New Shushan Biography

Chapter 241 Three Sword Fights Taixusha Fire Scattered Golden Wheel, 3 Yi Dust Scattered on Immortal

Chapter 241 Three Sword Fights Taixusha Fire Scattered Golden Wheel, Liangyi Dust Scattered On Immortal Roots (Explosion, Ask Monthly Pass)
The blue sky is thousands of miles away, as clear as washing, and there are no slender clouds.A colorful light curtain suddenly appeared in the clear sky.At first, it was similar to the Buddha's light on the Golden Summit of Emei in normal times, but it was much larger, and the seven-color lights were also stronger, like a huge rainbow, hanging alone in the sky, and it looked quite far apart.In a blink of an eye, the colorful light suddenly shot into golden light, turning into a golden wheel, with strong light, shining on the sky and shining in all directions.

The strange thing is that the light is empty, and there is no image of Buddha.Since Mount Emei used to be the Taoist place of Samantabhadra in the past, it seems that the dharma body of Samantabhadra can be vaguely seen in the Buddha's light wheel, but now there is no such thing, which is somewhat surprising.

"Looking at the solemn posture of the Emei sect, it is impossible to be a celestial being relegated to dust, and the Buddha will come to the world!" Someone sneered softly in their hearts.Naturally, without exception, this person must be a member of the Demon Cult.

"This is the supreme magic technique of my Buddhist sect - Purdue Golden Wheel. Those who can use this kind of Dharma have already participated in the superior kung fu, and their actions are first-class with Bodhisattvas and Arhats. This kind of Dharma is related to their own success or failure, and they cannot be easily practiced.

The Pudu Golden Wheel is the pearl of Yuanling wisdom of the Dharma practitioner. When practicing the Dharma, one must find a place to settle down. If the skill is not enough, it will be harassed by demons.This kind of Buddhist guidance is no different from sacrificing one's life to save others, and one must make great ambitions in advance.Otherwise it is difficult to succeed!
This time, Zen Master Tianmeng, the most eminent Buddhist monk of my school, personally performed it. It has been obtained for thousands of years, and it is expected to be successful!As long as you are guided by the light of the golden wheel of Purdue, there must be disciples from other sects of Dayuanfa and Dahuigen who will join my Buddhism! "Yang Jin thought that Shan Tao might not know the reason, so she explained to herself.

Clinker, Yang Jin found that Shan Tao had been staring at one direction and did not listen carefully to his words, so she couldn't help but look in the direction Shan Tao was looking at, and immediately saw Ye Bin standing behind the real person Miao Yi, and couldn't help laughing He asked anxiously, "Why, don't you come forward? One is to meet your sweetheart, and the other is to try the chance!"

"Not yet!" Although Shan Tao had a smile on his face, a cold and stern light had already begun to float in the depths of his eyes. "I'm afraid I won't have any predestined relationship with Buddhism in this life!"

Shan Tao's words were very light and cold, and Yang Jin, a person with such advanced cultivation, couldn't help but feel a chill rising from the depths of his heart.

At this time, the golden wheel has fully appeared, hanging high in the sky, as if another sun has risen.Although the light was strong, it didn't give people the slightest sense of glaring, on the contrary, they felt quite comfortable.At the same time, a deep Sanskrit singing seemed to sound, lingering in everyone's ears.

All of a sudden, Fentuo's nun's younger brother Duzhi Zen Master and Wuming Zen Master shouted at the same time: "Amitabha! The Western Purdue Golden Wheel suddenly announces the treasure, and there must be disciples in my Buddhist sect who will take refuge after the catastrophe and return to their original. Accumulated and profound blessings, how can the people who are guided be willing to test themselves and display such boundless magic power? At this time, the people who should be destined must have already felt it, and if they haven't stepped forward to receive the light of Purdue, how much longer will they wait? "

Xie Shan has been cultivating in Wuyi Mountain for these years, and he has already understood his own cause and effect, and knows that he belongs to Buddhism. Later, after hearing about Ye Bin and Shan Tao, he couldn't bear his relatives of the third generation to waste time in the mortal world and be burdened by love, so he sent Ye Bin as well. The invitation came here, only saying that there is a great opportunity, but it is ominous.I want Ye Bin to also belong to Buddhism, from then on to be quiet and inactive, and to realize the Dao.

At this time, after hearing the words of Chan Master Duzhi and Wuming, he glanced at Ye Bin and stepped forward without hesitation.

Ye Bin is already very clear about her previous lives at Xie Shan, but in this life she has become a Taoist celestial being, she has attained the Tao, so she came here just to meet what her brother said about the great opportunity .Although Shicai has some feelings in her heart, she also has a good impression of Buddhism, but considering that Buddhism is not comparable to Taoism, and she still has emotional entanglements with Shan Tao, it seems inappropriate to transfer to Buddhism.

But as soon as this thought comes out, another thought immediately arises, "Shantao is nothing more than your emotional kalpa! Take this step and surpass the kalpa, and you will enjoy great freedom and realize the fruit of the Dao!"

Two kinds of thoughts hovered in the sea of ​​mind, each refused to give in, and hesitated for a while, so the body wanted to move, but the steps had not yet been taken.

Seeing this, Master Miaoyi immediately smiled and said, "Everything in the mortal world is like a cloud of smoke passing by! The destiny is determined by heaven, and the destiny cannot be violated! Is Daoist Ye still not fully enlightened?"

