Chapter 323 Rescue Lan Jue (1)

Huang Ge naturally understood how difficult the situation Lan Jue and the others were in at that time, especially when they were betrayed by their capable generals, the damage they suffered was no less than being stabbed in the chest.

No wonder the war between Yunyue State and Qi Chu State lasted for almost a year. According to the strength of Qi Chu State, without this rebellion, it might not last even a month.

After knowing Lan Jue for so long, Huang Ge realized for the first time that he was not as smooth sailing as rumored outside, and that the general's betrayal was also quite interesting, I'm afraid there are still people watching behind him.

"I understand what General Lin said. I hope the general will not take it to heart if I offended you before." What a smart person Huang Ge is. Lin Feng came to her late at night and told her the past. Things in the daytime are as simple as apologizing.

While acknowledging her identity, Lin Feng also told her about Lan Jue's unknown situation. This undoubtedly wanted her to act more cautiously in the future, lest a slight mistake would attract some people that she didn't know at all. Unexpected trouble.

"Your Majesty, you are being polite. You will understand that your Majesty is doing it for the good of the prince." Lin Feng clasped his fists at Huang Ge and saluted, then turned and left, and his tall figure quickly disappeared into the night.

"Mother, why did General Lin tell you these things?" Huangge understood Lin Feng's intention, but Ah Xun, who was on the side, was at a loss, and saw that the conversation between the two just now seemed like a riddle. After Lin Feng left, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's just to let me follow the prince well in the future. It's getting late at night, let's go back." Huang Ge simply explained to Ah Xun, thinking that they would leave for Liuzhou early tomorrow morning, so they walked down the mountain with Ah Xun .

The next morning, before dawn, a team secretly set off from Yunshan to Liuzhou. Lin Feng and the others were veterans who followed Lan Jue, so they naturally knew what route to take without being discovered by outsiders.

Worried about Lan Jue's safety, Huang Ge went to Liuzhou alone with more than a dozen elite soldiers assigned to her by Ah Xun and Lin Feng. Even though the dozen or so people were on the road day and night, it was already two days later when they arrived in Liuzhou.

"Your Majesty, last night His Royal Highness King Jin left Liuzhou without knowing where he was going." Huang Ge and the others had just arrived in the Liuzhou Bieyuan and before they could catch their breath, the hidden guards who stayed in Liuzhou told her a shocking news.

"What about the lord?"

"The prince is still being held in the mine, but the guards inside are too strict, we dare not enter rashly."

Hearing that Lanjue was still left in Liuzhou Huangge's heart couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he was still there, everything would be fine.As for King Jin suddenly leaving without knowing where to go, Huang Ge believes that he will show up by himself sooner or later, there is no need to waste time looking for him right now.

"Do you have a map of the mine?" The most important thing now is to rescue Lan Jue first. The terrain of the mine is a bit complicated, and they really dare not act recklessly without people who are familiar with the inside or a detailed map.

Hearing the words, the dark guard immediately took out a map that had been drawn a few days ago. Huang Ge carefully looked at it for a while, and it was indeed the same as most of the terrain they saw in the mine that day. Carefully discuss the specific plan to rescue Lan Jue.

Not long after dusk fell that day, Huangge and Ah Xun led a few other hidden guards into the secret passage of Prince Jin's mansion. At the same time, there were more than ten people at the other entrances of the mine. The small team will enter the mine and start the rescue in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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