Chapter 326 Rescue Lan Jue (4)

"What about you, my lady?" Ah Xun didn't know how long she could hold on to this method when she heard Huangge. If she sent out the Lan Jue and it had already expired before she came out, wouldn't it be that she was imprisoned again? Inside the dungeon.

"Use this silk to drag me out." Huangge handed the silk she had prepared earlier to Ah Xun's hand, and jumped into the water prison before she could answer.

She learned this method from an elder when she was a child. The Feng family has a book of inner strength and mentality whose attribute is fire. If you encounter extremely cold things, you can use this inner strength and mentality to resist them, but if you encounter extremely cold things, you can use golden needles. Contaminated with heart blood and then pierced into the big acupoints on the body, and then combined with this inner strength method to temporarily seal the touch in the body to achieve the effect of resisting the cold.

Huang Ge didn't know if the water in the water prison was the special kind of cold poison mentioned by the elder, but now there is no other way to use it, and she can only treat it as a living horse doctor for the time being. tried.

After entering the water dungeon this time, he really didn't feel the tingling pain before, but every time he took a step forward, Huang Ge felt his touch slowly returning, in order to dare to reach Lan Jue before his touch completely returned. , Huangge immediately gritted his teeth and started to run hard in the water prison.

The resistance in the water was already high, and by the time Huangge got to Lanjue's side, she was already sweating profusely, and more than half of her sense of touch had recovered, the tingling sensation almost swept her whole body, giving her the illusion of being dizzy.Looking at Lan Jue who was locked up by the iron chain, his eyes closed and his lips turned white, Huang Ge first sniffed his breath to confirm that he was still alive, and then slapped him hard on the face a few times.

"My lord..."

After slapping Lan Jue several times without any response, Huang Ge immediately cut off the iron chains binding Lan Jue's wrists with a painful swing of his sword.

Without the restraints on both sides, the unconscious Lan Jue fell towards the water. Fortunately, Huang Ge was prepared to support him and lean on her body immediately.At this moment, her sense of touch has recovered to a seven or eighty-eight degree, and the tingling pain all over her body is quite uncomfortable like ice thorns on fire.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and throw the prince over here."

Ah Xun on the shore saw that Huangge cut off the iron chain on Lanjue's hand, and immediately urged her.

Huang Ge bit the tip of her tongue to force herself to stay awake, then gritted her teeth and bent over to pick up Lan Jue and threw it to the shore with all her strength.This body is not good at all. Although she has gained a lot of weight during this period, it is beyond her ability to forcefully throw a grown man out. The moment Lan Jue's body left, Huang Ge couldn't The one who suffered the force fell into the water prison.


When Huangge jumped into the water, Huangge screamed almost subconsciously. Ah Xun, who was on the shore and other hidden guards worked together to catch Lan Jue, heard Huang Ge's scream, and suddenly couldn't even care about Lan Jue. Wrapped the silk silk in his hand with a stone and threw it towards Huangge's position.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and grab Si Ling's maidservant to pull you out."

Fortunately, the water in that dungeon was not deep, Huang Ge could barely straighten up after jumping into the water.It happened that the silk silk thrown by Ah Xun was right in front of her. Huang Ge held the last breath and wrapped the silk silk around her wrist. Seeing this, Ah Xun immediately joined forces with another dark guard to wrap Huang Ge Pulled out of the dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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