New Shushan Biography

Chapter 242 Three Sword Fights Taixusha Fire Scattering Golden Wheel, 3 Yi Mote Dust Under Immortal

Chapter 242 Three Sword Fights Taixusha Fire Scattered Golden Wheel, Liangyi Dust Shattered Under the Immortal Root (First update, ask for a monthly ticket)
At the same time that the Pudu Golden Wheel was disintegrating, Zen Master Tianmeng, who was guarded by Zen Master Baimei and Fantuo Nunnery on the Yin Luan Mountain thousands of miles away, suddenly opened his eyes and shot out a golden light that was about ten feet long. Immediately afterwards, he retracted and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of golden blood.

In an instant, Chan Master Tianmeng's eyes were dimmed and his complexion was ashen. Both Zen Master Baimei and Fentuo Shennen understood that this was the result of the backlash of a great vow. As long as the golden body is not broken, it is absolutely impossible for such a situation to occur.

On the Ningbi Cliff, although the guests from all directions understand that the Emei Sect must have a countermeasure and will not let this too much evil fire destroy the Emei Holy Land, but placing all their hopes on others, after all, they cannot reassure themselves. Especially for those with low mana, all kinds of self-defense magic weapons are used, and the wings are on their bodies.

For a moment, the intensity of the precious light of various colors on the Ningbi Cliff was not inferior to the black light of the Taixu Shahuo in the sky.

What was laid on the Ningbi Cliff was the original formation of Liangyi Mote Formation, and in the center was suppressed by the Innate Oneness Taiqing Divine Talisman, whose power is beyond words.However, it is not so easy to activate the Xiantian Qi Taiqing talisman. Although Xuan Zhenzi has already mastered the process, his mana is not enough, so he cannot fully activate the Xiantian Qi Taiqing talisman. With the help of an Emei elder.Therefore, while Xuan Zhenzi instilled mana himself, he summoned a few juniors with strong mana through sound transmission.

But despite this, the Liangyi mote array has not been fully activated, but it is enough to seal many people who want to sneak away in the array, making it difficult to escape.

Master Miaoyi's reaction was swift. Relying on a warning sign, he activated the Liangyi Mote Formation in advance, and when the Xingchen Gangsha first appeared, he knew very well that Shan Tao and the Emei School were by no means incompatible. A person along the way, even if he is really a disciple of Master Lianshan, the Emei Sect will not accept such a person who strikes so hard and has no regard for the common people.

Therefore, at the moment when he saw the evil star, Master Miaoyi immediately made a move. The three immortals of the East China Sea, with a hundred years of effort, had the golden light and fire sword specially forged for Emei's three sword fights in their hands. On an extremely sharp golden sword rainbow, surrounded by endless purple flames of the Taiqing Tushita, it slashed towards Shantao.

And among those celestial beings, Li Jingxu, Yi Zhou, the Seven Friends of Lishan and the nine great celestial beings who had made friends with the Emei School also shot at the same time, each showing their magical powers, and shot at Shan Tao, the culprit.

Seeing Master Miaoyi make a move, Ye Bin waved his hand without hesitation, and the world-famous Ice Soul Divine Light Forbidden Technique was immediately used. The seven-color aurora melted the sword energy of Master Miaoyi, while the polar black ice blocked the sword energy. The monstrous flames.

Shan Tao had already made up his mind to slip away when he activated the formula.He knew very well that if the Emei faction wanted to deal with the killer weapon Wu Suo, the secret demon Wu Suo, the Liangyi Mote Formation would be the only choice for the Emei Sect to avoid any damage. Buqi, I'm afraid there will be no way out for him.

However, everyone's reaction was really quicker. The Nine Heavenly Immortals had already attacked before the Heavens Moved Dafa. Shan Tao had a thought, and he did not hesitate to pinch a formula. At the moment, Brahma, Emperor Shitian, Duowen Heavenly King, Chiguo Heavenly King, Zengzhang Heavenly King, Guangmu Heavenly King, Vajra Miji, Dazizaitian, Sanzhi Dajiang and other nine guardian spirits of the heavens appeared together, and each greeted a fairy.

Although Shan Tao spent a lot of effort in cultivating the 24 guardian spirits of the heavens, with the improvement of his own magic power, the magic power of these guardian ghosts and gods has also increased. They are good helpers, but in Shan Tao's mind Among them, these dharma guardian spirits are always cannon fodder, and they are for themselves to resist death.

Dharma protector ghosts and gods can still be repaired after death, but if something goes wrong, it's all over.Therefore, after releasing the nine heavenly protectors, ghosts and gods to block the catastrophe, Shan Tao didn't care about their results at all, and used the time he bought to use the heavenly shifting method.However, Zhutian Moved Dafa did not respond to his wishes, causing him and Ye Bin to appear thousands of miles away.

The one laid on Ningbi Cliff is, after all, the original map of the Liangyi Mote Array. Although the mana that Xuan Zhenzi instilled in before can only activate a small part of the magical effect, it is far from enough to transform a world, but this alone A little bit is enough to seal off the surrounding space.

Shan Tao sacrificed the nine heavenly protectors, ghosts and gods, and performed the heavenly shifting method, but it only moved more than a thousand feet. With this distance, let alone those heavenly immortals, even an earthly immortal like Master Miaoyi would not be able to move. within their attack range.

