Chapter 322 Traitor in the Army
Huang Ge thought about it but couldn't think of a reason, and it was not easy to ask Ah Xun, so in the end she could only sigh and temporarily suppress the matter in her heart.

However, Huangge also came to a conclusion that the water in Yunyue Kingdom was much deeper than she thought.

"Niang Niang, someone is here." Just as Huang Ge was thinking, Ah Xun suddenly tugged at the corner of her clothes and asked in a low voice.

Huang Ge looked up, and saw that the general had arrived at a place only a few steps away from them at some point, and was standing there looking at the two as if waiting for them to finish speaking.

"Is there something wrong with the general?" Seeing that the general behaved well, Huang Ge's impression of him was much better.

"Your Majesty, you can just call me Lin Feng." The visitor obviously recognized Huang Ge's identity, and told Huang Ge his name very politely.

Lin Feng was the commander of the Yunshan garrison, and Huangge had roughly guessed his identity the first time he saw him during the day.However, the other party has never disclosed his identity, and Huang Ge did not point it out. If this kind of battle-tested general does not gain his trust, no matter how close the relationship is, it will be useless.

"General Lin came to see me late at night for something important, right?" Naturally, Huang Ge would not call Lin Feng's full name, and added his surname before the word "General" after a little thought.

"In the future, looking for the empress is to apologize to the empress for the day's affairs. The tiger order is an extremely important thing in my dynasty. If there is a mistake, it will affect thousands of people. At the beginning, the end was almost killed. I've been lied to once, so..." Lin Feng didn't beat around the bush, and told the reason why he came very straightforwardly.

Huang Ge nodded in approval when she heard the words, things like Huling can mobilize thousands of troops, so it is inevitable to be careful.But what surprised her was that Lin Feng actually took the initiative to mention that he was almost cheated once. Could it be that someone really had the audacity to use a fake tiger order to deceive people.

As if guessing that Huang Ge must have doubts after hearing these words, Lin Feng smiled at Huang Ge and told him a story of the past.It turned out that when he was a lieutenant general, he did encounter someone with a fake tiger order to send an order. Fortunately, he had an extra heart at that time, and at the same time he quietly sent someone to Lan Jue to confirm it. , I got the news that the tiger order is naturally still with Lan Jue.

At that time, although the man wanted to mobilize only [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, he was in charge of guarding the rear camp where the Lan Jue army was, and the consequences would be disastrous if he left.

From then on, if it wasn't for Lan Jue himself or his cronies to deliver the order, Lin Feng would have been extra cautious.

After listening to Lin Feng's narration, Huang Ge couldn't help being surprised.

"An important thing like the Tiger Order can only be seen by the general or the deputy general who is about to be promoted to the general. Ordinary people can't imitate it at all..."

When Huangge said this, seeing Lin Feng's emotions were a little complicated, he couldn't help blurting out.

"Could it be that someone in the army mutinied?"

"Your Majesty is indeed a smart person. At that time, it was indeed a general who had the heart of rebellion. At that time, the prince was in a fierce battle with Qi Chu, and the general stabbed the prince in the back. The fight was extremely hard, and even though we defeated Qi Chu's army in the end, we also lost [-] soldiers." Lin Feng nodded with a heavy expression, it was a battle that they didn't want to think about but had to forget.

(End of this chapter)

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