Chapter 801 The Death of Aunt Ding (2)

Just now when Murong Jin told her that Aunt Ding would die, she still didn't believe it, but who knew that it only took a while before the news of her death came.

Compared to Lan Ziying's reaction, Murong Jin's expression was flat.

He had expected that the other party would kill Ding Shi to silence him, so it was reasonable for the news to spread at this time.

"Did you say why she committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake?"

Murong Jin tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked Zhang Xiu again.

Since the other party has someone who can control other people's minds, he will naturally choose a reasonable method and reason for Ding's death, otherwise it will be too abrupt and cause suspicion.

"It's because the rumors outside were too loud. She was afraid that Mr. Zuo would punish her for believing those rumors, so she lost her mind in a hurry, and her mind fell into a semi-crazy state, and she threw herself into the lake unconsciously."

The people they were keeping an eye on at Zuo Xiang's mansion didn't dare to get too close, so they didn't hear some words clearly, but from the introductory and afterwords of Ding's yelling, it was probably the case.

Afraid of being punished by the left?
This reason is not bad, but Bai Hui believed that Lin Yun eloped so easily at the beginning, but now it is so easy to believe that Lin Yun was imprisoned by the Ding family?

Although Murong Jin knew that this reason seemed absurd to them, but for some brainless people, I'm afraid it would be an excellent excuse, such as Bai Hui.

"What's the reaction from Prime Minister Left?"

"Master Zuo Xiang has suffered quite a blow. He has ordered someone to invite Princess Xian back to Zuo Xiang's mansion to prepare for the funeral together. He didn't even go to today's morning court."

Zhang Xiu told Murong Jin about Bai Hui's reaction in detail. According to the news from their people, Bai Hui still suffered a lot because of Ding's death. I didn't ask a word.

"Do you think Prime Minister Zuo knows the inside story?"

After Lan Ziying listened for a long while, she couldn't help asking Murong Jin, Ding Shi died inexplicably like this, does Bai Hui really believe that she committed suicide?
"Do you know if you find a chance and try it out?"

Right now, the only places that have connections with the person behind the scenes are Zuo Xiangfu and Sun's family. I hope he can find out useful news for them before all those who know are silenced.

"Is there anything unusual about the emperor these days?"

Murong Jin pondered for a while, then suddenly asked Lan Ziying again.

"There is nothing abnormal, but the number of times I went to Li Pin's place was a little more than usual."

Although Lan Ziying already had her own Princess Mansion outside the palace, she stayed in the palace to entertain the Empress Dowager in the past few days, so she knew more about the dynamics in the palace.

Speaking of which, Concubine Li is also a lucky person. Like Concubine De, she was born as a court lady, but she was favored by the emperor within a few months after entering the palace. Judging from the situation, I'm afraid it won't be long before she can be promoted to Concubine Li.

"I remember that Concubine Li was originally a foreign relative of the Jiang family. Not long ago, she was recommended by Mrs. Jiang and was sent to the palace by the empress. But is that so?"

"That's true. Concubine Li is a foreign relative of the Jiang family, and her boudoir name is Rong."

Lan Ziying nodded slightly, confirming that Murong Jin remembered correctly.

"That would be interesting."

 It's so uncomfortable to catch a cold, let's update the third chapter, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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