But fortunately, Shan Tao didn't fully put his hope on the method of moving the heavens. He had already considered the opening of the Liangyi Mote Formation. The deduced part of the miraculous effect of the Liangyi Mote Formation is enough to let him and Ye Bin escape.

At this time, the space around Ningbi Cliff has begun to have a slight white mist. Although it is very thin and thin, the mountain waves in it can feel the majestic power contained in it, and immediately the mind turns, and the eloquence is great. Heaven, Great Merit Heaven, Weituo Heavenly God, and Strong Earth God, the four guardian spirits of the heavens also appeared, and together they propped up a golden pillar of Buddha's light, and protected it and Ye Bin in it.

Master Miaoyi and the others were quite surprised when they saw this. They heard Shan Tao's words just now, and they were clearly dissatisfied with Buddhism, but now they summoned one by one. If you understand the wonderful truth of Buddhism, otherwise, you will never have such power.

However, although it was strange in their hearts, everyone did not hesitate to take action. Hundreds of feet of demon-subduing golden light, thunder, fire, sword, rainbow and gangsha blasted on the golden pillar of Buddha light formed by the four heavenly protectors, ghosts and gods. Coupled with the strong squeezing force brought by the thin white mist, in less than a moment, the four guardian spirits of the heavens also followed in the footsteps of the previous nine, and dispersed into a sky full of fireflies.

But Shan Tao is not all fruitless, relying on what he has trained in the Vientiane screen for ten years, and he is familiar with the magic function of the Liangyi Mote Formation, he finally has a glimpse of a way.Immediately, Li was overjoyed, and immediately pulled Ye Bin to fly in the direction he had calculated.

Ye Bin also knew the power of the Liangyi Mote Formation, but she didn't understand, so she could only follow Shantao, but her mana was much stronger than Shantao, so she immediately sacrificed her magic weapon, Bipolar Circle, Using mana to disintegrate it, it turned into an aurora ice curtain, and received a round of attacks from Master Miaoyi.

Shan Tao took Ye Bin and flashed in all directions. At the beginning, he walked quite easily, but in a short while, the white mist became thicker, and the pressure around him was getting bigger and bigger. It seemed that if he didn't pay attention, he could After crushing the two of them into powder, the four gods of Bodhi Tree God, Guizimu, Malizhitian, and Sun Palace Tianzi appeared again, but they persisted for a shorter time, and they were immediately blasted into powder.

Shan Tao took Ye Bin and walked through the white mist with difficulty. All kinds of pressure were borne by the gods who protect the law, but they are few after all. The pressure around him exploded.

24 The guardians of the heavens, ghosts and gods were all dead, but Shan Tao still did not break out of the Liangyi Mote Formation, Shan Tao couldn't help but smiled wryly in his heart, "It's been a long battle after all, the Emei faction's movements are really not slow!"

At this time, without the protection of the gods, ghosts and gods, Shan Tao can only rely on himself. With a thought, his body suddenly burst into immeasurable blue light. Although it looks extremely warm, the white mist is pushed away by the blue light. , Shan Tao was overjoyed, it seems that the power of Haotian Baojian is really not small.

Shan Tao was busy investigating the changes in the formation and resisting the pressure of the surrounding white mist, so the attacks of Master Miaoyi and others behind him were ignored. After Ye Bin shattered another magic weapon of his own, the Little South Pole Meridian Magnetic Light, he understood this. After going on like this, my magic weapon was completely shattered, and I am afraid that there is not enough time, so I immediately took out from the magic bag a six-inch-high, ancient and elegant ancient lamp made of fine jade elites thousands of years ago.Although the lamp had not been lit, there was still a bright green flame.

This treasure is called Scattered Flowers, also known as the Buddha Fire Heart Lamp. It was a treasure shared by Xie Shan and Ye Bin in the previous life. It was hidden in the Haiqiao Cave. This time, Ye Bin came out of the mountain. Under the guidance of Xie Ying and Xie Lin, Take it out.

This treasure is really extraordinary. Ye Binfang ignited the flame of the lamp with the real fire of Samadhi, and the red, blue, and white three-color flames flew up from the lamp head. With Ye Bin's magic power, the three-color flames immediately turned into a line and flew out. , turned into a sea of ​​fire light curtain, blocking in front of him.Because this treasure burns ancient divine oil, as long as the divine oil is not exhausted, the fire will not cease, so Ye Bin felt a lot relieved for a while.

Although there is less threat from behind, the pressure on Shan Tao has not been reduced at all, on the contrary, it has become even greater, because the pressure of Bai Wu has increased again, Shan Tao is not willing to let Ye Bin get hurt, so he tried his best to urge Hao The blue light of Tianbaojian resisted.

But at the beginning, it was okay, when Shan Tao was only one step away from getting rid of the dust formation of Liangyi, there was only a "crack", and the blue light was completely concentrated in Shan Tao's body, and after a moment, a round of ancient mirrors Since Shan Tao's body flew out.

It turned out that the majestic pressure of the dust array of Liangyi shattered the practice system constructed by Shan Tao's cultivation of "The Purple Book of Heaven", and forcibly broke out the Haotian Baojian that was integrated with his primordial spirit.


Thank you for your support! (Don't scold, a fellow Taoist said it well, if you can't break it, you can't stand it!)
(End of this chapter)

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