Xun didn't expect that someone would question them face to face like this, now even Huang Ge couldn't stop her.

"Big Beard, do you dare to compete with me?"

When the bearded lieutenant heard that Ah Xun was going to wrestle with him, his first reaction was naturally that he heard it wrong.But when he turned around and saw that the colleagues around him all looked like he was hallucinating, he realized that he hadn't heard wrong.

"Little girl, what are you kidding..." The bearded general looked at Ah Xun with disgust, her small body like a bamboo pole was not enough for him to punch, and she was wrestling with a woman , even if he wins, his face is lost.

"What? You don't dare to compare with me?" The look of disgust in the bearded man's eyes made Ah Xun's heart a little bit more angry. This group of dogs look down on people, and she doesn't teach her a lesson today. It was a waste of what the master taught her all these years.

"Who dares to dare? Just compare." The bearded lieutenant general was also a person who could not stand being provoked, and immediately lost his temper when he saw Ah Xun's contemptuous eyes.

Seeing this, everyone in the tent couldn't help but look at each other, why did this matter develop into a competition between two people.However, seeing that the two of them now looked determined to compete, it was difficult for everyone to persuade them and they could only turn their eyes to the chief general sitting in the chief seat.

The chief general was also a little embarrassed at the moment, and after a pause, he simply asked Huang Ge.

"Girl, the soldiers in our army are used to heavy hands, if you accidentally hurt your maid..."

"It's okay, just find a doctor if you get hurt, it's rare that my maid is willing to compete with others, so let them go." The general's words were cut off by Huang Ge before she finished speaking, and what she said The meaning is also very obvious. If Ah Xun is injured, she will not rely on them. Secondly, she also revealed a piece of information. This maid of her family usually does not bother to compete with others, but today she is willing to compete with this bearded lieutenant general You think highly of him.

The main general who originally wanted to use Huangge to dissuade this competition couldn't help but look at Ah Xun more. He was able to sit in this position not only because of his outstanding military exploits. It is also useless.

If these two people are really from the Yue Palace, then their abilities should not be underestimated.Since they insisted on a competition, why didn't he take this opportunity to identify Ah Xun's abilities.If he lost, it would be a big deal for him to pay a gift, and if he won, he would just take this opportunity to beat up this group of lieutenants who had begun to feel a little bit smug.

"Then let's compete in this tent." After the general made up his mind, he wanted to order someone to clean up an open space in the camp for the two to compete, but Ah Xun directly rejected the words as soon as he said them.

"No, I'm going to the training ground to compete with him."

 Wrestling is actually wrestling~ Do you think Ah Xun can win?

(End of this chapter)

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