my fox girl

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
Lin Yi didn't feel her abnormality, and continued to explain: "Although you are pretending, you are also a girl. Girls often feel insecure, and compared to other girls, you are even more insecure, so You need more comfort and care, and more need to be pampered by me."

Xiao Bai stared at the skipped green belt outside the window, and muttered: "I, I don't need it."

Lin Yi smiled, squeezed her little hand lightly, and asked, "Do you remember what it was like when you first came here?"

"What does it look like?"

Lin Yi recalled a little, and his thoughts seemed to return to that rainy night, and he said in his mouth: "It was raining heavily outside, and you squatted under the eaves of the study with your knees hugged, trembling all over, like a little hedgehog, with vigilance and vigilance in your eyes." fear."

"I'm not a little hedgehog."

"Yes, you are not, you are a little fox." Lin Yi echoed, and then asked: "But to you, everything in this world is strange and scary, you feel very scared, right?"

Xiaobai continued to look out the window, hesitated, and nodded slightly.

"So, it is because of your lack of security that you need to be pampered more, and I am your boyfriend."

Before he finished speaking, the girl interrupted him: "You, you are just pretending."

"it's the same."


"Okay, that's different." Lin Yi sighed and asked, "Then please tell me, your pretend girlfriend, and my pretend boyfriend, why are you angry this morning?"

The girl's face was slightly red, she turned her head to look at him, and was worried that he would see something, so she quickly turned her face away, pursed her lips and said, "I won't tell you."

Half an hour later, the bus arrived and stopped at Ancheng Square.

Lin Yi pulled Xiaobai out of the car, and was about to take her into the mall for dinner, when he turned his head and saw the other party staring at the bus going away in a daze. He asked, "Student Xiaobai, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Bai came back to his senses, turned to look at him and said, "Every time we go out, we take the bus."

Lin Yi was a little puzzled: "Well, what's the problem?"

The girl nodded seriously, then pointed to the endless traffic on the road, and asked, "Then why don't these people take the bus and drive out?"

"Because I have a car, I don't need to take the bus."

"Why don't you have a car?"

Faced with this kind of soul torture, Lin Yi couldn't help but clenched his fists, then gradually loosened them, and replied: "Because, because I like green travel."

Hearing this, Xiaobai tilted his head slightly, and asked, "Do you like green?"

"No, I don't like it." Lin Yi shook his head, resolutely denying that he likes this color that represents forgiveness.

"But didn't you just say that you like green travel?"

Facing the suspicious eyes of the other party, Lin Yi sighed and asked, "Let me ask you, what does green travel mean?"

Xiaobai thought for a moment, then explained: "The buses we take every time are green, so it is called green travel."

"Well, there are reasons and evidence, your logic is very self-consistent." Lin Yi agreed with her statement, "Unfortunately, although it makes sense, what you said is not quite right."

"What's wrong?"

"I'll talk to you later, come on, let's go in first."


The girl pressed down the brim of her hat with one hand, looked at the hand held by Lin Yi, and followed him into the mall gate.

Because of the holidays, the flow of people in the shopping mall was much larger than usual. The two turned left and right in the lobby on the first floor, and finally found an empty elevator and took it up.

"Because automobile exhaust will pollute the environment, and green travel is to adopt a travel method that has a relatively small impact on the environment, such as riding a bicycle or riding a three-wheeler, which has no exhaust.

Or take a vehicle that can accommodate a lot of people, such as subways and buses, which can reduce exhaust emissions accordingly. This is called caring for the environment, and everyone is responsible, do you understand? "

Standing in the elevator, Lin Yi patiently explained to her the importance of low-carbon life, energy saving and emission reduction.

Seeing the other party nodding to express his understanding, and expressing his deep appreciation for his noble sentiments of caring for the environment, Lin Yi couldn't help but nodded in relief. It seemed that he finally didn't have to expose the fact that he was a poor ghost.

Taking the elevator to the third floor, Lin Yi dragged her around in circles around the business district.

After wandering around for a long time, Xiaobai looked around at the various restaurants on both sides, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't we here for dinner?"

"I'm here for dinner, but there are too many people in these restaurants, and I still need to wait for a table." Speaking of this, Lin Yi turned to look at her: "By the way, student Xiaobai, what do you want to eat?"

"Braised chicken."

"Can you let go of the chicken once today?"

"Oh." Xiaobai nodded his head, hesitated, and said, "Then I want to eat the one from last time."

"Which one was last time?" Lin Yi was taken aback.

"It's the self-service one last time. You can eat whatever you want for the same money. I think it's a good deal."

"Okay, let's go over there and see if there is any self-help."

Reflecting the hustle and bustle of the shopping mall, Lin Yi took her hand and dangled it slowly, feeling a little happy in his heart. This girl is diligent and thrifty in managing the house, and knows how to save money. She is a good seedling for a daughter-in-law.

The two wandered around on the third floor for a long time, and finally went up to the fourth floor of the shopping mall, and finally found a seafood buffet.

For things like seafood, Lin Yi has always been respectful and indifferent. The main reason is that it is too troublesome to peel the shells.

"How many gentlemen?"


While talking with the waiter, Lin Yi looked at the environment of the restaurant. Unlike the other restaurants downstairs, the number of customers here is relatively small, probably because there are more and more lazy people these days.

After paying the bill, the two began to choose food.

"You can take whatever you want, it's okay, we paid for it." Lin Yi looked around, thinking about getting back his money, and whispered to her: "Choose the expensive one and take it."

I didn't expect this self-service restaurant to be so expensive. The two spent a little seven hundred. No wonder there were so few customers, it was simply not worth it.

The girl looked at the dazzling variety of food on the shelves, filled with white mist, and couldn't help but hesitate: "Yes, but I don't know which one is more expensive."

"I don't have any experience with this stuff, but those that look weird are generally expensive."


Lin Yi was loading all kinds of seafood into the dinner plate. When he turned his head and found no one in front of him, he looked around, and then saw Xiaobai standing in front of a dining cabinet not far away, throwing seafood into the dinner plate with a concentrated expression. With a variety of pastry cakes.

Lin Yi leaned over with the plate, looked at the various pastries on her plate, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing with so many sweets? Aren't you afraid of tooth decay?"

Xiaobai was startled, and looked at his dinner plate. The pastries inside were all in the shape of various small animals, and he was a little confused, "Didn't you say you want to pick out weird shapes? I think these things look very strangeness."

"You didn't understand what I meant." As he spoke, Lin Yi pointed to his dinner plate and explained, "I mean don't eat the staple food, abalone and lobster can still fill you up."

(End of this chapter)

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