my fox girl

Chapter 110 Night Chapter

Chapter 110
The living room lights were on.

Lin Yi lay on the sofa and slept soundly, with a slight snoring sound from his nose.

The girl stood in front of the sofa, her long black hair was like silk, and it fell down wetly. Her eyes fell on Lin Yi's face, watching quietly.

Watching and watching, she slowly squatted down, grabbed the edge of the sofa with her hands, and looked at the other person's sleeping face.

It's been a long time, and this is the first time she has observed Lin Yi's appearance so carefully. His facial features are very good-looking, but they are different from those of Qingqiu's family. His good-looking has a different feeling.

He was sound asleep and seemed unaware that he was squatting in front of him.

"Lin Yi, are you asleep?"

Looking at Lin Yi who was sleeping soundly, the girl slowly moved her face closer and asked softly.

The voice was so small that only she could hear it.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yi still didn't respond, and the girl moved forward again, getting a little closer than before.

So close that I could hear his rhythmic breathing, see his slightly fluttering eyelashes, and smell the alcohol on his body clearly.

"Lin Yi, are you asleep?"

Xiaobai asked again, with a slightly higher voice than before.


Lin Yi frowned, and muttered something vaguely in his mouth.

The girl subconsciously shrank her head back, waited for a long time, and found that he had not woken up, and even snored louder.

She breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over again, hesitated, stretched out a tender finger, and gently poked Lin Yi's face.

"Aren't you taking a shower?"

Lin Yi still didn't move. The girl poked it lightly with her fingers a few more times, her cheeks sank, and then quickly recovered, soft and elastic.

But he still didn't wake up, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Putting her fingers against his face, the girl rested on her arm, stared at his slightly undulating nose, and asked in a low voice, "Lin Yi, is it true that you said you like me?"

There was no sound in the living room, only Lin Yi's slight snoring was left in the quiet night.

The girl drew circles on his face with her fingers, and continued to whisper in her mouth: "You said you like me, but I don't know if I like you, and I don't know what you like about me, do you want me to like you?" Give you a baby?"

"Lin Yi, are you still sleeping?"


"I envy you very much. You have your parents. Uncles and aunts are all good human beings, but I have never seen my parents since I was a child, and I don't know what they look like. Even sister Xiaoyu can't tell them. looks."


"You said that if I were a real daughter-in-law for my uncles and aunts, would I be able to call them parents like you, so would I have parents too?"

"Lin Yi, why don't you speak?"


Lin Yi's breathing was very steady, and he still didn't show signs of waking up, nor did he intend to speak. Obviously, he couldn't answer the other party's question.

Seeing this, the girl settled down in her heart, and with a blush on her soft and fair face, she continued to speak to herself: "But if I want to be their daughter-in-law, I will marry you and give birth to you. Sister Xiaoyu said that having a baby is a terrible thing, I, I don’t want to have one.”

"And I think you are a bit mean, you always bully me, you are very lazy, and you always call me stupid. When you went to the zoo last time, you also said to let me show my tail, so that I can be a national treasure. You're playing tricks on me again."

"And when you were playing chicken games, the name you gave me was to take advantage of me, and you still didn't change my name. And last time, you said that wearing stockings is to prevent varicose veins, but you actually wanted to Let me wear it for you to touch, and"

Xiaobai began to talk about all of Lin Yi's crimes, one by one, all of which were still fresh in her memory.

It's really a downturn in the world, people's hearts are not old, tigers fall in Pingyang, foxes suffer, those who hear it are sad, and those who hear it cry.

The girl spoke more and more vigorously, and the blush on her small face became more and more beautiful, and even spread to the base of her ears and neck. The expression on her face was shy and annoyed, and also mixed with a trace of resentment.

"And at the very beginning, you asked me to pretend to be your girlfriend, and you said that I would be in danger if I didn't pretend. In fact, this is also a lie to me, right?"

Facing her rambling ramblings, Lin Yi finally reacted, frowned, picked his ears with his hands, then turned over and lay on his side on the sofa facing the coffee table, mouth Li muttered softly: "Something keeps buzzing."

The girl looked at Lin Yi's face close at hand, and felt her heart beating violently, unprecedentedly, and almost woke him up, which made her very flustered.

After she calmed down a little, thinking of Lin Yi's previous words, she felt a little embarrassed again, and then she whispered, "I didn't make buzzing calls."

"Well, you didn't." Lin Yi replied in a daze, and then he smacked his mouth again, muttering indistinctly: "I'm a little thirsty, I need to drink water."

"If I don't give you a drink, I'll die of thirst."

"Oh, then I won't drink."

Lin Yi pursed his lips, and a bit of grievance appeared on his face.

Seeing the other party's appearance like this, she wanted to laugh for some reason.

This is the first time that this person who always bullies him shows such a pitiful look in front of him.

She took a glass of water from the water dispenser and brought it to him. The girl looked at Lin Yi's closed eyes and asked, "Are you still drinking water?"


Lin Yi didn't respond, and let out a slight snoring sound.

"Aren't you drinking water?"


Seeing that he still didn't respond, Xiaobai put the water glass on the tea table, squatted down again, brought his face closer, and lay down on the sofa to stare at him.

After watching for a while, he stretched out his hand and tapped the tip of his nose a few times.

He continued to whisper in his mouth: "Actually, I don't dare to like you, I'm afraid that after I like you, I won't want to go back to Qingqiu, do you know?"

The only response to her was still Lin Yi's snoring.

Seeing this, the girl was inexplicably angry, pinched his nose, and muttered: "You don't know anything, you just want to trick me into giving birth to you."

Speaking of this, she spat again and said: "You are a pervert, I, I will not give birth to you."


Lin Yi felt that he couldn't breathe, so he stretched out his hand to knock her hand off, sniffed his nose, felt that his breathing became smooth, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

"Why do not you speak?"

"Can you hear me?"

"I think you can hear me."

"Are you really pretending to be asleep?"

After asking several times in a row, Lin Yi still showed no signs of waking up, and the snoring became louder and louder. The girl couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then remembered something, with a somewhat inseparable loneliness on her face, and said softly. Asked: "Lin Yi, Ru, if I go back to Qingqiu in the future, will you miss me?"

"You have to miss me, you know?"

"You said before that if you don't speak, you acquiesce. If you don't speak now, it means that you have acquiesced, which means you will definitely miss me, right?"

"I knew you would miss me, and I would miss you, too."

Lin Yi, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea what he agreed to in a daze.

After saying these words, Xiaobai stood up and was about to leave, but he couldn't help but stop, and slowly bent down, holding up his loose long hair with one hand, so as not to rub against him.

After staring at Lin Yi and hesitating for a long time, the girl still kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Like a dragonfly on the water, only staying for a moment, the girl quickly stood up again, as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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