my fox girl

Chapter 113 Don't Say This Kind of Chapter

Chapter 113 Don't Say Such Words

In the golden autumn season, the sun near noon brings a lot of warmth to people, and the trees planted on both sides of the streets of the community have begun to wither.

Xiaobai, who had turned into a money fan, was slowly paced in the community by Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi lowered his head to look at the little hand he was holding, and asked, "How is it? Do you have any special feelings?"

"What special feeling?"

"It's just that my heart is pounding, and the deer is bumping around. It's a very beautiful feeling."

The girl paused in her footsteps, turned her gaze elsewhere, and looked at the fallen leaves in the tree pit: "No."

"But your palms are sweating."

"I, I don't."

No wonder, Lin Yi curled his lips and didn't expose her, this girl's palms were sweating all the time, her soft little hands were warm and smooth.

Looking down at her bare legs under the long skirt again, Lin Yi thought for a while and asked, "Are your legs cold?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai looked at him vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Being stared at by this girl with vigilant eyes again, Lin Yi sighed, then restrained his expression, and said with a serious face: "Student Xiaobai, please don't always criticize me so much. This man is really pure."

"Then, why are you staring at my legs and asking if my legs are cold?"

"I'm just simply caring about you. It's getting colder and colder these days. I'm afraid you'll freeze."

As he said that, Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, looked up at the sky, and continued: "We belong to the north here, and it is estimated that it will start snowing in a month or two, and you can't just sit around at home every day, but if you go out, you Your legs are exposed outside, and it is easy to freeze, I was staring at your legs just now, but I was thinking about whether there are any pants you can wear."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly began to laugh.

The girl stared at him strangely, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, I just suddenly thought of a kind of pants we have here."

"What pants?" Xiaobai's footsteps paused, with an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

"Actually, it's nothing." Lin Yi pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and explained to her: "It's just a kind of pants that show the buttocks, called crotch pants."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's face flushed, and he withdrew his hand instantly, staring at him with wide eyes.

"You, you are shameless!"

"I'm just talking casually, I don't want you to wear it, so take your hand here."

"not for you."

"I really won't let you wear it, don't worry." Lin Yi clasped her little hands again as he spoke.

Xiaobai wanted to pull back, but unfortunately his hand was tightly clenched and he couldn't pull it out.

Seeing her puffing her cheeks and staring at him, Lin Yi continued to explain helplessly: "I'm really just talking casually, and it's okay to wear this kind of pants, I've worn them before."

Hearing what he said, the girl's body couldn't help trembling, she turned her head to look elsewhere, and spat in a low voice: "You are a shameless lecher."

"No, the color critic is just the color critic, why are you still a shameless color critic, you are insulting my innocence out of thin air."

"I didn't insult your innocence, you are just shameless." Speaking of this, Xiaobai lowered his head and his voice became weaker, as if it was a little difficult to say: "You still wear, wear those pants."

As mentioned in the video, people like Lin Yi are called exhibitionists.

"I wore it when I was a child, do you know what I wore when I was a child? And I only wore it for two years, and everyone else wore it for four or five years."

"You, don't tell me this."

"I'm just explaining to you, and I'm worried that you might misunderstand that I have some strange hobbies. Also, I don't actually want to wear this thing."

Xiaobai looked at him with a red face, and his expression became tangled: "If you don't want to wear it, you still wear it, you, you."

"What are you, didn't I tell you just now that this was worn when I was a child, because I would pee my pants when I was young, bah, I never peed my pants, but my parents were worried that I would, this is called preventing problems before they happen, do you understand?"

"Yes, I know."

The girl blushed and nodded slightly, but still felt that he was not normal.

"You know what a fart. If you understood, you wouldn't look at me with such strange eyes. Let me tell you again, this kind of pants are basically obtained when I was a child. I can't explain it to you."

Lin Yi sighed, he felt that he would never be able to take off his perverted exhibitionist hat.

The two held hands and walked forward for a while. Xiaobai turned his head to look at Lin Yi's slightly bitter expression, hesitated for a moment, and summoned up his courage: "I really understand, I won't lie to you."

"Well, I believe you."

After saying something casually, Lin Yi pulled her out of the community and stopped at the bus stop.

As if hearing his perfunctory, Xiaobai pursed his lips and said, "Yes, but I don't think you believe it."

"With your IQ, it's hard for me to believe that you really understand." Lin Yi sighed.

"I do understand."

Lin Yi continued to sigh: "Okay, you understand, so Xiaobai, let's skip this topic now, and then you can forget all the conversation we had just now, okay?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded his head, frowned and remained silent for a moment, then asked distressedly: "But, what if I can't forget?"

"If you can't forget it, try your best to forget it. If you still can't, you can think about other things, such as what to eat later. After all, you like cooking."


"Go, get in the car."

The bus came quickly, Lin Yi pulled her into the bus, took out a few banknotes from his pocket and threw them into the coin box, and led her to the empty seat at the back.

"The vehicle starts, please sit still and hold it up. Passengers who have just boarded the vehicle, please go inside. The next stop is Xingqing Park Station."

With the beeping sound in the carriage, the bus drove forward, and the scenery outside the window kept passing backwards.

Xiao Bai quietly looked at the scenery outside the window, and suddenly said: "Actually, I have already experienced it."

Lin Yi was startled, turned his head and asked, "What did you experience?"

Xiaobai looked back at him, hesitated and said, "It's the beautiful thing you said."

"What is it?"

Xiaobai turned his face to the car window and said softly, "Actually, I was a little angry this morning."

"Well, then what?"

"Then you ran over and told me jokes, trying to make me happy, although I didn't understand much, didn't laugh, and thought you were weird."

"But, but my heart is warm and comfortable, and I don't feel angry all of a sudden, this."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai turned his face to look at him, and continued: "This should be a very beautiful thing."

After hearing her finished speaking, Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and then asked: "Does this kind of thing make you feel good?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

Seeing her nod her head slightly, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Actually, you don't have to feel good about this kind of thing."

Xiaobai was startled, as if he couldn't understand, he opened his mouth and asked, "Why?"

"Because this is what it should be. When you are angry, I will definitely coax you. Whether you are angry because of me or not, I will coax you."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused for a moment, and continued: "You are my girlfriend, and a girlfriend is just for coaxing and pampering."

"I'm just, fake, pretending to be your girlfriend, no, not real."

After stuttering, the girl turned her head and looked out the window, feeling her heart beating wildly, as if she was bumping around like a deer as he said, and the tips of her ears couldn't help but turn slightly red.

Girlfriends are for coaxing, but also for pampering.

There seems to be a strange magic in these two short sentences.

It made her heart inexplicably touched.

 Thank you for the 500 points rewarded by the highest sequence of children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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