New Shushan Biography

第284章 3次斗剑4年许风云变幻,正魔教各占半边(第1更,380票感谢)

Chapter 284 Three times of sword fighting and four years of Xu Fengyun's changes, the Orthodox and Demon Sects each occupy half (the first update, 380 votes thanks)
Shan Tao and Ye Bin looked at each other and smiled, they didn't get up, and didn't know what to do, they turned into two streamers of light, which were fleeting.When it reappeared, it had already arrived at the main hall of Peiyuan Hall, under the Nine Palaces Excalibur hanging high in the sky.

Shan Tao was not in a hurry to go to the leader's hall to collect the Killing Sword, he needed to know something about the current situation of the monks, after all, the situation in the world often changes in the blink of an eye, not to mention that the two of them have retreated for four years. Enough with a lot of things happening.However, he was not too worried, because no one came to disturb his retreat, indicating that the situation was still within a certain range.

With a thought in his mind, Shan Tao summoned a disciple of Peiyuan Hall who was serving outside, and asked him to tell some about the current disputes among the orthodox religion, the devil religion, and the sects.

Hearing the explanation of the deacon disciple of Peiyuan Hall, Shan Tao was also happy on the one hand and worried on the other.The joy is that in the conflicts between the Orthodox Church and the Demon Cult in the unowned Lingshan scenic spot and the blessed land, the damage of the two sides is almost the same. The Serene Demon Cult does not have the absolute upper hand, but compared to before The one-sided situation is already much better.What's more, the Devil's Cult also has a natural ally - the side door, and the two sides work together, and there are more chances of gaining the upper hand.

As for the worry, it was because Emei followed the large-scale retreat of the elites of the Demon Cult in West Kunlun, and they also retreated in the same way. The reason for the current situation is more because of this.The masters and elites of both sides practiced in seclusion, and the remaining scattered branches and miscellaneous fish, naturally, the two were almost the same.

The reason why the Demon Sect retreats is more because those elders or disciples who have contributed enough have obtained a part of the secret code of "Great Golden Xuandu Treasure Pill". Earth Immortal Realm can do it.This will undoubtedly be a substantial increase in the strength of the Demon Cult, and it will shine brilliantly in the three sword fights.And the large-scale retreat of Emei sect disciples seems a bit strange.

"Could it be that the Emei Sect also hides such an incomparably profound method that can improve the strength of the disciples in a short period of time?" Ask Ye Bin.

Ye Bin's face was also quite dignified, and he said, "There is nothing impossible! Which monk in the world doesn't know? Ningbiya, five mansions and eighteen valleys, there are mysterious kung fu formulas everywhere, rare treasures! What's the point of discovering a few more Tianfu secret books?" After a short pause, Ye Bin continued, "You can just take this opportunity to ask Senior Zheng, after all, he has a lot of knowledge about Ningbiya. , there should still be a lot to understand!"

"That's right, that's exactly what it should be!" Shan Tao nodded.Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his left hand and took hold of Ye Bin's right hand, and then pointed his right hand towards the void, and immediately a ripple rippled, and in an instant, a smooth path leading to the leader's hall appeared in the originally empty space.

Shan Tao and Ye Bin stepped up hand in hand, and the ripples behind him rippled again, and immediately returned to their original shape.Walking on this passage, Ye Bin couldn't stop admiring, "The method of the small thousand worlds of the Demon Sect is really mysterious, don't let the Xuanmen!"

"Actually, regardless of the devil or the Dao, the fundamental reason is that they want to exist between the heaven and the earth!" Shan Tao said with a light smile, "It's just that there are too many temptations on the way of cultivation, which makes most monks feel uncomfortable. Deviated from the original track and fell into all kinds of disputes!

I'm in the middle of the game, but it's hard to get out!Since this is the case, I have no choice but to work hard to split a new path to longevity! "

There is a small thousand worlds connecting each other between the main hall of the leader and the hall of Peiyuan, but the distance is only a few feet away, and it is only a matter of a moment to walk like a mortal without any magical powers. Soon, the two will arrive at each other Got the leader's hall.

Shan Tao and Ye Bin saw that Zheng Yin and Cui Ying were practicing dual practice on the diamond lotus meditation seat, so they didn't bother them. Shan Tao flicked his fingers, and the Nine Palaces Excalibur shook lightly immediately, without making any sound. Suddenly, a sword light shot out, blasting the ground of the leader's hall, and a big hole appeared immediately.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two of them pointed their fingers at each other, and auspicious clouds of five colors emerged from under their feet, supporting them, and slowly sank towards the bottom of the cave.

The further down, the thicker the evil spirit, and the ferocious spirit condensed to the extreme, it seems to have given birth to spirituality, and it can make a sound like the voice of the great Asura secret demon, killing people's primordial spirit, but Shan Tao Both Ye Bin and Ye Bin's primordial spirits have been condensed to the extreme, and they each have innate spiritual treasures to protect them, so they didn't respond at all.

