Chapter 333 The Dust Settles (4)

"So you have already thought about it?" Huang Ge couldn't help but looked at Mrs. Yun in surprise when she heard the words, she thought that Mrs. Yun made this request on a whim.

"When I came back, I already thought about it. The empress is a leader worth following. I can learn more things when I go to the capital. It is also beneficial to me." Mrs. Yun smiled and nodded. After Lan Jue mentioned this to her, Mrs. Yun thought about it for a day and had already made up her mind to go to the capital with Huang Ge, or because Huang Ge's temperament that was different from other women infected her, Let her also want to be a person like Huang Ge.When standing with the man you like, you don't need to cling to him intentionally, but be a person who can sit side by side with him.

Although this idea may be unrealistic, it is always good to have such a hope.

"Since you've already made up your mind, I'll agree to you, but later on I'll ask Ah Xun to bring you 100 taels of silver as a settling fee, and you have to accept it." Seeing that this was Mrs. Yun's deliberation, Huang Ge no longer thought about it. She declined, but thinking of the warm hospitality the two elders had given her in the past two days and the feeling of being an elder without any affectation, she couldn't treat him badly.

"Your Majesty is what you say." Mrs. Yun was very satisfied with Huang Ge's request, and she naturally responded to Huang Ge's request.Although it seemed that she took advantage of this move, it would be a big deal to do more things for Huangge in the future to make up for it.

After the two discussed this matter, they continued to happily wash wild vegetables. It happened that Ah Xun and Mrs. Yun's father came back from hunting and harvested two rabbits and a pheasant. Cooking skills, when a table of dishes was served, Huang Ge couldn't stop drooling before even moving his chopsticks.

"Niang Niang, who do you see coming?" Just as Huang Ge and the others were preparing to eat, Ah Xun suddenly ran in from outside with an expression of excitement.

Huang Ge raised her eyes and before she could answer, Lan Jue had already stepped in.

"His Royal Highness King Yue?" Mrs. Yun was startled when she saw that Lan Jue was coming, she quickly got up and dragged the elders to kneel down to salute.

"You don't need to be too polite, just sit down." Lan Jue waved to the three people who wanted to salute, and before the three of them came back to their senses, he strode to the seat beside Huang Ge and sat down. The dishes on the dishes, although not as good-looking as those famous chefs in Kyoto, but the aroma is so strong that it whets the appetite.

"Ah Xun, bring another pair of bowls and chopsticks." Huangge saw that Lan Jue picked up his own bowls and chopsticks and started to eat. Knowing that he must be too busy these days to starve, he immediately ordered Ah Xun .

When Ah Xun heard the words, he happily went to find the bowls and chopsticks. Mrs. Yun next to her was a little at a loss when she saw this, and the second elder, who had never seen any princes and nobles, was even more at a loss, her face was full of uneasiness and fear. .

"What is Qing'er doing in a daze, hurry up and help uncle and aunt to sit down." Huang Ge couldn't help laughing out loud seeing the appearance of the three of them, Lan Jue is not a scourge, it frightens them.

"Sit down, all of you, just treat me as Ah Zhi's husband." Lan Jue, who had temporarily relieved his hunger after eating two mouthfuls of food, realized that his existence had invisibly given him Under tremendous pressure, the three of them immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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