my fox girl

Chapter 116 You're Just Not Smart

Chapter 116 You're Just Not Smart

"Come on, eat a leg of lamb."

The seafood on the table had already been eaten, and Lin Yi didn't go to pick it up again. They didn't like this kind of food.

He turned around and brought some meat over, handed her the roast leg of lamb on the dinner plate, and looked back at a stall in the distance, where a middle-aged chef in a chef uniform was frying steak.

Lin Yi turned his head and asked, "Xiaobai, how cooked do you want the steak to be?"

Xiaobai was startled, swallowed the mutton in his mouth, and asked, "What does it mean that it's slightly cooked?"

"It's the degree of doneness. This food belongs to Western food, and I have eaten it occasionally. There are medium-rare, medium-rare, medium-rare, and medium-rare, um."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi thought for a while, and continued: "Everyone's taste is different, but the shorter the frying time, the tenderer the meat, and accordingly, it will taste better."

Xiaobai recalled the experience of being fooled just now, and was a little skeptical: "Really?"

"Of course, let me tell you that there are actually more advanced ways to eat steak."

"How to eat?"

Facing her eyes full of thirst for knowledge, Lin Yi began to gesticulate: "Take the cow out of the cow pen, put it on the grass to bask in the sun for a while, then let the cow run in front, and you chase after it. bite."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while before continuing: "Let me tell you, the reason why you eat this way is because the cows run vigorously after basking in the sun, which will make the meat firmer. Often high-end ingredients, Usually only the simplest cooking method is required, you know?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai was taken aback again, and based on Lin Yi's description, he made up his mind a little, and after a moment of silence, he frowned and asked in a low voice: "But what if the cow runs too fast and can't catch up, and what's more, If so, wouldn’t the cow hurt? I think the way you eat it is cruel, maybe you lied to me again.”

Seeing her puzzling little face, coupled with the fact that she was so silly that she still had a trace of suspicion, Lin Yi couldn't help but start laughing, teasing this girl was indeed very interesting.

"what are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing at anything." Lin Yi suppressed his smile and changed the subject: "You sit here, I'll get us steaks, and I'll bring you a well-done steak like me. Bloodshot, you may not be used to it."

After a while, Lin Yi came back with two plates of steak, put one of them in front of her, sat down on the seat, and then handed over the knife and fork that he had been holding all the time: "Take your knife and fork OK, I'll teach you how to cut a steak."


Xiaobai put down the half-eaten leg of lamb, took the knife and fork, looked at the steak on his plate, then looked up at Lin Yi, waiting for him to teach him how to operate.

"Student Xiaobai, pay attention. First, hold down the steak with a fork like this, and then use a knife to cut it bit by bit."

Xiaobai followed suit, and cut off a small piece of beef clumsily: "Is that so?"

"Well, that's right, try it and see how it tastes."

Put the beef into her mouth with a fork, chewed it a little, and the girl gave her own evaluation: "It's delicious, but I don't think it's as good as the potato stew made by my aunt last time."

"If the beef is fried until it is fully cooked, it will become very old, and it will be more difficult to eat. It is definitely not as delicious as stewed."

"Then why don't you eat it stewed here?" Xiaobai couldn't understand why he still fried it when it was stewed and delicious.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, and replied: "The steak we ate belongs to Western food, and foreigners are good at cooking. After they make good ingredients, they often become unpalatable. Of course, there are also some Maybe we are not used to it."

"The people in our country are different. In terms of food, we can definitely surpass those stupid foreigners by [-] streets. Therefore, the happiest thing about being born in this country is that you can eat all kinds of food."

Lin Yi also felt a little emotional when he said this, if this girl hadn't been picked up by him back then, but had lived in a foreign country, she would definitely be gnawing on those french fries, hamburgers and mashed potatoes now.

Let’s not talk about whether it’s delicious or not, but after eating this high-calorie food every day, it doesn’t take long for me to become a chubby girl.

"Does only foreigners use a knife and fork to eat?" Xiaobai used the knife to cut the steak little by little, and continued: "I think it is very troublesome to eat like this, and it is not as convenient as chopsticks."

"It's not only foreigners who use it. To be precise, we invented the knife and fork. At least 7000 years ago, our ancestors had already started to use the knife and fork to eat, while foreign countries at the same time may still be drilling wood to make fire. Only However, in the course of our country's history, knives and forks were gradually replaced by chopsticks. Of course chopsticks are convenient, but "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi cut off a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth. After pondering for a moment, he said: "But eating is not about efficiency. With the gradual development of society, we have long been eating more than just to fill our stomachs. has been endowed with many meanings.

For example, in ancient times, before the soldiers went out to fight, the emperor would entertain them. This was called rewarding the three armies, and the purpose was to encourage these soldiers to serve the country with all their might and fight the enemy bravely.

Also, when we went to my parents’ place, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival and it was your first visit, so my mother made a lot of dishes to entertain you, which would make you feel valued.

There are also business people who will discuss business at the dinner table together. This is called entertainment. After a few glasses of wine, the relationship will become closer, which can increase the chances of negotiating a contract.

There is also eating with friends to connect with each other, or meeting some new friends, which is called socializing.

Of course, we are eating out together now. This is called a date, which can promote our relationship.

And like we usually eat at home, that is called life.

So, eating is not just eating, it has many meanings, do you understand? "

"En." Xiaobai chewed the beef, subconsciously nodded her head, hearing Lin Yibalabala's remark, she was a little dazed at the moment.

After holding back for a long time, she opened her eyes wide and asked, "How do you know so much?"

Although I used to think that Lin Yi was very knowledgeable, but most of the time the other party was talking to me about some things. This was the first time I heard him talk so many things that made sense.

Lin Yi picked up a bunch of grilled wings and put them on her plate, explaining, "Of course it's learning. No one knows everything right from birth. Everyone learns."

"But I'm also learning. Why don't you know as much as you do?"

Xiaobai's expression was sullen, he hesitated, and asked with some uncertainty: "Yes, is it because I'm really stupid?"

Seeing this, Lin Yi gently pinched her small face twice, and said with a smile: "Although I always say you are stupid, you are not stupid, you are just not very smart."

(End of this chapter)

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