At the same time that Chan Master Duzhi and Wuming were speaking, Shan Tao also smiled lightly and said, "Junior Sister Yang, I'm afraid we will become mortal enemies in the future, I hope you and I will never meet again!"

"What do you want to do, brother?" Yang Jin asked solemnly.

Shan Tao smiled without answering, and continued to look at Ye Bin.When Master Miaoyi spoke and Ye Bin seemed to be enlightened, Shan Tao suddenly shouted, "Brother Miaoyi is probably exaggerating! Since ancient times, the will of heaven has been so high and difficult to ask? Even the immortals in the upper realm dare not guess the will of heaven , Can this broken wheel made by an old monk represent God's will?"

At the time of speaking, Shan Tao had already activated the Dafa of moving the heavens, and when the sound reached people, Shan Tao had already appeared beside Ye Bin in an instant.As soon as Ye Bin came to Ningbi Cliff, she has been with all the gods, but she is not like Shan Tao, she has no taboo, she can use spells at will. Shan Tao's, when he saw it at this time, he was naturally very happy, and immediately said, "Junior Brother——"

Shan Tao first greeted himself with Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, Master Baiqin Gong Yehuang and other heavenly immortals, then he naturally held Ye Bin's hand and said with a smile, "Sister Bin, I finally waited for your success." We're out of the mountain! Now the opening ceremony of Emei's mansion is almost over, and the rest is the feast of the immortals.

I think the Emei Sect needs to be given away everything, Brother Miao Dao probably doesn't have any good things to entertain the guests, so let's just go down the mountain, there are still many things to talk about between us! "

Before Ye Bin could speak, Master Miaoyi said again, "Fellow Daoist Mountain, when the Golden Wheel of Purdue appears, there must be people with a great fate entering the west. It has been the same since ancient times! Fellow Daoist Mountain, don't delay fellow Daoist Ye with your own selfishness. Ah!" But at this moment, Master Miaoyi's face was quite cold and solemn.

"Oh?" Shan Tao said with a faint smile still on his face, "Then there are no exceptions?"

"Absolutely not!" Master Miaoyi replied calmly and steadily.

"Oh!" Shan Tao still smiled, "What if Pudu Jinlun is not here?"

"Not here?" Master Miaoyi was quite surprised.

Shan Tao casually pointed to the sky, and said with a smile, "Brother Miaodao, let's see!"

Master Miaoyi looked in the direction of Shantao's finger, only to find that the Pudu Golden Wheel was still shining brightly.Just as he was amazed, he suddenly discovered that Shan Tao's fingers pointing to the sky suddenly made a strange formula. In an instant, the wind was surging, the sky darkened immediately, and the brilliance of the Pudu Golden Wheel dimmed a little.

But in the blink of an eye, countless bright spots flashed on the dark sky, some were as big as spheres, and some were as small as fine sand, densely packed, covering the sky hundreds of miles around Mount Emei.

When Shan Tao sacrificed Wu Suo, the seven-absolute secret demon of the stars and stars yesterday, he had already completed the previous mobilization steps, and only waited for the final eruption, so it was able to be so fast.What's more, Shan Tao gave Wu Suo, the seven-absolute secret demon of the stars and stars, much higher than the Wu Lingzhu gave last time. Although it was only one piece, the momentum was no less than the two last time!
At this time, all the immortals gathered in Emei, and most of them have seen the scene after Wu Lingzhu cast Wusuo, the secret demon Wusuo of the stars and stars more than ten years ago, and they still remember it vividly. Understand what's going on?Some timid ones couldn't help exclaiming, "It's too empty!"

The changes in the sky were very fast, and just as the stars in the sky appeared, a heavy thunder roar was heard, as if the sky was falling and the earth was cracking, it was extremely frightening!All the stars in the sky shot out uniform black splendor, so many stars gathered together, immediately formed a black wind and thunder sky, and then turned into a black umbrella-shaped black flame.

Another violent bang was heard, and the umbrella-shaped black Taixu evil fire immediately exploded, turning into an innumerable black rain of fire, as if Gonggong smashed Buzhou Mountain, cracked the sky, and rolled the Milky Way , poured down.The big ones are like mountains, and the small ones are as dense as sand. Wherever they pass, there are traces of voids flashing.It is very clear that people can understand the power of this Taixu evil fire.

Although it was late to say, it was actually very fast, all of this happened spontaneously the moment after Shan Tao pinched the formula.Master Miaoyi reacted very quickly, as early as when Shan Tao appeared, he had a warning sign in his heart, and secretly transmitted a sound to his senior brother Xuan Zhenzi, ordering him to activate the Liangyi Mote Formation immediately.

However, Chan Master Tianmeng's Purdue Golden Wheel is very difficult to put away because not even a single person has been transformed. Moreover, it is located in the highest void, and bears the brunt of it, becoming the target of those Taixu evil fire attacks.A huge fireball was wrapped in the immeasurable fine rain of fire, and it hit the Pudu Golden Wheel with lightning speed.

Although the Buddha's light has always been known for its tenacity, this Purdue Buddha's light is used to save people, not to subdue demons, so it didn't even survive the first round. It turned into a sky full of fireflies.After verifying what Shan Tao said before, Pudu Jinlun is gone!
(End of this chapter)

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