The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 335 Stealing a Floating Life for Half a Day

Chapter 335 Stealing a Floating Life for Half a Day (2)

Lan Jue's trip here is indeed to take Huangge back. The King Jin case has been dealt with almost, and it's time for them to return to the capital.

Mrs. Yun had already discussed with the elders about going to the capital, so naturally all the necessary things had already been prepared. After dinner, she bid farewell to the elders and the party and left in the twilight.

The urging from the capital was urgent, and almost all the people who should be arrested in the King Jin case should be arrested, so they should all be escorted to the capital for trial.According to Lan Jue, the things in the Liuzhou Bieyuan have been packed and sent back to the capital, and the group of them left the village where Mrs. Yun lived and went straight to the capital.

Because a large number of criminals and all the female family members and servants of Prince Jin's Mansion had to be escorted into the capital, the journey back to the capital became a bit long, and the usual three-or-two-day journey was abruptly slowed down to five days before arriving in the capital. .Huangge propped her chin up with one hand and looked through the veil of the carriage window, and the majestic Kyoto city in front of her gradually appeared in her vision.

"Niang Niang, you seem to be in a bad mood?" Mrs. Yun, who had changed her name to Su Ning, couldn't help asking tentatively when she saw that Huang Ge seemed a little depressed on the way back.

Huangge nodded slightly, Jingdu Yingminsi still had a case waiting for her, and now she hadn't figured out a good way to deal with this trouble, after going back, Lan Jue would be distracted to participate in the case of King Jin again. Most of the things can only be solved by herself.

"Is your empress worried about Ying Minsi's case?" Ah Xun thought about it carefully, it seems that the only thing that Jingjing can affect Huang Ge's mood is Zuo Xiang Bai Hui going to Ying Minsi to sue her.

Huang Ge rubbed her temples with quite a headache, although she didn't answer Ah Xun, but the expression on her face already showed everything.

Su Ning doesn't know much about the affairs in Kyoto, but she still knows a thing or two about Ying Minsi's reputation in the world.But what Su Ning doesn't understand is that Ying Minsi has always been helping to mediate family disputes. Could it be possible that there are still people who dare to trouble the future Princess Yue?

However, seeing that Huangge's complexion was really not very good-looking, Su Ning thought about it for a while and persuaded Huangge rather understandingly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Since the prince brought you back to the capital, he has already thought of a countermeasure."

"Sister Su Ning is right, the lord must have already thought of a way to deal with it before bringing the empress back. Otherwise, you can just find a reason to let the empress stay in Liuzhou, and no one can do anything against you." Ah Xunwen Yan nodded in agreement, and then persuaded Huangge.

After being told by the two of them, Huang Ge's mood really improved a lot. At this time, the carriage had already arrived at the gate of Kyoto, and Lan Jue was going to escort a group of suspects to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Naturally, their carriage could not follow and had to turn to Yue Go in the direction of the palace.

"Is this going to the Yue Palace?" After entering the capital city, Huang Ge saw that the carriage was going in the direction of the Yue Palace, so she couldn't help asking with a frown.

"The lord ordered the empress to go back to the Yue Palace to rest." Ah Xun saw that Huang Ge seemed not too happy to go to the Yue Palace, and decisively dumped the blame on Lan Jue, saying that this matter had nothing to do with her.

"Don't go, let them go in another direction." Huangge heard the words and refused very straightforwardly, and she didn't know whether Shangguan Ziyan was still in the Yue Palace, so she didn't want to go there to create trouble for herself.

"Then go to Zuo Xiang's mansion?" Seeing that Huang Ge didn't want to go to Yue Wang's mansion, Ah Xun thought for a while and seemed to have to go to Zuo Xiang's mansion.

"I won't go." Naturally, Huangge of the Zuoxiang Mansion didn't want to go even more, it was a pain for Ah Xun, the Yue Palace's own wife didn't want to go, and Zuoxiang's Mansion didn't want to go, so where did they go?
(End of this chapter)

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