New Shushan Biography

Chapter 285 The 3rd sword fight is the first in several years

Chapter 285 The three sword fights are the most amazing in thousands of years
At this time, a small sapphire bottle spontaneously flew out of Shantao's mountain and river tripod, suspended in the void, under the command of Shantao's mind, the bottle opened, tilted, and a stream of extremely cool water It leaked from it, flowing on the blade of the Slaughter Sword, and all of it melted into it, without any waste.

And with the continuous pouring and refining of this stream of water, the infinite ferocious aura overflowing from the Slaughter Sword also became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared into the invisible, no longer showing the slightest breath.However, Shan Tao knew that after this restraint, the Killing Sword, which appeared more refined and elegant, was undoubtedly stronger than before.

To be able to do this, the water for tempering swords is naturally extraordinary.Because it is the stone marrow, it is undoubtedly three times better than the snow lotus essence used by Zheng Yin when he tempered the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword in the past.

After being tempered by the majestic vitality of the stone marrow, the restlessness of the Killing Sword became much smaller, and the blood-red Yingluo immediately exerted strength and brought it to Shan Tao.Shan Tao first took back the blood-red necklace, and then he grasped the hilt of the Killing Sword. Before it became agitated again and burst into sword light, the mighty magic power of the celestial being shot straight down, instantly I sensed a trace of thoughts I left in the sword beforehand, and the two merged, and the Killing Sword immediately stabilized, without a trace of movement.

Shan Tao once again took out the scabbard made of Taiyi Yuanjing condensed with the essence of Yimu from the Shanhe Ding, put the Killing Sword back into the sheath, and then hung his hand on his waist, holding Ye Bin on his arm, and took out the big bearded sword. Mi is the center of the positive and negative Nine Palaces Immortal Formation.

At this time, Zheng Yin and Cui Ying had already finished practicing.They are different from Shan Tao. Shan Tao can retreat for many years, but Zheng Yin, who is in charge of all the teaching affairs of the Demon Cult, cannot. The Demon Cult is such a big religion, and there are many things to deal with every day, so they can only do it uninterrupted every day. practice to increase power.Fortunately, the effect of the Diamond Lotus Meditation Seat is extraordinary, but the effect is not much worse.

Seeing this, Shan Tao and Ye Bin hurriedly came forward to pay their respects. After seeing the ceremony, Shan Tao asked Zheng Yin the question he had just thought of.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Yin, like Shan Tao, was quite puzzled about this for a long time. According to his understanding, although the Emei Sect still has many classics and treasures, they have never heard of those worthy of such an action. He sent people to conduct secret investigations several times, but to no avail.Because the Emei Sect is the same as the Devil's Sect, the disciples who retreat are all in the sect's mountain gate.

The dust array of Liangyi on Ningbi Cliff blocked anyone who wanted to find out its details.Of course, the Emei faction did not restrict the entry of outsiders, it's just that no one wants to go in and seek death!
Just as Shan Tao and Zheng Yin were exchanging their views on the current situation, a major event happened in the nine heavens.

Heaven, exiled to mortals.

Relegation to the Mortal Terrace is the place that all the people in the heaven who have achieved immortality are the last place they are reluctant to mention.Because this is the place where those immortals who violated the rules of heaven were punished and relegated to the mortal world. On weekdays, except for an immortal official and 36 generals who are on duty to guard the passage between heaven and man, no one will come here at all.

However, today's matter is obviously to break the inherent concept of guarding the immortal officials here.Because suddenly there is a middle-aged immortal in his thirties, with a childlike face, three-inch eyebrows, and a gossip cloud light gown, who looks extraordinarily immortal, stepping on auspicious clouds, and slowly flying in from afar.

What's even more strange is that there is obviously no escort behind this immortal, and judging by his leisurely appearance, he doesn't look like a person who has been relegated.Although Relegation Terrace is not considered a forbidden place, but there has never been a single person who has visited here. "Could it be that there is really someone who likes something special today?" The guarding fairy thought strangely in his heart.

After the long-browed immortal flew close, the immortal officer on duty felt that the incoming man's magic power was similar to his own, and he was the best person to make friends with. He immediately smiled and cupped his hands, and said, "I don't know where to hit this Taoist brother!" Come? What is the purpose of coming here to be exiled to the Mortal Terrace?"

After expecting Changmei Immortal Dao to go out and play, he wanted to take him to visit the Bantian Terrace for a while. After all, there are scenic spots everywhere in the heavens, and there are some unique scenery everywhere.Unexpectedly, the fairy with long eyebrows actually said a word: "This fairy official is too polite, the poor Taoist with long eyebrows is going down to the human world!"

As soon as he said this, although the immortal officer on duty felt that it was strange for him to come alone, he still stopped his friendship, his face changed immediately, and he said coldly, "Bring over your Tianxingtai approval document!"

