Chapter 852 Shocked
"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Huangge stood up and walked to Shisan's side, patted her head with her hand, and comforted her quite gently.

She was able to protect her for thirteen weeks before, so she will naturally be able to continue to protect her in the future.

Besides, if something really happened to the emperor, it would not be a good thing for the whole Jiuli.As the general of Jiuli, she naturally has the responsibility to find out about this matter.

What's more, there is still a score to settle between her and the First Prince.

Thirteen has always relied on Huangge as the backbone for all these years. Hearing her say this now, he felt a lot more at ease, but he still reached out and hugged her waist rather dependently, and leaned his head in her arms.

After the two had been together in silence for a long while, Shisan suddenly remembered the conversation he had overheard today, hesitated for a moment before speaking to Huangge.

"Sister Li'er, Brother Zimo seems to like you very much..."

Thirteen knows that Huangge and Chen Zimo have a very good relationship, so he hastily said that Chen Zimo and Xu Kun planned to drug Huangge together, but he always felt a bit speechless.

"Thirteen, feelings cannot be forced. I only have friendship with Zimo and have no other intentions. Besides, he plotted against me in Jiuli. You know the feeling of being stabbed in the back by a close friend. What's it like?"

Hearing Shisan mentioned Chen Zimo, Huangge's heart suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, extremely uncomfortable.

Even though she could be angry and indifferent to Chen Zimo, the friendship of so many years cannot be erased casually. When she said something embarrassing to Chen Zimo, she felt good.

After speaking, seeing Shisan looking at him with a confused face, Huang Ge took two deep breaths before briefly explaining to Shisan that Chen Zimo helped write those letters slandering Baizhi for collaborating with the enemy and treason.

"Brother Zimo, how could you do this..."

After listening to Huangge's narration, Shisan, who was deeply shocked, didn't recover from the shock for a long time.

In her heart, Chen Zimo has always been a trustworthy good brother, but now his actions have completely subverted her previous perception of him.Coupled with the conversation she inadvertently overheard today, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"Thirteen, don't worry about Zimo's affairs. Although he is unrighteous to me, you still have brother Zimo. Don't feel bad about him because of me."

Huang Ge knew that Shisan and Chen Zimo had a very good relationship, and she shouldn't have told Shisan these things. Seeing Shisan's deeply shocked appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

After comforting Thirteen for a while, Huang Ge saw that it was getting late, so she wanted to leave.

"Sister Li'er, I heard something today."

Seeing that Huang Ge was about to leave, Shisan couldn't help but speak to Huang Ge after experiencing the final struggle.

"What did you hear?"

Huangge stopped immediately upon hearing the words, turned around and asked Shisan curiously.

"I... I heard that Brother Zimo's counselor gave Brother Zimo a bad idea, asking him to use a medicine to erase your memory."

Thirteen bit his lip and looked at Huangge, then hesitatingly continued.

Huang Ge's eyes widened immediately upon hearing the words, with disbelief written all over her face.

When Chen Zimo apologized to her today, she really softened her heart. Maybe she will forgive him slowly if she loses her temper.But it never occurred to him that Chen Zimo agreed to the eldest prince's trick before this incident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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