my fox girl

Chapter 115 This is High Society

Chapter 115 This is High Society
"How do you eat these things?"

"Uh, I think it should be eaten raw."

Xiaobai was startled, then looked at the strangely shaped little green dragon with sashimi, and asked uncertainly, "Eat it raw?"

"Yes, this kind of thing is called sashimi. Like this salmon, it needs to be dipped in this sauce. Look, I'll make a sample for you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi took a deep breath, picked up a piece of salmon, dipped it in mustard, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth.


Seeing Lin Yi's frowning tightly, and tears starting to flow from the corners of his eyes, the girl was taken aback, a little caught off guard, and asked suspiciously, "You, why are you crying?"

"Oh, it's okay." Lin Yi wiped away the tears that were forced out by mustard, and explained: "I've never eaten such a strong food before, and I was moved to tears."

"Are these foods delicious?" Xiaobai stared at the various sashimi on the dinner plate, somewhat incomprehensible. There was no condiment on these foods, and he lost his appetite just by looking at them. Delicious to the point of tears.

"Of course, you should try it quickly." Lin Yi nodded vigorously, hesitated for a moment, pointed to the bowl of mustard and continued to flicker: "Dip more in this sauce, otherwise it will be boring."

"Oh" Xiaobai nodded his head without any doubt, carefully picked up a piece of raw fish, imitated Lin Yi's example, dipped the soy sauce-like thing, and then stuffed it into his mouth.


Seeing her little face wrinkled into a ball with bitterness, and tears starting to flow from her eyes, Lin Yi began to laugh, and asked, "How is it, isn't it very exciting, and it's so delicious that you want to cry?"

"You lied to me again, it doesn't taste good at all." Xiao Bai glared at him, then looked at the bowl of mustard sullenly, frowned and said, "I, I think this thing is poisonous."

"You don't understand." Lin Yi waved his hands and said with a serious face: "This stuff is what the upper class eat."

Xiaobai looked at him suspiciously: "But didn't you say last time that the upper class eat lump soup every now and then?"

"There are differences among high-class people." Lin Yi patiently explained to her: "Only the top high-class people can afford pimple soup, and it's ordinary high-class people who eat these things, do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Xiaobai shook her head. She felt that she didn't want to understand either. She didn't expect that ordinary people in the upper class had such a miserable life.

"It's okay if you don't understand, just eat and experience the life of the upper class."

"I don't want it, I won't eat it." Xiaobai shook his head desperately, expressing great resistance to these foods.

"Student Xiaobai, let me tell you that eating raw can greatly preserve the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves."

Seeing that she still resisted, Lin Yi continued to fool around: "A great sage once said that he never tires of eating fine meat, and this meat refers to eating raw. You see, even saints eat these things, which shows that these things are really delicious. , the reason why you felt unpalatable just now is that you are not used to it, and you will definitely feel delicious after eating it a few times."

Xiaobai was dubious, then looked at the bowl of soy sauce mixed with mustard on the table, hesitated and asked: "Then, why don't you eat it?"

"Actually, I want to eat too, but unfortunately..."

Lin Yi sighed, paused, and continued: "It's a pity that I'm allergic to seafood. Whenever I eat seafood, I scratch my heart and feel uncomfortable."

"I don't believe it, you lie to me every day." Xiaobai stared at him angrily, thought for a while and then added: "You didn't eat less of the braised prawns that Auntie made last time."

"That prawn is freshwater fish, this one is seafood, it's different." Lin Yi continued to fool around, the thing of sashimi with wasabi was really too evil, he really couldn't stand it.

Xiaobai stared at all kinds of seafood on the table, was silent for a moment, then looked at the pile of dark dipping sauce, and asked tentatively: "Then I don't want to dip this in it, I, I think this stuff is poisonous."

"This thing is called mustard. It's not poisonous, but it's just a little weird. In this way, I'll get a plate of soy sauce and come back, let's eat it with soy sauce."


"Okay, just sit here and don't move around, I'll go get some soy sauce."

Seeing Lin Yi get up to leave, Xiao Bai hesitated for a while, then picked up another piece of salmon dipped in mustard and put it in his mouth, his face wrinkled into a ball in an instant.

Sure enough, this person was lying to himself again, this thing is obviously poisonous.

Lin Yi sat down on a chair with two plates of soy sauce, and handed her a plate, "I saw a lot of meat, grilled wings, lamb chops, etc., let's finish these seafood quickly, and then go over there to get meat eat."

Xiaobai nodded his head, hesitantly picked up a piece of lobster sashimi, dipped it in soy sauce and put it in his mouth.

"How about it, no poison this time?"

Xiao Bai frowned and chewed the food in his mouth, giving his own evaluation: "But it's not very delicious."

"Well, I think so too." Lin Yi nodded in agreement, and then sighed, "It seems that we are not suitable for entering the upper class."

"I think it's good not to enter. These things are not as delicious as the things we used to eat."

"Yes, you think braised chicken is the best."

Xiaobai blinked, and asked in surprise, "Do you think it's not delicious?"

"Well, I also think it's delicious." Lin Yi picked up a cake and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "As long as it's something you like, I like it."


"What else could it be? Of course it's because I like you, and if I like you, I will like everything about you, which naturally includes your liking."

Xiao Bai was startled, a blush quickly appeared on his face, he turned his head to look away, "You, don't say such things."

"Okay, I won't say, eat quickly."

Xiaobai ignored him, and used his hands to push back the long hair hanging from the side of his face, buried his head low, and began to clean up the seafood on the table by himself.

Seeing this, Lin Yi leaned back on the back of the chair, tilted his head to take a sneak peek, and looked at her red face, with a shy and timid expression, her cheeks were slightly bulging, and she was still chewing gently. Trembling, um, it feels cute.



"You're so cute."

As he spoke, Lin Yi leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "How about being my daughter-in-law?"

The girl stopped the chopsticks in her hand, her body trembled slightly, she glanced at him with a blushing face, and then quickly lowered her head.

"Are you agreeing by not speaking?"

"I don't, I'm not."

"Oh, let's talk about it later."

Hearing this, Lin Yi didn't tease her anymore, but he was very happy in his heart. After all, this girl didn't scold him for being shameless as usual, which is a very good sign.

He really likes this cute little fox, not because he is greedy for her body. Although he is also greedy, he still wants to live with her forever. She went out to experience the beauty of this world slowly, teased her occasionally, and watched her look ashamed and annoyed, so she felt very satisfied.

 Thank you for the 200 points rewarded by the highest sequence of children's shoes, and thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the flower in your hand.

(End of this chapter)

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