Chapter 798

"Ma'am, do you want to stop the people who patrol the camp outside and encourage those unruly people to kill Princess Mingzhu and her maidservant?"

Seeing that Huang Ge and Su Ning had no way out, the old lady who was following Ding couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Ding Dashan can be said to be the food and clothing of this refugee Zhuangzi. For many people, they are just recreated by kindness. Now that Huangge has killed Ding Dashan, the emotions of these refugees are already very excited.If they took the opportunity to stir up some more secretly, Huangge could die at the hands of these refugees, and even if they were held accountable, they would not be able to catch up with them.

"The nobleman said that this bitch can't be allowed to die here tonight. Our task has been completed, so don't make any trouble."

At this moment, Ding naturally wished that Huang Ge would die in the hands of those refugees, but that person repeatedly told her not to let Huang Ge die here tonight, otherwise her life would be worse than death.

When she thought that Huang Ge had taken a life under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ding's displeasure immediately changed for the better.

She wants to see what kind of waves Huang Ge can find this time.

While the two were talking, the guards from the battalion rushed over.

From a distance, they heard someone shouting that Princess Mingzhu had killed someone. Although they didn't know what was going on, their first task was to protect Huangge before the matter was clarified. As for the other things, it was Dali Temple. thing.

The news that Huang Ge had killed Ding Dashan was spread throughout the entire capital city in the early morning of the next day, which immediately caused quite a stir.

First of all, Ding Dashan helped many disaster victims in the suburbs of Kyoto. There are still several Zhuangzi like last night. Naturally, the number of refugees who have benefited from him is also particularly large.

Hearing that Ding Dashan died under the sword of Princess Mingzhu last night, many refugees clamored to enter the city emotionally, wanting to seek justice for Ding Dashan.

The second reason is that Huang Ge's identity is very special. Behind her is a Yue Wang Mansion, and her every move attracts the attention of the whole court.

Now that she killed Ding Dashan with her own hands, no matter what the reason was, someone wrote a booklet and handed it to the emperor, hoping that she could be punished severely, and at the same time, she also participated in a copy of Yue Wangfu, and she must take this opportunity to let Yue Wangfu follow bad luck.

In addition to the courtiers who took the opportunity to fall into trouble, merchants in Kyoto also began various strikes to express their dissatisfaction.In addition, there are some other people in the capital who more or less have profound friendship with Mr. Ding Dashan. Now that something happened to him, they naturally want to seek justice for him.

So a large number of people began to gather outside the gate of Dali Temple from the dawn of dawn. At first, the yamen servants drove them away with a straight face. Later, they found that the more they drove them away, the more emotional they became. All the yamen servants were so frightened that they all retreated and closed the gate of Dali Temple under Murong Jin's instruction.

Last night when Huangge was imprisoned in Dali Temple, Murongjin had already been alarmed. Originally, he wanted to go to the prison immediately to ask what happened to Huangge, but who knew that there was an urgent order in Midnight Palace to arrest him. He was ordered to enter the palace overnight.

It turned out that Lan Jue was ordered by the tens of thousands of troops to find out the epidemic. The matter has not made progress for a long time. The emperor has received several impeachment memorials in private. Discuss the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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