Chapter 799

By the time Murong Jin came out of the palace, it was already dawn.After dealing with the gangsters at the gate, Murong Jin hurried to the prison without even having breakfast.

"What happened last night?"

Murong Jin also knew about the rescue of Lin Yun in advance. Judging from the information they got and the way they discussed, it is absolutely impossible for such a big mistake to occur.

Moreover, Murong Jin also knew Huang Ge very well, knowing that she would definitely not take the initiative to kill Ding Dashan, and as for doing it by mistake, it was not at Huang Ge's level.

"Last night was obviously a game, a game where others had already laid out everything and just waited for me to jump into it."

Huang Ge smiled wryly and shook his head, originally planning to take advantage of Xi Niang's news about Lin Yun to plot her against her, and asked her to help bear the reputation of taking Lin Yun away.

Who knew that when they found Lin Yun and were about to carry out this matter, they realized that it was just a trap arranged by Mrs. Ding in advance, in order to take this opportunity to lure her into that house.

Once she got there, everything after that would be very simple.

"Then how did you kill Ding Dashan?"

Hearing what Huang Ge said, Murong Jin knew that this time he had also been tricked by others, and he hadn't seen the slightest flaw before.

"It's strange to say that the sword I stabbed at that time was to deflect the long knife that Ding Dashan stabbed at Su Ning. Who knew that after deflecting his saber, my mind was in a trance for a moment. My right hand also stabbed towards Ding Dashan uncontrollably. In addition, he suddenly rushed over at that time, and my sword pierced into his body unavoidably."

When it comes to Ding Dashan's death, Huang Ge still hasn't figured it out.

When she stabbed Ding Dashan with her sword, what method did the other party use to influence her mind?Now that I think about it carefully, the scene was exactly the same as what Ran'er described when he killed the man. Even she followed the other party's advice, let alone Ran'er.

Murong Jin frowned immediately upon hearing this, if what Huang Ge said was true, then the other party definitely had a master hidden in the dark.And this person must know some heresy, so that he can accurately influence other people's minds at the most critical moment.

"I felt like they were coming after me."

Just when Murong Jin was thinking, Huang Ge suddenly spoke again.

“How come you see?”

Huangge and Murongjin had talked together before, and they felt that Ran'er's incident was obviously aimed at Huangge, but in fact it was most likely aimed at the Yue Palace.Now Huang Ge said that this matter was aimed at her, Murong Jin was immediately puzzled.

"If I said it was intuition, would you think that I was locked up and confused?"

Huang Ge smiled and shook her head, she didn't have any evidence for this guess, it was just the feeling in her heart.

"It's also possible that you're right."

Murong Jin knew that Huang Ge was not a person who made such random guesses after being locked up for one night. A woman's intuition is actually a very scary thing sometimes.

"Anyway, I'll have to work hard on you this time."

Huang Ge shrugged indifferently, and then looked at Murong Jin with a smile.Now that she and Ran'er are both in the prison of Dali Temple, and Lan Jue is in the capital again, the only person they can count on is him.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to investigate."

 The flu has been raging recently, and the temperature has suddenly dropped again. Dear friends, you must pay attention to keeping warm and drink plenty of hot water!Xiaoxiao has already been recruited, crying and begging to be touched~
(End of this chapter)

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