The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 851 The Change of the Emperor

Chapter 851 The Change of the Emperor

Huang Ge couldn't help frowning slightly when she heard the words, a person's taste is like a character, once formed it is extremely difficult to change.

It is well known that Emperor Jiuli didn't like fish, but he suddenly changed his taste recently, which really made people feel puzzled.

"anything else?"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Huang Ge continued to ask Shisan.

"Sister Li'er, do you still remember that there was a secret in the palace back then. A barbarian concubine had an affair with the guards and was secretly reported to the father. The barbarian concubine and the guards also ordered that barbarian girls are not allowed to enter the harem again."

Thirteen, who had already retreated to the chair and sat down, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat before continuing to speak to Huangge.

"I remember this incident. At that time, the other two concubines Hu who were still in the harem were also implicated and given to death."

Huang Ge nodded slightly. Although the incident was a secret of the royal family and it was inconvenient to spread it to the outside world, many people from the Hu family were involved in crimes, and some were even exiled to other tribes. Got some inside information.

"However, there have been a lot of Hu women in the palace recently. Although their appearance has been deliberately modified, you can still see the clues when you get close."

Shisanjian Huangge still remembered this incident, and immediately continued to talk.

"Hu girl?"

Huangge was surprised when he heard the words, this Hu girl was a taboo for the emperor in the past, not to mention that Hu girl entered the palace, even if she mentioned it in person, she would be punished.

Now there are bearded women in the palace, and according to Shisan's statement, there are quite a few of them, which has to be thought-provoking.

"Sister Li'er, is it possible that the father is no longer here..."

When Huangge was thinking about it, Thirteen, who hesitated for a while, finally mustered up the courage to tell her the biggest doubt in his heart.

How can a person's tastes and taboos change at will? The most likely thing is that this person is not the person he used to be at all.

"Thirteen, don't talk nonsense."

Huangge subconsciously denied it when she heard the words, but when she said this, she didn't even notice that her brows were frowning more and more tightly.

The emperor was secretly replaced, which is an extremely shameful thing for any country, and it is a devastating disaster for the country's society. If you are not careful, you will be used by someone with a heart to make trouble, and the country will be destroyed. Pushed into a place of no return.

"Sister Li'er, I'm so scared."

Thirteen knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and she shouldn't say such things even if she was in doubt, but she was really scared.In this world, apart from Huang Ge, only Father Huang treats her well.

Seeing the fear and panic on Shisan's face, Huang Ge couldn't help thinking of the first time he met Shisan.

She is obviously the daughter of the emperor, but because her mother and concubine passed away early, and the emperor neglected to take care of her, the people in the harem bullied her at will.

At that time, Shisan was only a seven or eight-year-old child, facing the bullying of those people, Shisan was the same as now, with panic and fear written all over his face.If she hadn't happened to pass by on that day to help her out of the siege, and then often being with her made those people in the palace fearful, which would have made the next few years of Thirteen more stable.

Seeing Shisan's expression again now, Huang Ge couldn't help sighing softly, after all, she is just a delicate flower in the inner room, she has never been drenched by wind and rain, how can she withstand such a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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