Chapter 324 Rescue Lan Jue (2)

Jin Wang seemed to have expected that someone would come to rescue Lan Jue. As soon as midnight arrived, after other teams broke in one after another, they immediately attracted many people lurking in the dark or pretending to be miners. The cave quickly became one.But Huang Ge's team was the first to sneak into the mine but was the last to be discovered, but by the time they were discovered, they had already arrived at the place where Lan Jue and Mo Ran were being held.

Without saying a word, Huang Ge rushed forward with a knife, but within a short time, all the guards were killed.

"Miss..." Mo Ran, who was seriously injured and had not been well healed, could barely hang on his breath. Now that he saw Huang Ge and the others coming, he was so excited that he only called Huang Ge and passed out.Fortunately, when Huang Ge came, he specially brought a dark guard who was proficient in medical skills with him. Seeing this, the dark guard immediately fed Mo Ran a life-saving pill and took his pulse. Seeing that he could still last for a while , Immediately signaled to others to take Moran out first and then perform detailed treatment.

After finding Mo Ran, Huang Ge's attention naturally fell on looking for Lan Jue. According to the news from the secret guards, Lan Jue was not taken away by King Jin, but this dungeon is so big, there is no one other than Mo Ran. second person.

"Your Majesty, why don't you see the lord?" Seeing that there was no figure of Lan Jue, Ah Xun was also anxious, and the other hidden guards even searched under the dilapidated bed, but there was no other person besides Mo Ran. two people.

When everyone was anxious, suddenly a hidden guard rushed over from the side and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, the prince is being imprisoned in the water prison nearby."

Hearing what the hidden guard said, everyone in the room almost wanted to go to the water prison next to them, but they were stopped by Huang Ge after just two steps.

"You guys watch at the door, Ah Xun and I can just go in."

What a proud person Lan Jue is, even if he is in trouble now, how could he be willing to be seen by his subordinates.

Although Huang Ge's order made them confused, but fortunately, everyone was selected by Mo Ran himself, and they obeyed Huang Ge's words quite well. After stepping out, he followed.

The light in the water prison next to it was very poor. After Huang Ge and Ah Xun walked in, they only vaguely looked at the center of the water prison, and it seemed that there was a person imprisoned in the water prison. Whether it is life or death, one can only tell whether it is Lan Jue based on the clothes on his body.And there were several hidden guards standing in the open space next to the water dungeon. For some reason, the expressions on their faces were particularly anxious.

"What's the matter?" Huang Ge guessed that this person should be the one who found here together with the secret guard who reported the letter. If one person goes out to report the letter, the others will naturally stay and try to rescue Lan Jue.But it has been a long time, but none of them went into the water, why?

"Hui Niangniang, the water is too icy, we can't take it after we go down..." Seeing Huang Ge approaching, the dark guards all knelt down towards him, all with shame on their faces.

After hearing this, Huang Ge noticed that several of them were shaking extremely violently, presumably they had indeed been in the water just now but were forced to come back.

The water is extraordinarily bitter?
Thinking of this, Huang Ge couldn't help but bent down to explore the water in the water prison with her hands, but the strange thing was that she didn't feel any chill before entering the water.

(End of this chapter)

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