Chapter 800 The Death of Aunt Ding (1)

Murong Jin nodded heavily immediately when he heard the words, no matter it was his friendship with Huang Ge or because of Lan Jue's kindness to him, it was impossible for him to stand idly by on this matter.

After talking with Huang Ge for about half an hour, Murong Jin left the sky prison. When he returned to his mansion, Lan Ziying, who got the news, had already been waiting for him there for several hours.

"What's going on? Why is there such a commotion outside?"

Lan Ziying only knew a general idea of ​​what happened last night, she was full of doubts, and there were people everywhere who wanted to seek justice for Mr. Ding Dashan, which made her even more worried.

This incident even alarmed the Empress Dowager. Before she left the house, she had already received a message from Aunt Luoying herself, asking her to find a way to clarify this matter and then enter the palace to tell her the ins and outs.

Murong Jin knew that Lan Ziying and Huang Ge had a good relationship, so he didn't hide it from her, and told her all the news he knew.

"That Auntie Ding is too shameless. She secretly imprisoned Mrs. Zuo Xiang for so many years, but she even united with outsiders to frame Aunt Xiao Huang. It's simply too hateful."

When she heard that this matter was related to the Ding family, and that she was the most important figure in the layout, Lan Ziying suddenly became furious, wishing to tear this vicious woman apart with her own hands.

"I'm afraid this matter is just the beginning. The people hiding behind have not revealed any clues yet, and they don't know what they want to do."

Compared with Ding's pawn, Murong Jin is more worried about what is the final plot of this game.

"Didn't Auntie Ding admit that she was instructed by others? Since she knows the inside story, then you can send someone to capture her and torture her, and you will be able to find out something from her."

Lan Ziying thought for a while, and now the person who emerged in this situation is Ding, the easiest way is naturally to capture her back, and then use all means to force her to find out what she knows.

"I'm afraid she won't survive that time."

Murong Jin shook her head helplessly when she heard the words, since the other party was determined to set up a dead end, how could she leave behind someone who knew the inside story.

"Could it be that they will kill and silence?"

After hearing Murong Jin's words, Lan Ziying was startled. Aunt Ding was the prime minister's successor after all. Could it be that the other party was really so bold that she even dared to kill Aunt Ding?

"Master, my subordinates have something important to report."

Just when Lan Ziying was surprised, Murongjin's confidant Zhang Xiu suddenly strode in and said with a serious expression.

"Go ahead."

Murong Jin didn't shy away from the fact that Lan Ziying was on the side, and waved directly to Zhang Xiu.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiu first glanced at Lan Ziying with a strange expression, and then told the news he had just received.

"Mrs. Zuo Xiang was found drowned in the lake of the Prime Minister's Mansion in the morning. The people who watched secretly said that before dawn, she suddenly came to the lake with a calm expression, and she didn't know what she said to the lake. Then he showed a crazy look, and then threw himself into the lake.

Our people were too far away, and there were a lot of aquatic plants in the lake, and she had already lost her breath when she was rescued. "

"Auntie Ding is really dead?"

When Lan Ziying heard the news brought by Zhang Xiu, she stood up from her chair in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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