Originally, the precepts committed by the immortals who were relegated to the human world from the Fantai were not considered too serious, so they would not be sent directly into reincarnation. However, according to their respective situations, they were dealt with differently.

The channel of heaven and man sounds like a passage from the heaven to the world, but it is not. There are many prohibitions set by the eight gods of the heaven, which have no other effect, but will destroy the immortals who enter the channel. It's all about cultivation.According to the severity of Tianxingtai's approval, the degree of punishment is also different.

If the betrayal is light, the forbidden law will be opened less, and some celestial beings will be relegated to the human world, and they will still be at the level of celestial beings. As long as they accumulate enough merit, they can still go to the heavens.And the one who has been betrayed the most is the body of the Golden Immortal. After entering the mortal world, his cultivation base may be completely lost, just like ordinary people.

This Daoist Changmei is the previous head teacher of the Emei Sect, Daoist Changmei. He had refined a furnace of golden elixir by himself, and the Taishang Daojun sent an edict to him, ordering him to bring a gourd of elixir to the lower realm, so don't delay .Daoist Changmei naturally didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly received the edict and rushed to Bantai.

Master Changmei was not angry when he saw this, and he also understood that the fairy world had not passed through at least thousands of years in his situation.Therefore, he said calmly, "Pindao has not violated the commandments of the heavenly court, nor has he been relegated. Instead, he followed the decree of the Supreme Dao Patriarch to lower the world. "Speaking, Master Changmei handed over a cyan jade talisman.

Although the immortal official on duty was skeptical, he didn't dare to neglect the jade talisman edict of the Sanqing sage. He bowed and bowed to the collar with both hands. Being relegated to the Mortal Terrace is really a good luck, and I can also encounter such a rare event in a thousand years! It's just a pity that I can't say it, it's a bit of a fly in the ointment!"

With today's cultivation base, no one is a fool. Of course, such things cannot be said casually, so he hurriedly handed back the jade talisman order, and then shouted at the 36 guards on duty to open the passage of heaven and man. fully open.Of course, there was no need to be so troublesome in the first place, but since Master Changmei is a disciple of a sage, it is natural that there must be some ostentation.

Furthermore, there has been no one who has not been relegated to the mortal world for thousands of years, and many of the forbidden laws in it are opened, so it is naturally not a problem on weekdays, most of them are not enough forbidden laws, and they need to be added. Yes, but today it is necessary to close all the forbidden laws, even if one is opened.Otherwise, if I was negligent and knocked out a few layers of Daoist Changmei's mana, I am afraid that I, an immortal official, would be able to be the leader.

The 36 gods and generals shot at the same time, the efficiency is naturally much faster, but in a short while, the channel between heaven and man has been fully opened, and the billowing red dust and turbid air are rushing out of the channel, making the immortal officer on duty retreat in a hurry, unwilling to be contaminated. superior.However, he is still running the immortal method, carefully checked the channel of heaven and man, and after confirming that no forbidden method has been opened, Fang Zigong invited the real person with long eyebrows to come to the world.

Daoist Changmei didn't have any dissatisfaction with this apparently cumbersome procedure, and he also understood the power of the heavenly-human channel, if he was really hit by one of the forbidden methods, I'm afraid he would be useless for a while. Justify it.

Seeing that he was worthy of the respectful invitation of the guarding immortal officials, Daoist Changmei was not polite, he slightly arched his hands, and the auspicious cloud under his feet flew him into the tunnel of heaven and man.After the immortal officer on duty ordered the gods to close the channel between heaven and man again, he immediately ordered them not to tell what happened today.However, he himself still followed the due procedures and reported the incident to Wen Zhong, the head of the Lei Department who was in charge of criminal law among the eight divisions of the heavens.

When Wen Zhong received this report, he naturally reported it to Haotian, the current lord of the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor Haotian, but after reading it, the God Haotian just smiled and said, "Let him go!" No more text.Wen Zhong originally wanted to do something about it, but after hearing what Haotian God said, and seeing his appearance, he knew that his plan had been made, so he had no choice but to go back.

The long-browed real person who entered the passage of heaven and man naturally didn't understand this little episode. He flew in the passage of heaven and man, saw the dots of brilliance flickering on the four walls from time to time, and knew that it was all powerful. Extremely cutting Yuan forbidden method, but I can't help but feel a little proud in my heart, "For thousands of years, I have been so relaxed in the passage between heaven and man, I am afraid that I am also No. 1!"

Although the passage between heaven and man is long, under the speed of the auspicious clouds driven by Master Changmei, it still takes less than an hour to reach the end.After exiting the passage between heaven and man, Daoist Changmei was in the vast starry sky.


After logging in for more than 20 minutes, I finally got on, it was not easy.Now there are only 5 votes away from the color Buddha, everyone can help and support!

(End of this chapter)

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