She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 411 Showing off jealousy

Chapter 411 Showing off jealousy
"My Lady Queen of Nandu, please pay attention to your words. This is not a human vegetable market. Let you be such a shrew and scold the street. You are so impatient and uneducated to trample on your noble identity..."

The deep voice, like a beautiful piece of music, is more like a cello, with low notes, beating above the hall.

It is an undeniable sense of power, impeaching the Queen of Nandu's behavior just now.

"Ha... Shu, you still help her, always help her..."

sparse! ?

Yun Luoxi, who was originally suffering from a splitting headache, felt even more painful when she heard this name.

She stood up in a panic, trying to escape from this strange place,
Her head hurt so badly, Yun Luoxi called out helplessly: "Purple Heart..."

Suddenly, Yun Luoxi tensed up and left the ground.

She was rubbed into a wide embrace, and the cool feeling made her resist, struggling violently: "Let me go..."

" you want the Queen of Nandu to know that you have completely lost your memory!"

He whispered in her ear, very softly.

But these words shocked Yun Luoxi suddenly, how could he know who she used to be, how could he know about her amnesia!

What was the relationship between him and her in the past.

Yun Luoxi's headache was getting worse and worse, she couldn't think about it anymore.

"You are too nervous, take a deep breath, relax, relax your body a little more...the head won't hurt so much..."

His mellow voice, like hypnotic notes, slowly passed through her head, calming and soothing her nerves, and slowly relaxing her extraordinarily tense nerves.

My head doesn't hurt as much as before.

Yun Luoxi opened his eyes and looked from below, but he still couldn't see the face under his cloak.

She said softly: "Thank you, you can let me down now."

"Hush, don't talk, I want to hug you for a while..."

He hugged her, put her on the seat, adjusted her hat, and tightened the rope around her chest.

"You guys are really sweet. Are you showing your affection in front of me? It really makes me lose my appetite." Nandu's sharp voice came over again, and the thick jealousy floated in the hall.

"Queen of Nandu, please pay attention to your words. Today is not to vent your anger, let alone show off your jealousy. What we want to talk about is about the safety of the dark city and the life of every one of our blood races!"

He said word by word.

The Queen of Nandu paused for a moment, unable to see any expression on her face, but she asked nervously: "What did you say? What is the worry about the lives of our blood race?"

"Blood Hunt has appeared!" He said calmly.

"Blood... are you sure?" Queen Nandu suddenly became panicked, her tone seemed to be afraid of this blood.

Yun Luoxi didn't understand what they meant by blood hunting.

But she was sure that this blood hunt was something they were afraid of.

"That's right, I'm pretty sure, he showed up, and I think there will be more bloodhunters coming..."

"They have been missing for many years, how could they suddenly appear!!"

"I don't know about this. When he reappears, all the mysteries will be revealed."

"When he reappears, it means our death has come." The Queen of Nandu was terrified, and her voice was slightly frightened.

"Don't be nervous, it's just that he appeared alone, and I didn't see other blood hunters!"

Upon hearing this, Queen Nandu became extremely nervous and frightened.

"..." Yun Luoxi was silent.

Listening to their every word, but don't know what they are afraid of? ?

(End of this chapter)

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