She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 410 The Unrelenting Queen of the Southern Metropolis

Chapter 410 The Unrelenting Queen of the Southern Metropolis

But Yun Luoxi's silence did not make the Queen of Nandu restrain herself.

On the contrary, she became more and more tense, "You were hit by me, right? Are you angry? Are you trying to destroy me like you killed the Minglang family and the Noldo family? Are you here to increase your reputation? Or to strengthen your family!"

Queen Nandu's voice was soft, and even more seductive and charming. Although every word was careless, it could ooze out a kind of resentment and hostility.

Yun Luoxi could feel her hostility.

Involuntarily, Yun Luoxi wanted to know what kind of feud she had with the Queen of Nandu in the past! ?
Yun Luoxi was very curious, but she didn't know the question, who should she ask.

Ask Zi Xin, Zi Xin can only let her remember.

Moreover, Zixin has also stated that Zixin is not aware of the private affairs of the queen of the Sacra family.

Yun Luoxi couldn't help but fell into distress, looking at the figure in the red cloak opposite, so reluctant.

Yun Luoxi has no way to refute, and there is no need to refute, because the Queen of Nandu's words can't shake the slightest wave in her heart.

There was no response, and the queen of Nandu became even more angry.

"Do you think that if you don't speak, I won't be able to guess your thoughts? You must think I'm a joke now, you always put on a high, pure and pure image.

You're nothing but a queen, and I'm a queen, shall I lose you?No, I will never lose to a bastard like you! "

The queen of Nandu said the last part, roaring almost hoarsely, and let out the anger that had been suppressed for a long time.

However, Yun Luoxi was not angry.

It's just that two words, "bastard", made her feel very uncomfortable suddenly, so uncomfortable that she couldn't continue to sit quietly like this.

She stood up, ready to go outside.

"What's wrong? Do you want to continue to escape? You little bastard!!"

"Shut up..." Yun Luoxi turned her head angrily and shouted sharply.

The voice is so harsh and sharp, and it is a powerful and domineering volume.

After yelling, Yun Luoxi froze all of a sudden, was that voice just now her?
She heard it right, it came from her mouth.

"Haha..." Queen Nandu giggled for a long time, and the whole hall was surrounded by her sharp and very proud laughter.

Yun Luoxi stayed like this, and heard her say another sentence behind her: "You are angry, you are still the same, always angry because of this sentence.

It seems that you are also very concerned about your dirty blood, and let me tell you, you can never change your blood. "

Suddenly, Yun Luoxi's legs were weak, she squatted down, tears fell from her eyes for some reason.

She cried, she cried, but she didn't know, for some reason, why she shed tears.

She held her head and it started to hurt again.

In this strange place, Zi Xin is not here.

Yun Luoxi was afraid that her headache would be found out, which would put the Sacra family in crisis.

Zixin told her that she is now the queen of the Sacra family.

Her every move is related to the safety of the whole family.

Once she is seen to have the slightest weakness, other families will pounce on the Sacra family like a hungry wolf, tearing and gnawing at the flesh and blood until Sacra is eliminated.

She trembled, helplessness and fear overwhelmed her, and her head hurt even more.

When she was helpless, a male voice slowly sounded from above the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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