Chapter 325 Rescue Lan Jue (3)

However, when she put her hand into the water, a bone-piercing chill came over her suddenly. It felt like thousands of ice picks were scratching her bones, and she couldn't bear the pain at all.

"It's so cold..." Huang Ge blurted out almost subconsciously when she withdrew her hand.

"Your Majesty, what should I do? If the water is really so cold, how can the lord bear it..." Seeing that Huang Ge couldn't stand the cold in the water, Ah Xun also bent over to explore, but the result was that Huang Ge couldn't stand it. It was almost the same, and the fingertips had only been submerged in the water for a long time before they were retracted in pain.

As soon as Ah Xun's words came out, the faces of the guards next to him turned pale. Could it be that they were going to watch their master die here?

Thinking of all the benefits that Lan Jue had given them on weekdays, several people exchanged a look and then showed a generous expression of going to death.Even if they all died of cold in this water today, they still have to rescue Lan Jue.

The changes in the complexions of several people happened to be in the eyes of Huang Ge who turned his head, and when one of them was about to jump off, she stopped him in time.

"Don't make fearless sacrifices. The water here has been tampered with. Even if you all jump down, you won't be able to get to where the prince is."

Huang Ge's words were like a basin of cold water that extinguished the flame of hope that had just been ignited in the hearts of several people on the spot. Could it be that they really had to let their princes be trapped in that water prison all the time?

Looking at the despair on the faces of several people, Huang Ge felt uncomfortable. No wonder King Jin didn't take Lan Jue away, and he didn't send too many people to guard the water prison and the dungeon next to it. None of them could go to the center of the water prison, unchain Lan Jue and bring him out.

However, the water in the water dungeon was different from ordinary ice water. Although the biting cold made people feel unbearable pain, there was no sign of freezing people.Jin Wang probably didn't want to let Lan Jue die so soon, so he deliberately used this special water to imprison Lan Jue, in order to torture him slowly.

Therefore, Huang Ge was sure that Lan Jue should still be alive right now, and she didn't respond all the time, maybe she passed out from the pain of being tortured.

"Niang Niang, why don't you quickly think of a way?" After getting along with Huang Ge during this time, Ah Xun has already regarded her as his backbone. Now that everyone has no way to rescue Lan Jue, Ah Xun can't help pinning this hope to Huang Ge. on the body of the song.

Huang Ge pursed her lips and glanced at the figure in the center of the water prison, it's not that there is no way to save her, it's just...

Closing his eyes and recalling all the kindness Lan Jue had done to him during this period of time, Huang Ge couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Probably, she owed Lan Jue some kind of debt in her previous life, so God punished her to repay the debt in this life.

"Each of you give me a drop of blood."

Huang Ge suddenly said such a sentence, and the few people present couldn't help but not react, but after a while, everyone realized that Huang Ge should have a way to save Lan Jue, and immediately took their own heart and soul.

After everyone took the heart blood, Huang Ge each used a silver needle to stain their blood, and then stabbed it on several big points on his body, and at the same time took a drop of his heart blood and dripped it on the center of the eyebrow.

"I temporarily used silver needles to seal the touch on my body, but I don't know how long it can last. I will throw him out after I cut off the iron chain on the prince's body. Remember to connect him well."

(End of this chapter)

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