my fox girl

Chapter 111 Are You Hungry?

Chapter 111 Are You Hungry?

Once again sleeping until the sun was high, Lin Yi opened his eyes in a daze, his head was still a little dizzy after the hangover.

After staring at the lantern-shaped chandeliers with a dull expression for a long time, he felt a little more awake, and his brain finally turned on.

He just felt a little out of sorts, and this was probably the worst night he had slept since he moved here.

After another half hour of sluggishness, the feeling of dizziness in the brain slowly subsided, and the surrounding voices gradually became clear, and the clacking sound seemed to be the sound of typing on the keyboard.

Sitting up and looking at the source of the sound, Xiaobai was sitting on the master chair with his legs curled up, and the computer screen was full of gaudy things.

Take a closer look, it seems to be playing a dungeon, this girl started leveling early in the morning, it seems that she has not given up on the part-time job of moving bricks.

No, why did she come to my bedroom to play games?

Realizing this, Lin Yi hurriedly looked down again, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He was covered with a quilt, and he didn't take off his clothes, so as to avoid the embarrassment of being regarded as a pervert again.

Looking around, he finally realized that he had slept on the sofa all night.

Hearing the movement behind him, Xiaobai glanced back and saw Lin Yizheng looking around dully, looking stupid, ignored him, turned his head and continued typing on the keyboard.

After a while, Lin Yi came down from the sofa with a yawn and didn't wash up. He threw the club behind the girl, stared at the computer screen for a while, and then asked, "Xiaobai, have you eaten yet?"


"Is there any more food?"

"and also."

"Oh, then I'll take a shower first, and then eat." Lin Yi scratched his messy hair, and was about to turn around and leave when he remembered something, stopped and said, "Student Xiaobai, let me tell you something very strange. thing."

Hearing this, the girl inexplicably remembered what happened last night, she couldn't help but pause her movements, and her body instantly stiffened, and she was worried that he would see something, so she could only suppress the panic in her heart, and asked calmly: "What, what's weird?"

Lin Yi rubbed his hair, frowned and recalled for a while, and then said: "When I was sleeping in a daze last night, I always heard something calling in my ear. I guess it should be a mosquito, and It's a big mosquito, about this big."

Speaking of this, he opened his arms and gestured, and continued: "These mosquitoes may be a bunch, they belong to a gang, and they blocked my nostrils, making me unable to breathe, and they kept poking my face with their legs." "

As he spoke, Lin Yi stretched out his fingers and poked the girl's face, "Poke like this, you know?"

Xiao Bai reached out and slapped his dog's paw off, "Don't poke me."

"Oh" Lin Yi withdrew his hand, thought for a while, and continued: "I think this is a group of female mosquitoes, but I don't know what's going on, I always feel that the voice of this group of mosquitoes is a bit familiar, and"

With a distressed expression on his face, he said uncertainly: "And I think these mosquitoes smell pretty good, not the kind that can be eaten, but that kind, that kind, that is rare. Kind, I can't describe it, can you understand?"


"Why don't you talk?" Lin Yi moved his face closer and stared at her, as if smelling something, he sniffed vigorously, and said in his mouth, "Yes, it's the smell on your body, the smell of those mosquitoes and your scent. The body fragrance is very similar."

"I..." Xiaobai's eyes flashed a little flustered, he opened his mouth, wanting to defend himself, but he didn't know what to say.

"Hiss..." Lin Yi didn't notice her abnormality, but straightened up and rubbed his drowsy head, and asked, "Student Xiaobai, do you know the magic of transformation?"

"No, no."

"No? But I always feel that you turned into a mosquito to poke me in the middle of the night, but you can't change 72, and it's impossible to do so with your personality. You said that I suddenly had such an idea"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's expression became distressed again, and he asked: "Does it mean that I have something wrong, such as some delusional disorder?"

He knocked on his temple a few times with his hands, and before the girl could reply, he said to himself, "I think there's something wrong with my designation, no, I have to take a shower quickly, sober up."

Hearing the footsteps behind her gradually receding, the girl couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, thinking of Lin Yi saying that he was a big mosquito just now, the expression on his face became embarrassing and annoyed, biting his lips, snapping Tapping on the keyboard, he vented his unhappiness on the monsters in the game.

in the bathroom.

Warm water flowed down from the shower.

Taking a bath early in the morning seems to be bad for your health, and you are in this state of fasting, which seems to easily cause hypoglycemia, brain hypoxia and the like.

But Lin Yi felt that he couldn't take care of these things at the moment. He was a little distressed at the moment, so he wiped the water droplets on his face with his hand, and carefully recalled what happened when he slept last night in his mind.

He is now a little confused whether it is a dream or reality. If it is a dream, the feeling of being poked is too real.

But if it's realistic, it's even more impossible. That girl is so shy all day long, she will never go to poke herself in the middle of the night to play, and she pokes while chanting at mosquitoes Kind of like that.

After taking a shower, it took another 5 minutes to brush his teeth. Lin Yicai came out of the bathroom in good spirits. He went to the bedroom to change his clothes, threw his alcohol-smelling clothes into the washing machine, and waited for Xiaobai to help him. wash yourself.

He stumbled to the living room again, glanced at the messy bedding on the sofa, paused, and didn't fold it.

There was another stick behind the girl, watching her manipulating the 30-level female ghost swordsman on the screen to swipe the dungeon, she had stood there for a long time, but she ignored her, her face still expressionless of.

Lin Yi reckoned that she thought this game was boring, but she had to play it patiently in order to make money by moving bricks in the future.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

I shouldn't have told her that there was such a thing as moving bricks to save gold coins to make money, and now the girl listened to my words, and started dungeons early in the morning.

This girl is still too naive, but she doesn't know that even if she can really move bricks in the future, she won't be able to earn much money a day, and it is simply a dream to pay off the so-called arrears with this thing.

I really listened to what you said and worked for ten more years.

Shaking his head and sighing, Lin Yi remembered the matter of having breakfast. He ran to the kitchen, wandered around, and opened the refrigerator to check, but he couldn't find anything.

Then he ran back to the living room, looking at the girl's expressionless face, Lin Yi asked, "Xiaobai, I remember you said there was still food coming, but why can't I find it?"

Xiaobai glanced at him, pursed his lips and said, "You remember wrongly, there is no food."

"Is that so?" Lin Yi was startled, frowned and began to doubt his memory, then hesitated and asked: "Then what should I do, I'm a little hungry right now."

Xiaobai tapped on the keyboard, his face calm, "You must be hungry."

 Thank you for the 500 points of the highest sequence of children's shoes, and thank you for the 100 points of Chunfeng Zizai Yanghua a children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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