The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 334 Stealing a Floating Life for Half a Day

Chapter 334 Stealing a Floating Life for Half a Day (1)

Seeing that Lan Jue had spoken, Madam Yun and the second elder sat down again. Just as Ah Xun had found the bowls and chopsticks, everyone began to pick up vegetables and eat.

Huangge's heart was scratched by a cat when Lan Jue said Ah Zhi's husband, while slowly picking up the rice in the bowl, she quietly looked at Lan Jue from the corner of her eye.

After not seeing him for a few days, he seems to have lost some weight, and his brows and eyes are also stained with a layer of tiredness. I think the past few days have not been easy.

But since he came here today, he thought that all the things that need him to deal with had already been dealt with, and the day when they returned to the capital was getting closer.

The meal was quite reserved at the beginning, but as Lan Jue took the initiative to talk to the elders and even chatted with them about some farm crops, the atmosphere at the dinner table became more and more relaxed.

The gentleness between the brows reflected Lan Jue's elegant and handsome man's temperament, which made him look a little less cold and indifferent than usual, but a little more warm and gentle like the brother next door. Such a Lan Jue It was the first time Huang Ge saw it, and she couldn't help but think in her heart, so he, an annoying ghost, can be likable sometimes.

Or because I was too engrossed in watching, Lan Jue, who was chatting with the elders, suddenly raised his eyes to look at her. The moment their eyes collided, Huang Ge felt his heart tremble, as if something suddenly jumped into the depths of his heart. She was so frightened that she immediately looked away.

This little action naturally fell into Lan Jue's eyes, but he didn't expose Huang Ge's intentions, but the smile on his face deepened a bit.

It took half an hour for lunch to end, and with Ah Xun helping to clean up the dishes, Huang Ge was naturally happy to relax.Seeing that Lan Jue was still talking to the second elder, he quietly left the yard and walked slowly along the ridge outside.

It is midsummer now, and the ears of rice on both sides of the ridge have turned golden yellow. From a distance, one piece after another of golden rice fields spreads out from near to far, which is very beautiful.

Standing on the ridge of the field, Huang Ge was watching in a daze, and suddenly there was a blooming lotus in front of her eyes, she subconsciously turned around and looked, and happened to bump into Lan Jue's deep eyes.Thinking of the scene where the two eyes collided during the meal, Huang Ge couldn't help but blushed and immediately turned her head back.

"Why is your lord here?"

She remembered that when she just left the house, she saw Lan Jue chatting happily with the second elder, but now he appeared behind her after only a while.

"When I came here, I saw a nice view of the paddy field. When I saw you, I wanted to walk on the ridge with you." Lan Jue stuffed the lotus in his hand into the singer, and immediately walked with his hands behind his back Go forward along the ridge.

The summer wind blew a faint scent of lotus, and in a trance, there seemed to be a faint scent of plum blossoms lingering on the tip of the nose, but in an instant, it was covered by the scent of lotus, and Feiyang's thoughts were also pulled back.

In front of Mrs. Yun's house is a lotus pond. Although the lotus species planted in it are not as rare as those in Liuzhou's other courtyards, it is better than the fragrance of the flowers. At this moment, there is still juice dripping on the cut-off path, which is obviously when Lan Jue was going out. Easily picked from the inside.

Looking at the lotus in his hand for some reason, Huang Ge's heart suddenly became warm, and when he looked up at Lan Jue who had already walked a certain distance, he suddenly felt that he was not as obtrusive as before.

(End of this chapter)

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