Chapter 336 Returning to Zuo Xiangfu (1)

At this time, not only Ah Xun but also Huang Ge are troubled, she also has thousands of gold in her hands, now she has no place to live after throwing away Yue Wang Mansion and Zuo Xiang Mansion, it is so miserable that she cannot bear to look directly at it.

Thinking of this, Huangge decisively decided to go to Zuoxiang's mansion to take out the money stored in his room first. No matter what, he had to buy some real estate in the capital first. If he really fell out with Lan Jue in the future, he would have a place to live land.

"Go to Zuo Xiang's mansion." Huang Ge has always been a man of action, and immediately ordered to the coachman after he figured it out.

A Xun's face was full of doubts, didn't he just say that he couldn't go to Zuo Xiangfu?
After passing through a few big streets, the carriage stopped in front of the gate of Zuo Xiang's mansion. Seeing that Huang Ge had come back, the guard at the gate couldn't help but look at each other, whether to put it in or not?
After some hesitation, everyone still chose to reach out and stop Huang Ge when she stepped on the steps. After all, they took the money from Zuo Xiangfu, so they had to work for Zuo Xiangfu.


"What? I won't be going to Liuzhou for a few days, is it possible that this house can't go back?" Huang Ge had already noticed the strange look of the guards at the gate, and now that he was stopped by the two, he suddenly darkened his face and asked pretending to be displeased road.

"Miss misunderstood, it's not that I made things difficult on purpose, it's really because the master issued a death order, if Miss comes back, I will never let you step into the gate." The two guards immediately explained to Huangge with aggrieved faces He said, how could they have the courage to stop Huangge, but they were just using other people's money to do things for others.

Hearing that it was actually Bai Hui who issued a death order to prevent her from entering the mansion, Huang Ge couldn't help but hook her lips.

Is this the rhythm of killing relatives righteously?

"Sister?" Just as Huang Ge was thinking about whether to jump over the wall and enter, a soft call of surprise and joy came from behind him, and when he turned around, it turned out that it was Bai You who had returned from going out.

"It's really a big sister, You'er thought she recognized the wrong person." Seeing that it was indeed Huang Ge who came, Bai You was overjoyed, almost trotting all the way over, and hugged Huang Ge's wrist quite affectionately.

For Bai You's intimate gesture of affection, Huang Ge just thinks it's a little funny. Aunt Ding has done so many excessive things to her. Bai You, a daughter, seems to know nothing. They either take the initiative to show affection or treat each other with intimacy. Those who don't know think that they are sisters.

"Second miss, my mother wants to go in to get some things, but the guard at the gate said that Mr. Zuo Xiang issued a death order to prevent my mother from entering the house. Look..." Ah Xun saw Huang Ge's expression of not wanting to talk to Bai You expression, immediately stepped forward to salute her, and then said embarrassingly.

"This is an order that my father gave when he was angry a few days ago. Maybe he has forgotten it now. It should be a happy event for my sister to return to the house. How could it affect my mood because of these small things? I will accompany you to take whatever my sister wants That's it." Hearing the words, Bai You comforted softly, and immediately took Huang Ge's wrist and walked into Zuo Xiang's mansion together.

The two guards naturally did not dare to stop Bai You, so Huang Ge entered Zuo Xiang's mansion accompanied by Bai You.

Along the way, many people from Zuo Xiang's mansion showed a little surprise on their faces when they saw Huang Ge came back, and at the same time, many people looked at her with a bit of gloating in their eyes.

After all, at the beginning she suddenly flew on a branch and became a phoenix, which aroused the envy of many people in the mansion, but in the blink of an eye, she was sued by Bai Hui to the Yingmin Division. In the end, whether you win or lose, your reputation is not much better.

(End of this chapter)

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