Further down, there are countless sword energy and sword light roaming in the air. Seeing someone break in, they rushed towards the two of them like lightning, as if they wanted to cut them into ten thousand pieces.

Shan Tao didn't rush, he stretched out his right hand casually, a ray of light shot out from his middle finger, rushed up about Zhang Xu, and a white lotus bloomed, releasing immeasurable and clear brilliance, protecting the two of them.As soon as those sword qi and sword lights touched the white lotus clear light, they couldn't make an inch of progress.

Shan Tao didn't fight back either. After all, the ferocious aura between heaven and earth condensed by Da Xumi's positive and negative Nine Palace Immortal Formation was also a great help in the three sword fights a few months later.

The two of them dived for more than a thousand zhang, and finally saw a round altar with a width of a hundred zhang amidst the sea-like fierce aura.There are two sword slots on the altar, half-inserted with two swords.These two swords are no strangers to Shan Taoju, one is his killing sword, and the other is his master Zheng Yin's Tianmo Zhuxian sword!

At this time, Shan Tao looked at his Killing Sword again, and found that it was surrounded by black baleful energy as thick as a child's arm. The blade was no longer black when he fused it for the first time four years ago. It was thick and rough, and the entity was obvious. It is extremely black and bright, and the light and shadow on it change, making it look extremely light.

If the Slaughter Sword four years ago was just a raw embryo, now it is a real and well-polished finished product, and the quality of the beautiful jade is beyond doubt.

However, looking beautiful is naturally not Shan Tao's ultimate goal. His goal is to forge a killer weapon in imitation of an ancient magic weapon.Whether the Killing Sword is what it wants needs to be carefully observed.Shan Tao carefully radiated his divine thoughts, bypassing the erratic sword energy and sword light, and poked towards the killing sword.

Unexpectedly, before touching the Slaughter Sword, I heard a clear cry from it, and an extremely powerful sword light radiated from the clear water-like sword body. Jian Guang retreated one after another and made way for the passage.Fortunately, Shan Tao was well prepared, and his spiritual sense was withdrawn quickly, so Fang Zi was not damaged.

Before the sword light arrived, the ferocious aura had already rushed towards his face, extremely magnificent.Dozens of sword lights traveled a distance of hundreds of feet in an instant, and hit each other on the clear light of the white lotus protecting Shan Tao's fingertips. The black and white brilliance stirred for a while before the ripples calmed down.Shan Tao savored the intensity of this attack carefully, and was quite satisfied in his heart.

Immediately following these sword lights, the body of the Slaughter Sword also flew out of the sword groove of the Fatai with a "clang" sound, and in a blink of an eye, it was in front of him. The speed was truly extraordinary!Although these white lotuses are considered innate things, Shan Tao reckons that the power of a white lotus may not be able to resist the sword body that has been honed for more than four years by the fierce energy between heaven and earth, but he has never tried it again. Release the white lotus.

Because, the purpose of his coming here is to subdue the re-forged Killing Sword, and he didn't intend to be so passive. With a thought, a red line shot out from the tip of his right index finger, and he turned into a sword in an instant. A necklace about three feet long and short went up to meet her.

The blood-red necklace spontaneously radiated a slight blood-red brilliance. In the boundless evil spirit, there was no sense of resistance at all, as if it could still absorb the evil spirit.As soon as the killing sword appeared, the blood-red necklace twisted itself around like fingers, making it difficult to move forward for a while.

Being blocked, the blades on both sides of the Slaughter Sword immediately emitted an extremely black and bright brilliance, and the blood-red necklace also emanated a blood-red brilliance. The black light was extremely sharp, as if it could tear everything apart, and the blood light was like a flame. There is no force, but it is as continuous as water, with strong resistance.

The black and red brilliance stood in a stalemate for a moment, and the body of the Slaughter Sword trembled, extremely intensely, as if a ferocious aura that shook the world came out, and a thunderous sound resounded from the blade.Suddenly, a black wave rippled from the hilt of the Killing Sword. In an instant, the blade of the sword burst into an extremely black and bright sword light, and this boundless sea of ​​evil spirit seemed to light up for a moment.The blood-red necklace tangled on it was immediately torn apart.

However, the blood-red gem didn't dissipate just like that. After being cut off, it seemed to have no effect. It turned into tens of thousands and continued to entangle, letting the black sword light continue to cut it off.At this time, Shan Tao shook his hand and played a formula, the blood red necklace immediately recovered into a strand, twisted around the hilt of the sword, and the redundant one hung down, like a sword tassel.


In the next chapter, a boss should appear. Whoever believes that everyone will know it just by thinking about it, and I won’t let everyone guess. It’s still the same old saying, if everyone supports the eagle, the eagle will be more diligent.

(End of this chapter)

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