my fox girl

Chapter 112 Making money is the most important thing

Chapter 112 Making money is the most important thing
Lin Yi arched his waist and folded the quilt. He felt that Xiao Bai was angry, but he didn't understand why he was so angry all of a sudden?

It is very puzzling.

He looked at the quilt he had folded, then turned his head to look at the girl who was tapping the keyboard, and suddenly thought of a possibility.
Could this girl be mad at me?

Realizing this, Lin Yi couldn't help frowning, thinking carefully about what happened after he woke up this morning, he didn't seem to have done anything wrong.

Thinking of this, his eyebrows gradually stretched, it seems that this girl is not angry because of him.

Carrying the folded quilt into the bedroom and throwing it on the bed, Lin Yi returned to the living room and just wanted to ask her if she was angry, but somehow felt that this was inappropriate.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened Baidu, and typed: What is the girl's inexplicable anger?

Click Search, the interface jumps.

"Physiological reasons?"

Muttering to himself, Lin Yi turned his head to look at the girl who was still playing games, and silently counted the days in his heart. It has not been a month since she came to the aunt last time, so it seems that it should not be.

Keep looking down.

"Didn't your boyfriend go to coax you in time when you were in a bad mood?"

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help scratching his head, feeling that it made sense, but the point was that he had no experience with this stuff.

After quitting Baidu, he hesitated for a while, then opened the forum and decided to post a post for help.

"Excuse me, Yan Zu, Yu Yan, how to coax your girlfriend when she is angry, wait online, it's very urgent!"

Perhaps it was Yan Zu Yu Yan who was very attractive, but after a while, many people responded, and Lin Yi always felt that there were a few IDs that were inexplicably familiar.

Come to a bowl of fish head soup: "Lord, I am very experienced in coaxing girlfriends. Find a washboard and kneel on it. Basically, any problem can be solved. If the washboard doesn't work, just kneel on durian."

Haiying X: "Kneeling on the durian, I'm afraid it will hurt a bit."

There is no Bumpman in the world: "Lord, what the hell are you posting, where is your girlfriend, wake up, the foreman is calling you to move bricks."

Father Potato: "Let her drink more hot water. If she doesn't drink it, you can fill it."

Kapok Blue: "The one upstairs definitely doesn't have a girlfriend, listen to me, the host, you have to rely on pajamas to coax a girlfriend."

Turkey-flavored crispy rice: "A bunch of nonsense, I'll teach you the landlord, it's very simple, just replace it with one that won't get angry."

Zhi Qinghuan: "Then, where can I find a girlfriend who won't get angry?"

Wang Sansui: "Wake up upstairs, there is no girlfriend in the world who won't get angry."

The highest sequence: "Hehe, the one upstairs is too superficial. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean you don't have it. My daughter-in-law never gets angry, and she never fantasizes. She doesn't make noise or fight. She wants what she gives, and she will never play tricks if she doesn't give it." Temper. Throughout the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, I accompany you day and night, and I don’t even ask for a gift from me when I got married. No, it’s our wedding anniversary soon. This time, I’ll buy her a better box Inflator."

"Upstairs, you are really coquettish, give me back my steering wheel!"

"Some people can always show my scalp numb."

"Hey, Lao Zhang, call the crane, yes, I overturned again."


Lin Yi frowned and read all the replies. The first few were nonsense, and the latter ones were even more nonsense.

The last time I posted a post was the night when Xiaobai was just picked up. Looking back at the replies to the post at that time, it seems that this is also the case. None of the sand sculpture netizens are reliable.

Kneeling durian, let alone whether it hurts or not, the main reason is that it affects my glorious image.

There is also that thing to drink more hot water. Although I have never talked to someone before, but the Internet is not only available in the village, this thing is absolutely unreliable.

The reply here is that sleeping clothes are quite attractive, but it’s a pity that you can think about this kind of thing. As for the implementation
Thinking of this, Lin Yi put down his phone and couldn't help but sigh.

When you go to sleep tonight, prop up your pillow a bit higher, maybe you can dream.

After tidying up his mind a little, he stood up from the sofa, walked to the side of the girl, and sneaked a glance at the girl's face. The pretty little face was still so amazing, but it was a pity that he had no expression, and he couldn't tell where he was. What are you thinking, but there is a high probability that you should still be angry.

Scratching his scalp, Lin Yi hesitated and asked, "Xiaobai, I'll tell you a joke, do you want to listen?"

The movement of the girl's hands didn't stop, she continued to tap on the keyboard, her eyes fixed on the screen: "Don't listen."

Seeing this, Lin Yi was not discouraged, and sat down on the chair: "My joke is very interesting, you will definitely regret it if you don't listen."

After finishing speaking, he cleared his throat, and said to himself: "One day Sun Wukong lost his golden cudgel and couldn't find it, so he planned to ask the Lord of the Land, and then he knocked on the ground three times, and the Lord of the Land came back from the ground. Come out from the ground and ask the great sage what to order? Sun Wukong said, old man of the land, where is my grandson's golden cudgel?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked, "Xiaobai, do you know what the land lord said?"

The girl glanced at him, she didn't want to talk to him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know."

"The Lord of the Land said, Great Sage, your golden cudgel matches your hairstyle very well."


After speaking, Lin Yi began to laugh.

Xiao Bai stared at him with a weird expression, her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she hesitated to speak, she couldn't understand what the other party was laughing at.

After a while, Lin Yi's laughter gradually stopped. He looked at the girl who was frowning and staring at him, and asked strangely, "Don't you think it's funny?"


Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Yi waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I still have this, just wait, let me think about it."

Seeing Lin Yi frowning and thinking hard, Xiao Bai couldn't help asking: "Why do you insist on telling me such a strange joke?"

"Strange?" Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, I just want you to laugh. I think you are a little angry."

The girl pursed her lips, turned her head and continued to stare at the computer screen, and said nonchalantly, "I'm not angry."

Lin Yi moved his face closer and stared at her for a while, then asked, "Is there really no one?"

"Really do not have."

Lin Yi nodded, hesitated for a moment, stretched out his palm in front of her, and said, "Come on, put your hand up."

Seeing the palm he extended over suddenly, Xiao Bai couldn't help being startled, raised his head and asked, "What do you want to do, do you want to touch my hand again?"

"It's holding hands, not touching. Touching hands is called hooliganism. Let's hold hands and go out to eat and go shopping."

Xiaobai pursed his lips, looked down at his hands, and then at the computer screen, "I won't go, I want to play games."

"You can play games at any time, and it's not too late to play games when you come back."

Seeing that she was still indifferent, Lin Yi continued to persuade: "Student Xiaobai, you can't just play games in your life. There are many beautiful things in this world waiting for you to discover. If you hold the computer every day and become an Internet addict Girls, you will miss these beauties, understand?"

"Is there anything more beautiful?"

"For example, holding hands with me to go shopping, this is a very beautiful thing."

Xiaobai was taken aback by his shameless appearance, thought for a while and said, "I think playing games is also pretty good."

Lin Yi sighed: "Let me ask you, the game is more important, or me."

Faced with this ultimate question between lovers, Xiaobai thought about it seriously and replied: "Making money is the most important thing."

 Thanks to Wang Sansui for the 500 book coins.

  Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the little monster's bad boy children's shoes.

  Thanks to Ling Jiyue Children's Shoes for the 100 points.

  Thanks to Chunfeng Zizai Yanghua a Children's Shoes for the 100 points rewarded.

  Thanks to Qinghuan Children's Shoes for the 100 points.

  In addition, because I am too lazy to think of ID names, I borrowed the names of a few more active book friends. I hope these little cuties don't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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